Who has some good jokes?
That joke reminds me of this one.
Why did the prostitute cut a slit in her armpit? So she could make a little money on the side. |
Who has some good jokes?
The Oldest Joke I Know:
A Grasshopper walks into a bar. The Bartender says: Hey, we have a drink named after you! The Grasshopper says: You have a drink named Steve? |
Who has some good jokes?
A nude man walks into a psychiatrists office.
The psychiatrist says: I can see you're nuts. |
Who has some good jokes?
A man goes in for his annual checkup with his doctor.
Doctor: I need you to stop masturbating. Patient: Why? Doctor: Because I'm EXAMINING you! |
Who has some good jokes?
Today's Quick Quip:
A dyslexic walks into a bra... |