Community > Posts By > Jsf081960

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Wed 07/07/21 09:48 AM

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Wed 07/07/21 09:46 AM
He pointed to the jester and......

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Wed 07/07/21 09:45 AM
Better conditions desired

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Wed 07/07/21 09:43 AM
861 waving

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Wed 07/07/21 09:42 AM


Next letter "N""


Duh! oops For a moment I thought that the previous word ended with an m. My fault.

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Wed 07/07/21 09:37 AM

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Wed 07/07/21 09:36 AM
Dee try it, it's better than other apps.

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Wed 07/07/21 09:34 AM
Window sills

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Wed 07/07/21 09:32 AM

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Wed 07/07/21 09:31 AM
Easy peasy

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Wed 07/07/21 09:29 AM

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Wed 07/07/21 09:27 AM

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Wed 07/07/21 09:26 AM

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Tue 07/06/21 11:50 PM
833 Good morning Delightful waving

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Tue 07/06/21 11:47 PM
the creature's eyes seemed to glow and the deep voice mesmerized those in the room....

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Tue 07/06/21 11:42 PM

Sea turtle volunteer

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Tue 07/06/21 11:39 PM
Tasty snacks seem to work fine too.

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Tue 07/06/21 11:37 PM
And it has become the most used form of group communication.

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Tue 07/06/21 11:34 PM
Hacksaw Ridge

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Tue 07/06/21 11:33 PM
Heaven's Gate book


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