Yes all the time...thats why i had kids. Their are starting to wise up though and I dont make
Beat a dead horse
would you lick the person above you on the forehead? do you really want to? |
The Loan
A frog goes into a bank and approaches the teller. He can see from her nameplate that her name is Patricia Whack. "Miss Whack, I'd like to get a $30,000 loan to take a holiday." Patty looks at the frog in disbelief and asks his name. The frog says his name is Kermit Jagger, his dad is Mick Jagger, and that it's okay, he knows the bank manager. Patty explains that he will need to secure the loan with some collateral. The frog says, "Sure. I have this," and produces a tiny porcelain elephant, about an inch tall, bright pink and perfectly formed. Very confused, Patty explains that she'll have to consult with the bank manager and disappears into a back office. She finds the manager and says, "There's a frog called Kermit Jagger out there who claims to know you and wants to borrow $30,000, and he wants to use this as collateral." She holds up the tiny pink elephant. "I mean, what in the world is this?" The bank manager looks back at her and says... "It's a knickknack, Patty Whack. Give the frog a loan, His old man's a Rolling Stone." :) J Didnt see that one coming |
Im on day three ...NO...know im fishing for the kids to say it.... oh , i saw your profile and photos & your beautiful children I have kids close in age to you & from a Mom's perspective i just wanted to say "i love you" even though i don't know you No one should have to go for long without hearing " i love you " Lots of Love for all those who feel lonely, sad & feeling < kind of left out > Thank you! |
What Do You Need?
Why is sex on the bottom? Actually, sexual intimacy is in the middle section. I like that list. There is is....Ok I can live with this food pyramid. |
Beat a dead horse
Edited by
Sun 07/12/09 07:41 AM
you dont beat a dead horse, you make glue and dog food with it Noooooo! Glue is made out of...a horse!!!! and dog food! I thought they use cow and corn. I never thought about what glue was made out of. I always use to catch my son eating that stuff! It states Non Toxic |
Im on day three ...NO...know im fishing for the kids to say it....
I have a better idea, lets defend the mans right to smoke and fly the flag whatever way he chooses. I know this guy that right now has a flag as a couch cover, and some of his friends have suggested it disrespectful to sit or lay down on the flag, but they didn't call the cops. He told them that it was a free country and he didn't see it that way. He loves the flag an likes having it where it is. I am just an aquaintence, but I didn't have a problem with it, but did notice it, hard not to, you don't often see it used that way. It seems if you are going to fight for freedom of expression you fight for everyone's expression not just one's own. no? He is free because of that expression. If you disrespect the cause then why scream you want the freedom. I suggest he leave the country to disrespect OUR nation some where else. I truly believe the new generations no longer comprehend what it is to be free. They are now turning against the words that our fathers wrote for us. Our father wanted us to grow with the country not treat it as a toiletry. |
so pretty
I have meaning again yay
Did you at least get out. Even for a movie
Hello and Welcome
I have an idea! Let's defend to the death another person's right to fly the flag upside-down, but let's ban him from smoking a cigarette. |
Just or the record, i think there are MANY, MANY intelligent men and women on here. Whether they promote that in themselves is quite another thing. Usually smurt people dont advertise. How many profiles read My Name Is Bob and I am Intelligent |
Getting Married!!!!!
I am sure you didn't mean to suggest that people that smoke are stupid? I am educated and I smoke, and I am fully aware of the risks. I know the risks of living too, and I still choose to live. I find it a bit ironic that soldiers face an immediate enemy, risking their lives, yet can't smoke to relieve the stress? Oh well the military is all about control, so I guess it fits the profile to control that too. No what Im saying is that we choose our vises and the government IS (my opinion) infringing on people rights. The laws are getting more stern and employers are now asking on application if you smoke. I dont see good things with the "new rules". It reminds me (yes your going to think im dumb...but im going to say it) racial profiling. |
maybe Obama should just end the dam war,. I dont know...thats what started the last depression. There are no jobs to keep our boys employed. |
I cant help but love what I read. By the way 7 smurt men is not "many". I only hope that your wrong. Good read.
Fried Lizard
I found this recipe in the archives of "Gourmet" It shows how things change over time. Begin Quote: After skinning the lizard, dress and cut up the meat. Marinate it in sour orange juice, or in sweet orange juice acidulated with lemon juice. Add 1 teaspoon whole peppers and a dash nutmeg. After 3 hours, drain and wipe the meat dry. Season with salt, dip in beaten egg and in fine bread crumbs, and fry in deep, hot fat. Or it may be sautéed butter until it is brown and tender. This exclusive recipe is pulled directly from Gourmet's archive. It has not been re-tested by our food editors since it was published in the magazine, but it's a pretty good indication of the kinds of things we once cooked—and ate—with great pleasure. How old is the archive....I dont remember eating lizard (much less enjoying it), but social services was call on my mom because the neighbors thought she was feeding us weeds. She was picking |
I dont smoke. Just for the record and never even tried one.
I do believe we are starting in infringe on individual rights. Bacon can kill us, if I make a choice to eat it then I choose to make that choice. The percentage of deaths caused by cigarettes is scary but what stops a ban on bacon due to the cholesterol death percentages. Yes bacon is not addictive but we do have caffeine and other stimulants. Yes smoking areas are a good idea. I made a choice not to smoke and I dont want to risk my life for their choice. I do eat bacon and drink coffee.....I wouldnt appreciate a ban. |
What Do You Need?
A short list for me: 1. A roof over my head 2. Food on the table 3. Clothes on my back 4. Reliable transportation Leaving love aside for the moment, what else do you need? in order, Maslow's Hierarchy of needs. I want to know what comes after self actualisation... I need me some of that. Nirvana? Why is sex on the bottom? |