Community > Posts By > Rainbolt

Rainbolt's photo
Tue 07/29/08 08:48 AM
unfortunately the 32bit windows Operating systems dont recognize more that 3.5gigs of ram.

The 64 bit Operating systems do. However many games arent compatable with the 64bit operating systems.

so you are just wasting your money on all that ram unless you plan to run Wine in Linux which still can have some compatibility problems

Rainbolt's photo
Sun 07/27/08 03:00 PM


oh Im sorry we're boring you whoa

Rainbolt's photo
Sun 07/27/08 12:24 PM

Thanks for the info. Haven't been able to get rid of it on W2K. But six months on xp with it gone, are things still working ??

ya everything worked fine but my hard drive died so I had to reinstall on new hdd & i just never did it again. Just lazy I guess

Rainbolt's photo
Sun 07/27/08 11:06 AM
Edited by Rainbolt on Sun 07/27/08 11:08 AM
Completely hose your system? whoa nah i ran xp about 6months with IE completely removed. And at that time I wasnt very savvy.
Anyone that knows how to follow directions can do it.
Dont say something cant be done or will fail just because most people wont know how & unless you've done it yourself.

Rainbolt's photo
Sun 07/27/08 10:47 AM
actually you can get rid of it. Takes a lil patience & time but it can be done.

Rainbolt's photo
Sun 07/27/08 08:55 AM
Edited by Rainbolt on Sun 07/27/08 09:04 AM
Use firefox. Set as default browser.

& why in the world do you need a toolbar? They are useless & just waste memory & space.

Firefox has a searchbar & you can manage search engines in it & also has numerous addons you can install & use.

Oh & its more secure than IE or any other leading browser.

I mean, what browser can you have an addon that give you weather updates & an animated radar IN the status bar of the browser? (visit url for pic of firefox with weather addon)

Rainbolt's photo
Sat 07/26/08 06:08 PM
um actually some private torrent sites hit 4-6meg maybe more. Demonoid, i doubt it. But a site im on has been knon to hit well over 2 meg down & up.

Rainbolt's photo
Sat 07/26/08 08:19 AM
Here is a couple invite codes to

Dont ask me how to use them. If you dont know how to torrent, then it will be useless to you so please use only if you know how to use torrents.


Rainbolt's photo
Sat 07/26/08 07:30 AM
Edited by Rainbolt on Sat 07/26/08 07:33 AM
try googling "image hosting"

here are a few quick & easy ones that you dont have to register to...

Rainbolt's photo
Fri 07/25/08 07:48 PM
Edited by Rainbolt on Fri 07/25/08 07:48 PM

go to & learn a lil about private trackers...

Rainbolt's photo
Tue 07/22/08 04:45 PM
Edited by Rainbolt on Tue 07/22/08 04:47 PM
i stopped wining & dining a long time ago. I learned to spot the ones that needed a change in priorities.

Yes nice guys do finish last & get taken advantage of 99.999% of the time... There must be a balance

Rainbolt's photo
Mon 07/21/08 09:57 PM
well if u had cable I could invite u to some but opens on Fridays occasionally.

Rainbolt's photo
Mon 07/21/08 01:02 PM
free mp3's are easier to find than u think & many more

You can also try irc, torrents, & many other ways. But I assume boiseboytoplay is rather PC illiterate if he assumes a pc manual will instruct u how to download anything, much less a mp3

Rainbolt's photo
Sun 07/20/08 08:17 PM
Edited by Rainbolt on Sun 07/20/08 08:18 PM
lol actually....yea

about the closest thing to the "scene"

Rainbolt's photo
Sun 07/20/08 08:17 PM
ya vlc is a better player...but maybe the Mplayer setting got changes somehow?

Rainbolt's photo
Sun 07/20/08 04:47 PM
no there are smaller more private torrent sites of pirating & faster than any public site, lime wire or ares. I have invites to some but will take trust, lots of trust & the willingness to share what is taken for one to get invited.

Rainbolt's photo
Sat 07/19/08 11:20 PM
nevar! i refuse public torrent sites...just a bad as limewire or ares

Rainbolt's photo
Sat 07/19/08 10:12 AM
Edited by Rainbolt on Sat 07/19/08 10:13 AM

You may want to use peer guardian, very good at keeping your ports secure. update your list before you load your torrent program. Forward your port to increase your DL speed.

Piracy is something made up to blind us of what we are capable of with BB(big brother) controls, much like the word hacker is a degraded label for a computer user.

When we used to program on 286's, everyone brought their floppys and GAVE THEM AWAY to their friends and fellow programmers. Quit comparing piracy as high crime while the high C's of crime in the political refugees, whom some suck way too much on the nipples of our taxes!

Computers are meant to be used, not to watch us with, that's all ff'ffolkes.


I will say that i would use peerguardian with p2p programs like limewire, frostwire & ares. Also with torrents sites like Demonoid & public trackers. I wouldnt worry too much about the "harder to get into" torrent sites. But you cant be too careful.

BTW I miss Oink :(

Rainbolt's photo
Fri 07/18/08 03:21 PM

Say hello to the Euro

or the Amero rather :P

Rainbolt's photo
Fri 07/18/08 02:55 PM
/me bows gracefully