Community > Posts By > TAJ2012

TAJ2012's photo
Tue 08/14/12 06:48 PM

A warm tight vagina on a lady with virtue is my dream wish.

laugh laugh laugh LMAO

TAJ2012's photo
Tue 08/14/12 06:15 PM
I just got to say
Pacificstar48, after reading some your posts, don't stop passing out that good old wisdom.

TAJ2012's photo
Tue 08/14/12 06:05 PM
Abstinence/Too Tell them or not to tell them/What to tell them and When
I don't know of any teenager who is ready for the emotional stuff involved in being sexually active. Yeah, some kids wait because they choose to out of fear, respect for themselves, religion... Whatever the reason for abstaining, I applaud them. But, we all know those "tingling feelings" we get when we are around someone we really like. Those feelings are NATURAL. Some kids are going to act on them. I'd rather see a kid well ARMED with INFORMATION about how to protect his/herself. How many of us said "hey mom/dad, my boy/girlfriend and I are going to have sex at 7:42pm on March 8th", none of us, cause we didn't know.

I started teaching my son correct terms when he was old enough to say the words clearly. :No that is not your wee wee, it is called your penis. As his questions progressed in the years that came, I always tried to figure out exactly what it was he was asking, before answering. Didn't want to give up too much info too soon, the boys' mind may not have been ready.

As for when is the right time to become sexually active, that depends on the individual. Some 35 and 40 yr. olds still can't handle intimacy and the emotions that can be involved.

Bottom line, if a parent is uncomfortable having "the" conversation, find a trusted adult to have the talk. Don't let someone you don't know give your kid this type info. And please, don't do like my mom. She gave me these 3 books "The Lifecycle". I had more questions after reading than I did before I read the book. Thank goodness for my 6th and 7th grade teachers. I could have been fooled by some halfway cute, sly fella.

TAJ2012's photo
Mon 08/13/12 12:07 PM
A beating and a spanking are two different things to me. I got spankings as a child. The kids I saw who got beatings, with whatever was handy, I felt sorry for them. I am a responsible productive citizen. I turned out alright. I have raised my son just as I was raised. I did remember the times when my mom was wrong, but got me anyway. I decided to question and let the punishment fit the situation in my approach.
In my 29 yrs. of teaching, I see a change in children of today. When corporal punishment went and Dr. Spock came, along with social promotion and social media, children have not been the same. (I am not saying bring back corporal punishment.) I truly believe children like structure. They like knowing what's expected. I think they become believers when they see the adults follow through.

TAJ2012's photo
Mon 08/13/12 11:08 AM
hello Mingle2 people