HlfmanHlfamazing's photo
Thu 07/24/08 06:25 PM
There's Butterfly Shrimp, Shrimp Creole You can pan fry it, sautee it stir fry it....

HlfmanHlfamazing's photo
Thu 07/24/08 06:21 PM

:banana: Rocky Road
Yes! Not the cheap kind though it's got to be premium! Doesn't get any better than that.

HlfmanHlfamazing's photo
Thu 07/24/08 06:18 PM
I am going to show this picture to my youngest kid and tell him if he doesn't behave you are coming to get him!

HlfmanHlfamazing's photo
Thu 07/24/08 06:17 PM
So you're one of those "take charge" kind of women I presume?

HlfmanHlfamazing's photo
Thu 07/24/08 06:10 PM
There is no reason for a young woman in here to be desperate. There are way too many young eager men in here. Lets see how long your mood lasts.

HlfmanHlfamazing's photo
Thu 07/24/08 06:08 PM
Some of us are feeling alittle Freaky tonight, it must be in the stars. I am going to enjoy this!

HlfmanHlfamazing's photo
Thu 07/24/08 06:06 PM
Man don't let one persons opinion guide your decision! Say what you want when you want where you want how you want. We're all in here for a reason, hell I would rather be at a Reggae concert outdoors with a long legged female. There is a reason I'm not

HlfmanHlfamazing's photo
Thu 07/24/08 06:02 PM
Both of you have good points but Marley is brutally honest and that is just as enlightening as being caring and understanding.

HlfmanHlfamazing's photo
Thu 07/24/08 05:58 PM
Forget the hand Sassy Stacey is kicking him out after breakfast! Oh to me young again. Go get her.

HlfmanHlfamazing's photo
Thu 07/24/08 05:56 PM
That hasn't happened to me in so long but you're young man it happens. I remember the feeling though. Like the lady said though her lose. The only reason my sons mom got with me was because she got stood up so she decided to keep the date she made with me. Women did that back in the day, they would make like three dates for the same night. I haven't dated in so long I have no idea what you whipper snappers are up to now.

HlfmanHlfamazing's photo
Thu 07/24/08 05:51 PM
I already told him. He'll listen to a female though. Males opinions usually don't hold much water in these circumstances

HlfmanHlfamazing's photo
Thu 07/24/08 05:48 PM

HlfmanHlfamazing's photo
Thu 07/24/08 05:44 PM
We're all too young to change ourselves but Friends are even harder to come by than meaningful relationships. So at this stage you have to pick one:) Kidding but seriously just don't go losing confidence, this dating thing isn't easy for most of us.

HlfmanHlfamazing's photo
Thu 07/24/08 05:38 PM
You should've forgotten about the woman in Kalamazoo after a day passed with no reply. The ratio for men to women is insane in these things. There is like twenty guys for every woman. We are like products at Walmart in here man. Don't judge your sucess with women by how well you do in here. It will kill your ego. You're only as attractive as you feel. I've seen younger and much more handsome days but I still walk and talk like I'm the S***

HlfmanHlfamazing's photo
Thu 07/24/08 05:33 PM
See this is the problem; There are thousands of women out there feeling exactly like you are but nobody communicates anymore! We live in this bubble that regulates our feelings and emotions things that should never be supressed or ignored but we try to fit the status quo and do what's expected. I never lived this way! If you see someone you're attracted to on the street, check for a wedding ring, if there is none...handle your business. Women get with A##holes everyday and you seem like a decent guy so get out there and get yours.

HlfmanHlfamazing's photo
Thu 02/14/08 12:50 PM
Yeah but some people could care less and will be who the heck they want to be regardless of rejection. The fact that there are this many ladies free in California is perplexing to me. Maybe if peple (men) would just be themselves and stop trying to impress ladies by saying what they think they want to hear things would go smoother and maybe if guys would form their own opinion and not jump on someone elses because his statement made "honorable" Ladies all over this site say Hooray they wouldn't be stuck trying to sift through 1000 a day. There is an outside with real ladies and real happenings lighten up! It's just the net chances are you're either lying or being lied to so don't get too excited when you hear the words you've been longing to hear. Although most of the advice metioned I agree with it would still make my lips alittle brown if I told you you're saying something profound. Anybody over the age of 13 should know these things.

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