Community > Posts By > tenquestion

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Tue 07/17/12 09:51 PM
or they just have horrible accountants over at the White House! It is ashame our money is wasted like this.

The debt will stop if we can figure out a way to stop Plutonomy.

Until then welcome to the future of the US....a third world country.

At this rate more countries will have lost confidence in trading with us let alone have trust.

Am I sounding too melancholic? Sorry about that...but after reading that article of which I already partially knew it brings me to that stage.

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Tue 07/17/12 09:31 PM
Oh I am sure there is something even smaller then what they found floating around laughing at us. It is screaming "You haven't found me yet!" heh heh

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Tue 07/17/12 09:24 PM
Now those are really good questions. I wish they would truly answer them for us.

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Tue 07/17/12 09:16 PM
I am successfully treating my child who suffers Inflammation Bowel Disease (specific ulcerative colitis) without the use of heavy drugs such as Predisone and Remicade as doctors always prescribed for a short term resolution. She is operational and drug free with my methods. It has been 3 years she has had it and she is 10. It was tough the first 2 years but finally after hard work she is healthy, pain free, and able to enjoy life again. I am proud of her.

Only 1.5 million have this disease in the US of which only 140,000 children. It is rare and many don't understand it well living a very difficult life.

With determination, research, alot of reading, and a good support network one can find a way to reverse chronic diseases. Knowledge is truly power!

If you have a child that suffers then I really hope you will find a way to help him or her. No child should suffer.

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Tue 07/17/12 09:06 PM
It is what the government deserves right. I mean many of us have lost trust with them. I wish that if a politican promises jobs, health, or better spending on their campaign trails that they will be accounted for it also. If they fail we should get our money back for their mistakes. I am just saying! I know it won't happen but it should. I feel our hard earned money of which a portion goes on taxes goes in the wrong direction to help our country. I work hard for that money and I don't like to part with it anymore if our government wastes it.

I wish I could say to a presidential candidate. If you promise a better economy and it doesn't work then you will agree to give us our tax money back for that year. Here is your contract ...please sign! Sounds absurd I know.

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Tue 07/17/12 08:39 PM
I was actually going to write more but realized I should stop. I agree with MaryJosephine that each individual is different, but I did come to the conclusion that with the information I provided above does make a significant positive change for all of the celiac disease patients I help treat. It will take time to heal, but her body is probably deprived with essential minerals, vitamins, and essential care also. With that being said I hope she will get better. Those that I have helped treat live without pain or complications now. They live a drug and operational free lifestyle.

If anything one can search for a chiropractor and a naturpath physician that specializes in celiac disease in the area she lives. It is always good to get expert advice and most of all a good support network from friends and family when times get tough.

Good luck and stay positive. You can beat this!

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Tue 07/17/12 08:27 PM
Edited by tenquestion on Tue 07/17/12 08:28 PM
Most of us (the majority) will never have the chance to meet personally a politician of such magnitude to actually ask important questions on subjects that are important to our country, but let us say you had a chance to do so for two questions! What would your questions be for Obama and Romney? What answers do you think they will give us?

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Tue 07/17/12 08:03 PM
Edited by tenquestion on Tue 07/17/12 08:07 PM
Stay away from wheat, dairy, sugar, alcohol, and tobacco.

Take a allergen test. The biggest one possible.

Once you get the results stay away from those things that you are allergic too.

Research, research, research! Read, read, read!

Here are some helpful books:

Living Gluten Free for Dummies by Danna Korn
Recipes for the Specific Carbohydrate Diet by Raman Prasad
Healthy Digestion the Natural Way by D. Lindsey Berkson
Breaking the Vicious cycle by Elaine Gottschall
The New Evolution Diet by Arthur De Vany

Also important.

1. Chew slowly and often your food until it is mushy
2. Don't have anykind of stress (relax and sleep more)
3. Eat your last meal at 7 p.m.
4. Don't go to bed later then 9 p.m. if you have to get up early each morning.
5. Don't drink coffee or caffeinated drinks as of sports drinks. Just water! Make sure the water is filtered or spring water.
6. Only fruit in the morning a few slices a day for beginners.
7. Eat only grass fed organic meat
8. Try to eat organic foods only. It is a bit more expensive, but it could be you cannot tolerate the additional things they put in our food to keep the pests away. (Pesticides, etc.)

Last but not least after you did some research pick up my favorite book. Eat Right 4 Your Blood Type by Dr. Peter D' Adamo. His insight will ensure that you stay healthy. Having Celiac Disease is a complete life change, but the good news about it is you will learn how much healthier you will be when you attain this knowledge.

I have successfully reversed chronic diseases with friends and family for years and have a large following. The funny thing is I am not a certified chiropractor or a naturopath physician. I just researched, researched, and researched.

If you have questions let me know. You might have to take supplements that will help you as of probiotics. This is too early to tell.

I hope you will recover soon. Thank you for letting me post :)

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