Men like Arnold Schwarzenegger, Tiger Woods, Jesse James and John Edwards had it all: talent, fame, money, and a beautiful family. Yet with everything to lose, they were accused of cheating on their wives. Why would men throw it all away? Some say that the wife let herself go,Other's say this is a primal instinct of man going back to the cave man days,I believe in being a guy that had 3 sister's that most men are Immature to the fact that they are scared of any type of commitment, They have some type of inter ego that they must act this way. There lost because usually guy's like this end up with something so much worst then the woman they left it isn't even funny,To me I had a few great girlfriends and was married once,I had never cheated on any of them, I guess as times go on people change,But right is right and wrong is wrong.But I never ever hurt anyone,I always made them feel pretty,and told them so.I had always told them how beautiful they are. It will make her feel sexy and she’ll want to make you happy.Just a few relationships but they all lasted a long time. So even though they have experts in the field that state all woman cheat all men cheat.I disagree sometimes men and woman are happy with the one they are with.And you must find a man or woman with a good heart and soul. Great Post Helen you have a great week.