Community > Posts By > Ediyeiden

Ediyeiden's photo
Wed 09/10/14 06:10 AM
Xtians,let's try and make God the centre of our lives. Let's try and stop comitting sin knowingly. Let's stop living our lives for people to see,rather let's live for God to see. Let's stop doing the wrong things because others are doing it,even if everyone is doing the wrong thing,you can decide to and do the right thing. You can today start the journey of changing the world and making it a better place. Yes,you can. Seek to experience the peace of God(which is not as the world giveth) and progress in your life by living a sincere and Godly life. You will not regret you did. God bless you as you yield to this in Jesus name,Amen.

Ediyeiden's photo
Mon 09/08/14 06:11 AM
Xtians,i want to implore you today to only seek God's blessings and its manifestations as long as you live. Dont force wealth,riches,children etc from other sources other than God on yourself because any blessing you force on yourself,the end of it may not be good. I want to ask,what is the reason for some fire incidents on some people's properties; abandoned mansions and buildings; imbecile,destructive and possessed children in some homes; untimely,mysterious and sudden death; incurable sicknesses etc. Some of these predicaments are as a result of forced blessings. Learn from Abraham and Sarah. God bless you,Amen.

Ediyeiden's photo
Fri 08/22/14 01:30 PM
The reason why there is so much strife on earth today is because 'MEN' have turned away from worshiping GOD to MONEY and are more concern about vain glory. Some have given in to REVELING,deceit and all manner of ungodly behaviour and acts instead of meditating on God's word and doing His will. Until MEN return to GOD (Zech 1:3),the world may be drifting to something very unpleasant in the near future. God bless you as you ponder on this.

Ediyeiden's photo
Fri 08/22/14 01:06 PM
God does not need any form of blood sacrifice anymore as Christ was sacrificed once n for all (Heb 9:24-28),what He need is sacrifice of praise n good deeds(Heb13:15-16). So do away with all forms of sacrifice n eat not anything offered as sacrifice for whatevr reason(1 cor 8:1-13). God bless u as u ponder on this.

Ediyeiden's photo
Wed 08/20/14 07:23 PM
Newbie looking for true relationship