anyone in Indy?
Indy here!
I am tired of holding doors open anymore its a waste of time it seems. Women act as if theya re better then you and maybe if you rude and mean they will want to date you. Nice doesnt work trust me!
Not a hater or crabby just shocked I guess at how hard it is to get a response to hello how are you. Almost like you need to be a model or rich as can be. It goes both ways guys are the same way but never seen a woman ask a guy out so dont know!
Alright will do and see what happens!
No kids but should I go to the toy isle anyways. What to say because here lately women just seem cold and unapproachable-- no offense of course to women in general just my preception is all.
Must be Indiana women then. If you hold a door open or say hi they jsut ignore you or act like they are better then you . Its just odd lol. Never thought of hi as something bad to say!
Indy here just joined. Where other then a bar can a guy meet a single woman?
Seems women are bitter to all men. They think we are all the same. If you say hi get the super cold shoulder or just ignored whats up with that?