Community > Posts By > cnoteblack
Toms 2008 Thursday Roll Call
hi tom ill have the usual and the ladies are still paying my tab
Rate my new beard
its starting to sound like its time to shave the beard
Reality TV
i like big brother want a reality show where i could be the main charater and all of you would be my minions
how awesome would it be
id like to travel to the space station and relax looking out the porthole down to be totally disconnected and unaffected by the troubles man causes..or the weather nature deals to the un aexpecting souls break out into the blackness of space on a rocketship slowly on a mass scale but rapidly ascending from earths with me.
although the hillary barack campains are thinking america will come to its senses and vote for mcain..then again there are so many conservatives hell bent on helping the democrats gain momentum by bashing mcain ...which im really in a learning process about politics myself...but i really dont get the viciousness in which hes being attacked.mcain has the experiance..the record of patriotism which is so important in staying on our guard when it comes to terrorist threats.which if a plan goes uncontested it can devastate our economy and may even eclipse is most important to opinion.i just hope that world leaders dont see a unexperianced naive aproach to world affairs headed their not pro-war..i am pro security.i do belive that as americans our way ofvoting is the best and if barrack wins i will respect that and see if he delivers what he says he will,or if hillary wins i will respect her as the president.majority rules.thats what voting is about.with that said i also respect your views and opinions..we all meet in the americans
tripple caramel mochiato please
i cant stopp dating i have a date everynight its bountiful round actually on a date right now
The official JSH Insult Room
your a big dummy head
I just dont understand...
i like ugly chicks...what?
im gonna get rich workin at wal-marks...wish me luck folks!
my friend loves to shoot rabbits with his new shotgun he shoed us his kill then cooked it up in a i think is coyotes .i think hunting or shooting for sport is a nice way to unwind.just keep your guns locked when not in use and be safe out there folks
i got more love than money
if so no need to apply!
heads all thats left after a battle with a poodle
Why are girls so clingy?
maybe its your cologne
The "F" word...
a true friend would lend me money or buy me stuff for ne reason,a real friend offers me all he or she posseses without wanting something in return..will you be my true friend?
your a hot chick hell ya! i wanna be yur best friend!
Kiss Or Run - part 5
kiss and then run!
id love to go on a date with you! your absolutely georgeous
id be there in a second you guys are hilarious!