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No debate about debate...?
BOMBSHELL #1: Campaign Manager Kelly Anne Conway 'Trump spent money in Cuba in 1998' on ABC's the View. Confession of guilt breaking Cuban embargo.
Newsweek Magazine BOMBSHELL #2: Trump Charitable Foundation not licenced to solicit money from the public in the State of NY. Foundations need a certificate to collect donations in excess of $25k. Washington Post |
No debate about debate...?
awwwwww, baby so cute I currently am helping with files at a pre k and they are so innocent and adorable. ... LOVE EM Stop It! Focus! Focus! Geez. |
No debate about debate...?
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Thu 09/29/16 07:09 PM
Why I didn't watch the debate,part one and part two.. Part one....I don't own a television Part two....I am not going to support this election system in any way. You don't need a t.v. you can watch it online. As stated before, YOU DON'T HAVE TO VOTE FOR A DNR CANDIDATE. You can chose between Libertarian or Green, or WRITE IN ANY (preferably non criminal) person who meets the standard set forth in the Constitution. I am rather disappointed in the fact that the public accepts either one of these candidates as being qualified to represent our country. Any American citizen who is worth their salt should look into alternatives for this election. America seems to be populated by a bunch of apathetic mush brains,who just stand back and accept this system as being valid. I think if Washington,Jefferson,Adams,Paine,and many of the others could see what we have allowed ourselves to become,they would be more than disappointed.. I agree that most people are blindly supporting the person SELECTED to represent their party for president. I don't like either of the DNR candidates, and won't be voting for them either. Here's the problem, while you're upset about the non choice for President not participating in the process gives them just as much power personally and thousands of times more power in all down ticket races including judges, school boards, Atty's Gen etc. More people vote in the General election than in primary or midterm elections WHICH ARE THE ONLY TIME SINGLE VOTES COUNT IF THEY ARE PROPERLY COUNTED. All indications in the REAL PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION, which would be the PRIMARIES, the votes WERE NOT PROPERLY COUNTED. There are more complaints of ELECTION FRAUD than in the last two presidential races combined. There are many lawsuits in NY CA KY and many other states. If you don't vote, you condone those CRIMES. If you do vote for somebody else THEN you can consider yourself worth your salt as a citizen. If not, you're MORE RESPONSIBLE for corruption up and down ticket than those who vote for DNR Selects for President because YOU didn't stop the criminals that support and contribute to their crimes as well as commit crimes of their own. The ONLY WAY we are going to regain some semblance of control of our country is by sending a sharp clear unmistakable message to the DNR party is by electing small or independent parties across the board. The DNC and the RNC are not listening to citizens. Trump isn't a populist candidate or an outsider HE'S a DEMOCRAT. Hillary isn't the first female democrat to be nominated by the DNC for President, SHES A REPUBLICAN who's more bloodthirsty than REPUBLICAN Bill was. Why don't they run in the parties they align with? So we get a PREDETERMINED OUTCOME AND BELIEVE THAT WE ACTUALLY CHOSE IT WHEN THERE IS NO WAY IN HELL WE WOULD REASONABLY ARRIVE THERE ON OUR OWN. Why the hell isn't it Ryan vs Biden? That's what millions of people were thinking then asking ONCE IT WAS ALREADY TOO LATE. ![]() Impeach them, they dare you, then we get vampire Tim Kaine or vampire Mike Pence. Most people don't even know who they are and people in the DNR parties didn't want them as VP. They are security blankets to anyone thinking about impeachment because you'd have to 'outwardly clean looking' people to oust which wouldn't happen in 4 years time. Then if the house speaker toes their line even a second impeachment would be meaningless. Think our establishment house senate governors and mayors would let that happen? Who's funding THEIR campaigns? We need to start looking now for people top to bottom that have nothing to do with think tanks, councils, committees, boards, banks or real estate. They run the gamit from policy to legislation crimes and cover-ups. It is disgusting that these two people are staining our ballots. We can do better. There are 200,000,000 people that didn't vote for either of them in the primary. This is what the DNR parties have given us. Even if half of those people are children or ineligible to vote there is more than enough possibility to put forth better candidates. |
No debate about debate...?
I just find these debates ( and constant T.V. commercials) to be a waste Not of substance is said. Frankly I don't care about what Bill Clinton did, I don't care that Trump talks thru his a** at times Tell me about the plans you have for our future. Both say they have them.. defeat I.S.S. , create, control immigration... they say they have the plans... but they don't share the plans with the people who will be affected by these plans. If I was to tell my boss, that I have a plan... then didn't tell him what is was.. my next plan would have to be on how to navigate thru the unemployment process I heard some kind of plan from Trump on that stage, jobs will come from those who are able to repatriate some 5 Trillion back to the US economy... Something the present admin can't seem to get done? Goods from Mexico & China subject to import tax to level the playing fields. Revisited Trade deals etc. 20 Trillion owed, she had her chances to change things within... 30 years as a career politician that accomplished very little. Clinton refers to her website, she says, if you want details on MY plan, go rifle through my site, I, personally won't go there, I want to hear it come out of their mouths not some place she can quickly edit at will and change her plan whenever she wants. It was highly illegal what she did with those 33k emails, Trump is right, instructing all her staff to plead the fifth is corrupting the justice system. So many things wrong with voting for her, that's all I'm going to say as an outsider. Well, I am voting for Trump basically because I can't stand Hillary, that being say. Import tax on product from China and Mexico are long long overdue. NFTA was a friggin joke.. still is. I am building a factory in the U.S., to bring jobs back and I will tell you, if the U.S. raises the import tax you will see 1000's of companies do the same Why Because China labor & raw material costs have gone up each year. Steamship companies charge ($4,500.00) on average to bring in a container, then you add the port charges and surcharges. Meaning the landed cost of many products currently made in China are now not that much cheaper then if made in the U.S. 90% of the outbound containers leaving the U.S. ports for China are EMTPY. They are being sent back for rotation! But the Government has to DO SOMETHING about it. Make it feasible for companies to move back. Dump the entire NFTA concept Tax product imported from " mill" countries Don't buckle to the steamship companies Don't buckle to the longshoremen Give companies tax incentives to move back Give companies utility incentives to move back JMO I agree with you on MANY topics, not just this one. let's take the metal working industry as an example, the old industrial shears, lathes and metalworking equipment is now considered way too dangerous for the unionised shops in the US, In China for example, a worker can lose a limb and he'll be replaced the same day on the same machine. no biggie In the plastic injection industry, all those machines were shipped out a decade+ ago. There are practically none left here, the retooling and gearing up for production could take a decade to renew and most companies are not in a position to re-invest here. Anyways, you get the point, things will not be easy to make America great again and I see a new avenue with robotics in manufacturing for the US, it's the only way ![]() John... you are absolutely right.. dead on When we decided ( 3 years ago) to move back, after doing the analysis for over a year and the financials it was determined that the only way to do it was by utilizing state of the art robotics ( fully automated robotics assembly lines) in the plant.. which we are doing. We are also building a injection mold division in the plant, 20 machines, state of the art.. and totally robotic. We will make the components we need to build the finished product.. in house.. using American raw materials. Even with the robotics and full automation, we will still employ over 200 full time.. good paying jobs... which is what it is all about. And frankly.I will also tell you that every single trade contractor on this job knows what is at stake and they are all.. about 150 of them.. working their a** off.. to get it done better then anyone else can.... pride.... So it can be done... it takes determination, money and sweat. I just hope other companies follow suit.. and help to turn the tide... I really do. And I am banking that when people see that American flag on the product... they buy it. Millions of us pick it up or have interest in it but once the sticker shock sets in.... back on the shelf it goes. Plus you have to think about products all people know by name even without having seen or owned it. Ex. Nike anything. Indonesia, China, Taiwan..... I mean if we want something made in some exotic place what's wrong with the U.S. Virgin Isles PHIL KNIGHT? Msharmony, they are both criminals. Trump is a discriminating extortionist and tax evader. Clinton has broken more laws just having to do with classified information perjury and destruction of evidence than General David Petraeus and Bradley/Chelsea Manning combined. Everybody---- we don't have to vote for either of these two. You can still vote for two official candidates in the race or write in any non criminal you so choose. At least then you know you did your part not turning our country into a WWE or WW3 contributor. |
No debate about debate...?
The media is biased. They're restrain ed to media relations, HE unleashed everything she had on him the first night, this ain't over and it won't be pretty ![]() All she had to do was let him wrap his tongue around his own throat just like we knew he would. The media isn't biased when a BILLIONAIRE pays $0 for more media coverage that any campaign in history, especially when that person claims to be a BILLIONAIRE who wouldn't be hurt by dropping a few million here and there for carte blanche exclusive interviews and phone ins between rallies. . He should PAY his taxes at the next debate. LOL This is funny, he's probably the most audited person in the US, I doubt very much he's skirting outside of the fiscal rules, he was a businessman and took advantage of the loopholes afforded by someone before him. Don't blame the player... fix the rules of the game! I'm pretty sure they'll find more on you than they could ever find on him. You all created the Donald Trumps of the world, deal with it! The irony, Mark Cuban flashing his goddam face at this event, Scoundrel!!!!! Damn straight he should pay his taxes. As for the 'rules of the game' when bus loads of lawyers show up at courthouses and reduce the value of 'some of the most amazing assets' and he pays little to nothing WE ALL LOSE. If I owed anything to the IRS, a few hundred of in the low thousands, I earn $0 until that 'debt' is satisfied. I don't have a bus load of tax lawyers on retainer, I don't have any lawyers of any kind on retainer. Besides that, my measly few hundos are easily exhausted with god knows how many IRS agents working Trump's network of shell corp's in who knows how many states colonies and abroad. Out of all his companies name one non defunct company that produces its merchandise in the U.S. besides his son's winery. ---- Right. Honestly I couldn't care less if he's worth $4 or $10B. I know all I need to know that I don't agree with ANYONE stiffing the public when they themselves are currently still rich. If I can't make a payment that one thing because my 'tax debt' for the past 10 years wouldn't match what one of his shells owes this year. Yet if I were to default I'd be fined, interest, on top of principle and I have little to no recourse when that money could make or break me. He could lose $ 40- 50M and be just fine. I'd be lucky to earn that much over my entire life. The IRS has these things called brackets, he seems to leaving out the b. Him not paying taxes or having his assets appraised below fmv is a criminal act. If one of us tried that we'd be in jail for evasion and maybe even lose that property all together. Remember that line 'taxation without representation'? You're fighting FOR that? Whatever is on top of his head is atrocious but if you close your eyes and just listen to him speak or read transcripts of his 'speeches' it's ilke 19stupidy5, and it just keeps going. HE is the one that has no idea what he's doing or saying. Again, you're fighting FOR this? Define tyranny. Define tyrannical government. Define Manchurian candidate. Define imminent domain. This is what you're fighting FOR. Dislike her all you want, that doesn't mean you have to like her, |
No debate about debate...?
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Thu 09/29/16 12:32 AM
Wait a minute there Donald, you said it wasn't Russia who hacked the DNC, maybe it was CHINA
![]() Would this be considered giving aid to the enemy (there is no comfort in a sweatshop) ? Like legally with a contract and all? Well, there might be comfort in a sweatshop if it has one of those Carrier a/c's they make in Mexico. Who makes these deals? All our jobs, they're leaving and Mexico is taking all our jobs. ![]() We gotta get smart folks. |
No debate about debate...?
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Wed 09/28/16 11:55 PM
![]() Trump takes Stop and Frisk a leeeetle too far. I think he's just sucking the tan out of her. Donald Trump. Tanpire. They're bringing drugs, SNIFF They're bringing crime, SNIFF They're rapists, SNIFF And some ![]() Adios Mio!!!! |
No debate about debate...?
The debate? What about the debate?
![]() We won the debate in like all the polls. We'll take good care of the $18M, we'll put it with the rest everything is fine, believe me, go back to sleep. |
No debate about debate...?
![]() Trump takes Stop and Frisk a leeeetle too far. |
No debate about debate...?
Oh! Oh! Stain!! Stain! Get it off my dress! Hurry!
FIFY..... Did he buy that with Trump Foundation money too? Is that what he's hiding behind the 6 foot painting of himself? |
No debate about debate...?
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Wed 09/28/16 11:14 PM
The media is biased, Trump was a gentleman and took some verbal abuse IMO, Next debate is Anderson cooper hosting and that promises to be so lopsided against Trump it won't be funny. Trump calls her Secretary Clinton, she calls him sexist, miss piggy callin, tax evading monster. He behaved, it seems he'll need to turn up the heat to gain points in US She unleashed everything she had on him the first night, this ain't over and it won't be pretty ![]() . He should PAY his taxes at the next debate. You are right about something, the media is totally biased. Trump has set a record for (un) earned media on, pretty much all the networks. I'd like to see a comparison of the last, idk, 5 races and see if any candidate from any party over all the big networks CNN ABC CBS NBC and Fox tops Trump's time on morning Joe, or Fox and friends, or evening news with David Muir, or the O'Reilly factor, or A.C. 360, or CNN Tonight with Don Lemon. It's so biased in fact that Trump has two media moguls one as CEO (Bannon) and one as senior advisor (Aisles) of/to his campaign officially. So biased in fact that former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski who is STILL recieving severance pay from the Trump campaignwas hired by CNN as a panelist, 4-5 months ago? So biased in fact that Teddy Turner is running Trump's Superpac. Damn them liberal mediites with their cameras and microphones and fancy tables. ![]() |
No debate about debate...?
Haha reminds me of a cartoon.. Celebrity Deathmach . ![]() ![]() ![]() Oh! Oh! Germs! Germs! Get em' off! Hurry! |
No debate about debate...?
Both sides lost IMO. Phoney Hillary vs Tantrum Trump. I think I lost about 10 IQ points watching that disgraceful show on stupidity. Although, Hillary did try to stick to her agenda. They said they prepared. Obviously not for a debate on the issues though. THEY didn't prepare, she did. She had a few flat answers, denied her gold standard tpp flop but in terms of performance on the format of this debate she nailed it. Still, I agree with your point that having to judge which criminal should proceed towards the white house we all lose UNLESS the committee on presidential debates opens the three coming debates to the Libertarian and Green parties. D's & R's have over a hundred years of running the country and in terms of organization and preparedness it should be no contest defeating either or both. What do they have to lose? If the DNR parties, pun intended, really represent the BEST interest and TRUE will of the voting age public there should be no restriction of organized political parties intent on serving the people. About 200,000,000 people did NOT vote in the primary, there is no choice in the race past the conventions. DNR starts DNR runs DNR wins. We have to kill citizens united, remove the money from politics. They spend $25,000,000 in a few months time for tv commercials nobody wants to watch. How many houses could habitat for humanity build with that? How many meals or gallons of fuel could that give people who need it? Stop rewarding the people keeping us broke pissed off sick hungry and or dying. Almost all OF them are lying, funneling money, covering crimes or committing crimes themselves. Then they spend millions in OUR taxes covering them up and making distractions. We read and watch alternative media because mainstream media is not free. Maybe they knew freedom of the press didn't mean media operations would be free of cost because it's a public service when they wrote it in the constitution. Maybe they didn't. Some of us learned it in 2004, 2008, 2012. We should ALL know it now. It's another business. |
It's also a FACT that you missed her title in the link you posted. Ohio campaign chairwoman. That's not your average phone or door to door volunteer. She also said her business is real estate which is much like that of the candidate she represented. State campaign chairs don't just walk in and pick up a clipboard and start handing out fliers. umm... yes, they do... sorry you're just not smart enough to understand the difference between a paid employee and a volunteer that does everything for free... anyone can volunteer, even someone not so smart that doesn't know what a volunteer is... maybe instead of showing off your brilliance on here, go volunteer for trump and see just what the process is... I don't fit into the demographic he's targeting, college educated whites and women, so I wouldn't be hired to be the Chairman of the campaigns field office. Chairs organize, have notoriety, political or economic pull in a city community or County but the Chairperson of the campaigns State office is a paid position. As was Lewandowski, Manafort, and are Ailes and Bannon. If you think a Chair of a State campaign in arguably the most important State for a major party in a presidential campaign is not paid for logistic and organizational control, delegate selection and wrangling, setting up or moving operations to places within the State they think they can siphon votes from, you're insane. Why do you think they would pick some random flier lady to do an interview they had prepared questions for? Do you think news crew or journalists just run down people on back streets knocking on doors and handing out fliers that know dickall about policy ![]() i see you still don't understand what a volunteer is... No, I covered that at length as well as describing WHY a State Campaign CHAIRPERSON couldn't and definitely wouldn't be a volunteer. But since you can't read the post you're replying : For people who can read: I don't fit into the demographic he's targeting, college educated whites and women, so I wouldn't be hired to be the Chairman of the campaigns field office. Chairs organize, have notoriety, political or economic pull in a city community or County but the Chairperson of the campaigns State office is a paid position. As was Lewandowski, Manafort, and are Ailes and Bannon. If you think a Chair of a State campaign in arguably the most important State for a major party in a presidential campaign is not paid for logistic and organizational control, delegate selection and wrangling, setting up or moving operations to places within the State they think they can siphon votes from, you're insane. Why do you think they would pick some random flier lady to do an interview they had prepared questions for? Do you think news crew or journalists just run down people on back streets knocking on doors and handing out fliers that know dickall about policy ![]() The thought of a campaign field office that is the STATE HQ in the MOST IMPORTANT STATE FOR THE PARTY in the presidential race in the past 40 years the CHAIRPERSON would only be a volunteer if the candidate wanted to ENSURE LOSING THE ELECTION. That person needs to have connections with important people politicians business people STATEWIDE. You have no argument. Give up. |
And it's kinda funny you say 'drop gun' as it sounds stupid, and sways public or jurors opinions that something that silly sounding couldn't really happen. Dropping guns is careless, they might go off and injure an innocent bystander. 'Throwaway's sound sinister, and damning. It'd be against the interest of the police sheriff, w/e to use such a derogatory term as well as create in public opinion that this is a practice within departments in the current case in question and others in the past. This would lead to distrust and doubt and be bad for the public image and reputation of the force.
The force shouldn't do it then, because no one else has any need to plant a throwaway on the scene of a shooting. THAT is stupid, and THAT only happens in movies. |
Seriously, the 'evidence' is a standard issue police throwaway complete with $3 leather ankle holster that has the blood on it, there appears to be no blood on the .380 pistol itself which is an official evidence photo. The holsters is not, as it has no marker, ruler, or pointers indicating the (obvious I know but protocol in handling of evidence is critical especially in a homicide investigation) blood evidence on it. Don't get me started on the piece of paper they are calling ''a marijuana blunt". Their lawyers made statements folloin the official release of the additional bull5hit statement and photos and(officially) edited dash and bodycam videos as did the brother and sister of the wife. This evidence, is also NOT photographed AT THE CRIME SCENE. Because it's not important WHERE the evidence comes from moves or ends up, only that there is evidence and that evidence supports the officers narrative. A drop gun, really? You need to cut back on the movies........ No, not a drop gun. A standard issue throwaway complete with $3 leather holster. It makes a difference since they couldn't produce ANY proof he had one until all video cameras had stopped rolling and his underwear were exposed. Because $3 leather ankle holsters are concealed in the underwear of a DEAD OR DYING suspect and can't be removed from his HAND where they say it was without exposing his underwear. But they forgot that they cuffed his HANDS that remarkably DID NOT HAVE A GUN. Those underwear are dangerous. Imagine the damage they could have done had he stayed IN HIS SUV WAITING FOR HIS CHILDREN to come home from school. |
Edited by
Sun 09/25/16 12:26 AM
Seriously, the 'evidence' is a standard issue police throwaway complete with $3 leather ankle holster that has the blood on it, there appears to be no blood on the .380 pistol itself which is an official evidence photo. The holsters is not, as it has no marker, ruler, or pointers indicating the (obvious I know but protocol in handling of evidence is critical especially in a homicide investigation) blood evidence on it. Don't get me started on the piece of paper they are calling ''a marijuana blunt". Their lawyers made statements folloin the official release of the additional bull5hit statement and photos and(officially) edited dash and bodycam videos as did the brother and sister of the wife.
This evidence, is also NOT photographed AT THE CRIME SCENE. Because it's not important WHERE the evidence comes from moves or ends up, only that there is evidence and that evidence supports the officers narrative. If Scott had the gun out in his hand, why don't we hear it dropped or slid away as he is cuffed which is EXACTLY what protocol is? The dashcam mic even picks up his death groans. It also picks up an officers request for a ''bag'' in the back of his truck with some ''additional equipment''. Also why did they have to STRIP the DEAD OR DYING MAN to his underwear to photograph the ''object'' later determined to be a gun? Note: ''object'' is singular. While one could confuse the ''object'' as a holstered pistol it's rather unclear ON THE CRIME SCENE that is what that object is, only it would REFUTE initial statements made by police as well as their reasonable justification for use of deadly force AND the pre release CYA statement that was released with other photos to warm up the grand jury when they announced we would get partial release of two out of an unknown number of videos. Those pictures, while not uniformly tagged or labeled as evidence are clear as a bell INDOORS under fluorescent lightning featuring the infamous black gloves to contrast the 'marijuana blunt'. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department, even if Scott did everything you say he did, you are an EMBARRASSMENT of the highest order. Oh, you don't understand order, or laws, or protocols, or procedures, or training, or when NOT to shoot someone to death, or how not to try to cover it up without the people knowing, or how to handle evidence, or how to photograph evidence, or how to conduct an investigation. That's why the SBI dumped custody of the videos back to you, because the video audio statements positions and evidence are TAINTED. STOP LYING NOW! It's just going to cost the tax payers more money when the innocent city of Charlotte has to pay for YOUR crimes. If you don't want another Jonathan Farrell (who we have not forgotten) case on your hands stop shooting at people until they start shooting or LEAVE YOUR GUNS AT THE STATION since you don't know how to stop them from going off repeatedly when someone (black, unarmed, or both) is in front of you. |
It's also a FACT that you missed her title in the link you posted. Ohio campaign chairwoman. That's not your average phone or door to door volunteer. She also said her business is real estate which is much like that of the candidate she represented. State campaign chairs don't just walk in and pick up a clipboard and start handing out fliers. umm... yes, they do... sorry you're just not smart enough to understand the difference between a paid employee and a volunteer that does everything for free... anyone can volunteer, even someone not so smart that doesn't know what a volunteer is... maybe instead of showing off your brilliance on here, go volunteer for trump and see just what the process is... I don't fit into the demographic he's targeting, college educated whites and women, so I wouldn't be hired to be the Chairman of the campaigns field office. Chairs organize, have notoriety, political or economic pull in a city community or County but the Chairperson of the campaigns State office is a paid position. As was Lewandowski, Manafort, and are Ailes and Bannon. If you think a Chair of a State campaign in arguably the most important State for a major party in a presidential campaign is not paid for logistic and organizational control, delegate selection and wrangling, setting up or moving operations to places within the State they think they can siphon votes from, you're insane. Why do you think they would pick some random flier lady to do an interview they had prepared questions for? Do you think news crew or journalists just run down people on back streets knocking on doors and handing out fliers that know dickall about policy ![]() |
It's also a FACT that you missed her title in the link you posted. Ohio campaign chairwoman. That's not your average phone or door to door volunteer. She also said her business is real estate which is much like that of the candidate she represented. State campaign chairs don't just walk in and pick up a clipboard and start handing out fliers.
Because It Turns Out Racism Did Exist Before 2008, Trump's Campaign Official Has Resigned By Jack Holmes Sep 22 2016 Update (1:51 PM): Kathy Miller has resigned, according to a statement from the Trump campaign's Ohio state director Bob Paduchik. He called the comments "inappropriate," but added that Miller was a volunteer and not a spokesperson for the campaign. Contrary to some prior reports, Miller was in fact the chair of the Mahoning County campaign. ometimes, there's a moment of clarity. The Guardian provided one today in an interview with Kathy Miller, the chairwoman of Trump's campaign in Mahoning County, Ohio. In short, Miller believes there was no racism in America before Barack Obama was elected as the first black president. "I don't think there was any racism until Obama got elected. We never had problems like this. I'm in the real estate industry. There's none. Now, the people with the guns and shootin' up neighborhoods and not being responsible citizens—that's a big change. And I think that's the philosophy that Obama has perpetuated on America. I think that's all his responsibility. And if you're black, and you haven't been successful in the last 50 years, it's your own fault." a partial info here... you left out she was a VOLUNTEER, trump didn't hire her in any way, shape or form... and she resigned on her own, and apologized profusely... but other than that, you're right, she's stupid and has a big mouth... No, it's not partial info. It's the Esquire magazine authors article in full. The video referenced is from the Guardian. I have seen different titles for her all I know for sure is that she used to work for Trump's campaign in Ohio. and thats a liberal website... might i suggest some investigation before spouting off and trying to do your part in a race war... Investigate? It is a FACT that this is what she said. It's a FACT that she was being interviewed and chose to steer her answer in this direction. It is a FACT that she whether volunteer or hired represented the Trump campaign in Ohio at the time. It is a FACT that someone else chose to write about it in Esquire magazine. It's a FACT that what she said is f'd up and should never have crossed HER lips on camera or not. It is a FACT that she could have turned down the interview but was most likely officially delegated to do so by the campaign since Ohio is such a critical state for republicans. It is a FACT that news gets reported for ratings on ALL media outlets for ratings more than newsworthiness. It is a FACT that as a citizen it is more important that the news be accurate than to come from your favorite news anchor. It is a FACT that this wasn't taken out of context because there is a video where you can watch her say what she is quoted to have said of her own free will. It is a FACT that SHE is responsible for her own ignorance and bigotry which is also a choice that SHE made to make public. It is a FACT that this is one of the like great stupid things said in like ever. |