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Sun 06/07/20 09:51 AM
Palestinians Accused of Piggybacking on Riots to Wreck Synagogues

The riots over the killing of George Floyd have turned Eyal Dahan’s Los Angeles neighborhood into “a war zone”—and according to Dahan, some Palestinians are taking advantage of the chaos to wreck synagogues.

A number of Los Angeles synagogues have been vandalized or even destroyed during the riots, including one in Beverly Hills. According to Dahan, an Israeli living in Los Angeles, the buildings were not targeted by any of the protesters demonstrating against Floyd’s death, but rather by Palestinians who “exploited the opportunity.”

“I saw a PLO flag and them shouting to ‘free Palestine.’ I don’t think it was black protesters who did this damage,” he said.

Dahan, a clothing supplier who has lived in the United States for 41 years, told Israel Hayom the chaos is “immense.”

“The army [National Guard] is in the streets. Businesses have been burned and torn apart. [Rioters] tore down pharmacies, stole all the medicine. All the electronics stores have been destroyed. It started bad, and because the police didn’t pressure them, it got worse,” he said.
According to Dahan, the businesses that haven’t yet managed to get back on their feet from the coronavirus crisis are crashing.

“It was terror on Saturday and Sunday, the entire city was engulfed. [Monday] there was some quiet, but that night the break-ins and looting started again. … Right now, 90 percent of the demonstrators are peaceful, but the 10 percent who come after them have been looting and causing huge damage,” he said.

The National Guard deployment, he added, has been only partially effective.

“They brought in the [National Guard] and they started to patrol the big shopping malls, but the small stores, which are barely hanging on, caught it. The [National Guard] can’t arrest civilians, they can only protect certain places,” he said.

While speaking with Israel Hayom, Dahan reported a new wave of rioting and looting: “Now the looting has started again. After eight or nine at night, they start their mess.”

Dahan, who was in Los Angeles during the Rodney King riots in 1992, said that “this time, it’s completely different. I didn’t think it would happen again, I thought that the police learned a lesson about how to handle it, but it was the rioters who learned. Social media helped them form groups, split people—like platoons in a war. It’s completely organized.”

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Sun 06/07/20 09:50 AM
B’nai B’rith Canada Urges Canadian Gov’t to Condemn Palestinians’ Use of Child Soldiers

B’nai B’rith Canada issued a petition on Feb. 18 calling for the Canadian government to denounce Palestinian terrorists for using child soldiers.

The petition singled out Fatah, Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad and the Popular Front for Liberation of Palestine for the practice, noting that around 10,000 minors receive training for terrorism in camps in the Gaza Strip annually.

“Children have been used in violent riots and as human shields,” the petition states. “Many have been recruited into terrorist activity, sent to stab people in the streets or used as suicide bombers. Still others are sent to work in attack tunnels, digging in unsafe conditions. At least nine have died in collapsing tunnels.”

The petition added that world leaders garner enough attention to raise awareness on the matter and pressure Palestinian terror groups to end the practice.

“We, the undersigned, ask that you take a strong stand in opposing the usage and exploitation of child soldiers around the world — including by Palestinian terrorist and militant groups,” the petition concluded.

According to The Jerusalem Post, the Coalition to Save Palestinian Child Soldiers has been hosting a Solidarity Week that started on Feb. 18 and ends Feb. 21 to raise awareness on the matter, and has been sending letters similar to the B’nai B’rith Canada letter to members of Congress and European parliaments.

In August, NGO Monitor released a video showing five children wearing Palestinian Islamic Jihad gear staging a mock terrorist attack at an Israeli outpost during a March kindergarten graduation at a Gaza school. The school, Dar al-Huda, held similar mock terror attacks in 2016 and 2017.

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Sun 06/07/20 09:46 AM
Palestinian Child Soldiers: A Gross Human Rights Abuse

HonestReporting joins a number of NGOs campaigning to bring awareness and “combat the abuse of Palestinian children as political weapons of war.

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Sun 06/07/20 09:39 AM
Group Launches Campaign to ‘Save Palestinian Child Soldiers’


Jerusalem, ISRAEL – While the world prepares to observe International Day against the Use of Child Soldiers on Wednesday, one group is calling attention to the children who are often overlooked – Palestinian children.

A campaign called “Palestinian Child Soldier Week” seeks to condemn the exploitation of Palestinian children by terror groups.

“Several Palestinian terrorist and militant factions use children in their operations. PFLP, Hamas, Fatah, and Palestinian Islamic Jihad blatantly abuse these child soldiers in the face of weak condemnation. Unless awareness is brought to this issue, Palestinian children will continue to be used as war resources,” PCS Week says in a statement on its website.

The Convention on the Rights of the Child defines a child soldier as “any person below 18 years of age who is or who has been recruited or used by an armed force or armed group in any capacity, including but not limited to children, boys and girls, used as fighters, cooks, porters, messengers, spies or for sexual purposes... It does not only refer to a child who is taking or has taken a direct part in hostilities.”

Palestinian terror groups in the Gaza strip hold training camps to teach children how to be militia members and die as martyrs for the Palestinian cause.

“Approximately 10,000 children and teens are trained each year with terrorist ‘summer camps’ which are grueling basic training boot camps. There, children learn to march, combat maneuvers, weapon operation, and terrorist tactics. This is not watered down as showcase or theatre, but are practical lessons meant to be implemented,” the campaign said.

Palestinian terror factions have a history of recruiting minors to attack Israeli targets through suicide bombings, rock throwing, and other terror attacks. CBN News has previously reported that Palestinian textbooks often praise convicted terrorists and incite children to violence.

Children are also encouraged to go to the frontlines of the often-times violent “March of Return” demonstrations on the Israeli-Gaza border, essentially turning these young Palestinians into human shields.

The campaign is urging people around the world to bring attention to Palestinian child soldiers by holding rallies and informative events on school campuses and online.

“The week of solidarity will begin on February 18th until the 21st, with all organizations and individuals welcome to join online and offline. On campuses across the US, students will hold solidarity rallies, urging everyone to sign the international open letter,” the organization says.

The group says it is supplying anyone interested in holding a solidarity rally with all necessary supplies.

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Sun 06/07/20 09:36 AM
The international community has turned a blind eye to the abuse of Palestinian children as soldiers by these militant and terrorist groups and it’s time for the world to hold these perpetrators accountable.

Join the campaign now:

Twitter: @PCSWeek
Instagram: @OfficialPCSWeek


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Sun 06/07/20 09:29 AM

Horror on Gaza Beach: New York Times Photographer Witnesses Israeli Killing of 4 Palestinian Boys.. And the list goes on..

4 boys...tears

This past week, about 30 NGOs joined the Coalition to Save Palestinian Child Soldiers to raise public awareness and to put an end to the use of Palestinian children as soldiers against Israel. Too often, Palestinian children (as well as children around the world) are used as political pawns during war and conflict. In fact, the United Nation reported about 300,000 children used as soldiers from 20 countries around the world. About 40% of child soldiers are young girls, who are often used as sex slaves and taken as “wives” by male fighters.

Palestinian children are often used as human shields to carry out terror attacks by Hamas operatives. Terror groups like Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine exploit Palestinian children and raise them to become combatants, human shields, rioters, laborers, support staff, and even suicide bombers. These groups, along with the Palestinian Authority have allowed antisemitic propaganda to seep into their education system by providing school textbooks that teach Palestinian children to kill Israelis and become martyrs. In the Gaza strip, Hamas trains about 10,000 children and teens every year in terrorist “summer camps”. These training boot camps are practical lessons that are meant to be implemented in warfare and battle. fight and die alongside adult militants and terrorists. Hamas and other terror groups fully use trained child soldiers for battle, with the knowledge and intention that these children will die alongside adult militants and terrorists.

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Sun 06/07/20 09:07 AM
You look like you have a FINE COMPANION right next to you in your photo.

Be glad you have that...there are those that have nothing

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Sun 06/07/20 09:02 AM
PMW report slams Palestinian Authority for using child soldiers

he Palestinian Authority’s systematic incitement in school textbooks, television broadcasts, active recruitment and payment to terrorists’ after-the-crime serves to weaponize its child population into soldiers, says a new NGO report obtained exclusively by The Jerusalem Post.

While other Israeli groups have also worked on this issue, Palestinian Media Watch’s (PMW) Sunday report is unique in tracing the PA’s recruitment step-by-step to explain why a substantial number of Palestinian minors end up arrested by Israel.

Contrary to conventional global media wisdom that the Israeli occupation is causing innocent Palestinian minors to become violent, the PMW report, which covers 2019, says that PA incitement is the primary cause.

“Damningly, PMW’s report shows how the PA leadership openly admits that child terrorists are the PA’s soldiers,” said the report.

Moreover, the report's authors, PMW Director Itamar Marcus and Maurice Hirsch, submitted a letter to UNICEF demanding that it name the PA’s violations and invest at least as much time in documenting these violations as it has regarding alleged Israeli violations of Palestinian minors’ rights.

UNICEF responded to the report telling the Post that it has filed submissions with the relevant UN human rights bodies, “highlighting areas where further work is needed to ensure all Palestinian children are provided with the necessary conditions to reach their full potential.”

Summarizing its position on the issue, UNICEF told the Post that “Children are disproportionately affected by armed conflict in Israel and the State of Palestine. UNICEF advocates with all parties to put the interests of children first.

“This involves advocating with Palestinian authorities on shortcomings, making clear that no child should be enlisted to violence and advocating with Israel to make sure children are not targeted by violence. In the UN’s Children and Armed Conflict Bulletin for 2018, which can be found on UNICEF’s website, the UN documents verified incidents by all sides,” UNICEF said.

“For example, in this report three cases of recruitment and use of Palestinian children in the conflict are included,” UNICEF added, explaining that an even-handed critique of both the Israeli and Palestinian side (even naming specific groups which are recruiting Palestinian minors) were part of UNICEF’s contribution to a 2018 report by the UN Secretary General.

Reviewing this response, PMW’s Hirsch said that UNICEF has only named Hamas or other Palestinian groups that are not affiliated with the PA, while carefully avoiding any confrontation with the latter.

Asked if it has publicly taken the PA to task for exploiting Palestinian minors, UNICEF did not issue an additional response.

PMW added that in the past, UNICEF has avoided naming the PA because allegations against the PA “did not meet the definition of recruitment or due to access reasons and the security of witnesses,” and that children had occasionally been paid to make Molotov cocktails and transport weapons in the Gaza Strip, but “it could not be verified if this activity was organized by a party to the conflict.”

PMW clarified that UNICEF was taking an unduly narrow interpretation of its mandate out of fear of confrontation with the PA, but that such an approach does not help solve the underlying issue of Palestinian minors involved in violence.

The report said that “In 2019, the PA continued its systematic and widespread abuse of the Palestinian children, indoctrinating them to hate Jews and Israel, brainwashing them to admire murders and using them to promote violence.”

A children’s program on official PA TV broadcasts shows in which seven-year-old girls recite poems saying “I learned… the art of the rifle... [PA President] Mahmoud Abbas... my blood is your blood,” said the report.

The report said that Abbas’s Fatah Party broadcasts stories of mothers telling their children that “My son, we were not created for happiness. In my eyes, you are meant for Martyrdom! Jerusalem is ours, our weapon is our Islam and our ammunition is our children.”

The PA schoolbooks, the report noted, teach Palestinian children to emulate the Palestinian “heroes” who include mass murderer Dalal Mughrabi – a terrorist responsible for killing 37 Jews, among them 12 children.

Summer camps organized by Abbas’s Fatah party and the Palestine Liberation Organization teach the children to admire mass murderers such as Khalil al-Wazir (Abu Jihad) – who according to PA sources is responsible for killing 125 Jews, said the report.

According to the report, school is regularly cut short to encourage Palestinian minors to take part in potentially violent protests against IDF soldiers.
Next, the report said that “Having acted in accordance with the PA guidance, the child-terrorist-soldiers, once arrested, injured or killed, then enjoy the substantial monthly salaries that the PA pays them or their families and the adulation of Palestinian society.”

Moreover, the PA has stated numerous times that it sees all Palestinian terrorists in Israeli jails as soldiers and prisoners of war, and has never differentiated between adults and children.

During every month of 2019, the PA paid Khalil Jabarin – the Palestinian minor who murdered Ari Fuld – NIS 1,400, and paid Morad Adais – the Palestinian minor who murdered Dafna Meir – NIS 2,000.

The report cites numerous additional examples.

Returning to how UNCIEF could improve the situation, Marcus explained, “If UNICEF had any serious concern for Palestinian children, it would not criticize Israel for arresting child terrorists, but would thoroughly condemn the PA for creating child terrorists. The indoctrination, brainwashing and rewarding of child terrorists by the PA is clear child abuse by the PA leaders.”

Is it time to wave the flag, give us a recipe or recite a poem?

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Sun 06/07/20 08:53 AM
NGOs call for public support in ending use of Palestinian child soldiers

An estimated 10,000 children are trained in Gazan terrorist camps each year, and that at least 160 have died digging terror tunnels into Israel.

A coalition of non-governmental organizations is urging the public to help stop the use of Palestinian children as soldiers and war resources by their leaders and terror groups in the region.

There are an estimated 300,000 child soldiers in 20 countries worldwide, including any person under 18 who is either recruited or used by an armed force or armed group in any capacity, according to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
While the plight of child soldiers in Africa in particular has received global attention, their Arab counterparts in the Palestinian territories have often been ignored by the international community, as the human cost of using children to carry out terror attacks or as human shields has become overlooked in the political battles raging over the Arab-Israeli conflict.

Yet the children who survive their ordeal often carry the scars of trauma, preventing them not only from having a normal childhood, but also from being able to live fulfilling lives as adults.

Now, a group of NGOs has banded together in a bid to raise the issue of Palestinian child soldiers on the world stage.

From February 18-21, the Coalition to Save Palestinian Child Soldiers is holding a Solidarity Week, and is urging members of the public to sign an open letter to MEPs and US child welfare advocates to condemn the use of Palestinian children as soldiers.

For decades, the letter states, Palestinian children "have fulfilled the role of combatants, human shields, rioters, laborers, support staff, and even as suicide bombers – and as a result, their childhoods have been shortened by death, severe injury, or imprisonment."

The global community's unwillingness to address the issue, "has emboldened organizations such as Hamas, Fatah, Palestinian Islamic Jihad and PFLP in their exploitation of children as war resources," the letter continues.

A 2016 report found that 240 US-government approved textbooks, used in hundreds of UNRWA-sponsored schools, were teaching Arab children between the first and ninth grades to kill Israelis and martyr themselves. Other reports have reached similar conclusions. Yet despite this, it was not until August 2019 that the UN finally called on Palestinian leaders to act against "racist speech and hate crimes," including incitement to violence against Israelis and Jews.

"These organizations expose them to inciteful and violent children’s shows, and flood social media with calls for jihad and terrorism," the letter reads. "When the children are older, they’re sent out to partake in violent riots and to act as human shields as thousands of others have before them."

The letter notes that an estimated 10,000 children are trained in Gazan terrorist camps each year, and that at least 160 have died digging terror tunnels into Israel.

The NGOs hope that public pressure put on the terrorist organizations will eventually force them to abandon their use of children to fight their wars. As part of that effort, they are also encouraging people to hold rallies and share material online to raise awareness of the fact that the children are being used in this way.
One video, entitled Palestinian Child Soldiers in Numbers notes that 17,000 children were enrolled in Hamas's child militia programs in 2019, and that 29 children have already lost their lives as suicide bombers. "Dozens more" were prevented from carrying out their attacks.

"In combat, children from 17 to as young as nine have been pushed into the battle fray, to fight and die alongside adult militants and terrorists," the organizers noted in a statement on their website. "While in some cases the youngest of these casualties has been covered up with older, fake ages on casualty lists, Hamas and PIJ have been proud of the teenagers that have been “martyred” in battle."
"These practices have led to a strategic culture that views children as resources, and denies them their childhoods.

"For the future of the Palestinian people as a whole – and for these children as individuals with rights according to international law and decent moral doctrine – the above practices must be stopped."


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Sun 06/07/20 08:47 AM

There are many things about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that the media focuses on, and almost all are bad about Israel. However, a few things that really should be focused on tend to be swept under the rug and ignored. Now, however, a new advocacy campaign intends to spotlight one of those things: Palestinian child soldiers.

This new campaign attempts to expose the plight of Palestinian children, who are often used as emotional and physical leverage, and even as vessels through which to fight the IDF.

Over 30 Palestinian children and teens were enlisted in stabbing attacks against Israelis from 2015-2016; 29 Palestinian children have been successfully used as suicide bombers (with a few dozen more attempts being thwarted); and over 17,000 Palestinian children were recruited into Hamas child militia programs in 2019.

Palestinian children are encouraged to be the main force throwing rocks and other objects at Israeli soldiers, and to stand in front during protests that very often turn violent. More horrible still, the average pay that a child (or their family guardian) receives for such work is only $83.

Utilizing children as human shields and as bomb carriers is unethical and abhorrent, and yet this issue is rarely talked about or brought up, except in the effort to demonize Israel.

The world watched as Ahed Tamimi was released from detainment, but very few news sources questioned why she was there in the first place. Very few blinked when it was discovered that UNWRA had approved textbooks that included rampant incitement, blood libels, and blatant propaganda for use in schools in Gaza, the Palestinian territories, and even East Jerusalem. And the many Palestinian children’s television programs that call for violence against Jews and spread propaganda continue to be aired with little scrutiny.

It’s time to expose these horrible practices, and educate the public about the real situation in Israel.

The hope is that if this issue is brought wholly into the public discourse, real change can be enacted, and more Palestinian children can be saved from their horrible fates. For if we all truly do care about the plight of Palestinian children, we’ll call out the abuse that their own government forces upon them and try to change their situation for the better.

McKenna Bates is a CAMERA Fellow at George Mason University.

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Sun 06/07/20 08:35 AM
Edited by Zion on Sun 06/07/20 08:38 AM
Palestinian children are encouraged to strap explosives to their bodies and kill themselves for the movement...but let's talk about recipes...

Israeli Tomato and Cucumber Salad

4 English cucumbers, diced
4 Roma (plum) tomatoes, seeded and diced
1/2 purple onion, diced
1 red bell pepper, seeded and diced
2 tablespoons chopped garlic
1 cup chopped fresh parsley
3 tablespoons chopped fresh mint

1/2 cup olive oil
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
1 tablespoon kosher salt
1 tablespoon ground black pepper
Toss cucumbers, tomatoes, onion, bell pepper, garlic, parsley, and mint together in a bowl. Drizzle olive oil and lemon juice over the salad and toss to coat; season with salt and pepper.

Now enjoy the hypocrisy as he points and jeers since there is nothing factual to offer...

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Sun 06/07/20 08:24 AM

because fluff, more than facts, seems to be more important...

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Sun 06/07/20 08:22 AM
Anti-Semitism is on the rise at college campuses. From January to June 2016, 287 anti-Semitic incidents occurred on 64 campuses, an increase of 45% since the year before. Unfortunately, Stanford is no exception to this ugly trend. In Spring 2016, during an ASSU meeting, Senator Gabriel Knight spoke of “Jews controlling the media, economy, government and other societal institutions.” Disgusting centuries-old stereotypes have entered discourse at the Farm.

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is, and will always be, divisive. Stanford students should have the right to express their opinions on either side of the issue. But one thing is clear: no student group should receive support from, or be linked to terrorism or violent actors. Support for physical aggression is unacceptable.

So Stanford should be horrified by recent revelations that chapters of the national organization Students for Justice in Palestine are coordinating with an affiliate of Hamas.

Last year, congressional testimony revealed SJP’s strong ties to American Muslims for Palestine (AMP). Several members of AMP were formerly members of the Holy Land Foundation (HLF), which was dissolved after it was discovered in 2005 that the organization sent $12.4 million to Hamas. Following the dissolution of the HLF, several of the HLF’s Hamas financiers moved to AMP, which was founded in 2005.

As they have taken new positions with AMP, the Hamas-linked former members of the HLF have maintained their terrorist ties: a number of terrorist-affiliated individuals and entities appear on the AMP’s donor list. AMP is thus essentially operating as a Hamas front group here in the United States.

Alarmingly, AMP is also active on campuses throughout our country. AMP is a major source of funding and support for SJP: in 2014, it put $100,000 into campus efforts, and it routinely provides SJP with speakers, training, funds, and printed materials. Moreover, the testimony revealed that AMP “even has a campus coordinator on staff whose job it is to work directly with SJP and other pro-BDS groups across the country.” SJP’s close association with AMP, whose members are tied to terrorists, is sickening.

By collaborating with such an organization, SJP has essentially become another front group for Hamas, aiding its legitimacy by receiving funds and support from its affiliate, AMP. The BDS movement that SJP represents is, in the words of Jerusalem Post columnist Caroline Glick, “part and parcel of the jihadist war against Israel whose goal is its annihilation.”

Hamas is evil, pure and simple. They are a genocidal terrorist organization that launches rockets into Israel, targets Israeli civilians through bombings, uses Palestinian civilians as human shields, and inspires Palestinians to kidnap and stab Israelis. They threaten the basic peace, safety, and well-being of Israelis and Palestinians alike.

It is incontrovertible that Stanford students should not fund the acts of terrorists and war criminals. Stanford’s SJP receives ASSU standard grants, meaning that students’ tuition dollars may be funding a group with terrorist ties. That possibility is intolerable.

Congressional testimony has shown that SJP groups on campuses across our country have demonstrable ties to AMP, and therefore, to Hamas. The ASSU must take serious steps to investigate the full extent of SJP’s sources of external support. Until that day, Stanford should not let Students for Justice in Palestine operate on our campus, use our buildings, or spend our students’ money.

The Review reached out to Stanford Students for Justice in Palestine, asking if they were willing to disclose their external funding sources, including American Muslims for Palestine. Stanford Students for Justice in Palestine have yet to comment.

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Sun 06/07/20 08:20 AM

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Sun 06/07/20 08:05 AM
Inside the Plo: Covert Units, Secrets Funds, and the War Against Israel and the United States

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Sun 06/07/20 07:59 AM
This shift to international terrorism flowed directly from the profound changes wrought by the 1967 war. Before 1967, many Palestinians assumed they would gain their own state on the backs of Arab armies. Arab states, after all, had warred with Israel in 1948 and 1956, and their leaders promised deliverance for their Arab brothers. The crushing Israeli victory dispelled that illusion and made Arab leaders cautious about confronting Israel, fearing another devastating loss. In addition, the war damaged the prestige of Egypt’s Gamal Abdel Nasser and his pan-Arab agenda. Abu Iyad, Arafat’s chief lieutenant who would go on to run the Black September Organization, recalled: “Nasser had surrendered! Who could ever have imagined such a thing?” If the Palestinians were to gain deliverance, they would have to deliver it themselves.

In a major shift, the Six-Day War also gave Israel control over the West Bank and Gaza Strip. After 1948, roughly one million Palestinians remained in Israel, but they were a leaderless minority. Now Israel ruled over large Palestinian-populated areas, occupying them militarily. Yasser Arafat sought to emulate the successful Algeria revolt, where guerrillas eventually drove out the French after more than one hundred years of colonization—a model for many revolutionary movements at the time. Israel, however, quickly suppressed an attempted Palestinian rebellion on the West Bank and, in the years that followed, crushed resistance in Gaza. Abu Iyad later concluded that his own organization’s carelessness and the skill of Israel’s intelligence services was too much.

The Palestinians also continued cross-border attacks, often using bases in Jordan to strike into Israel. At first these attacks and the Israeli response won Palestinian movements like Arafat’s Fatah plaudits among young Arabs, as they appeared to be the only group effectively fighting Israel after the 1967 humiliation. But as Israeli defenses improved, world media paid less and less attention to the low-level back and forth between Israel and the Palestinians. The number of cross-border operations peaked at almost 1,500 in 1968 but plummeted to less than 200 by 1972. Israel also hit Jordan itself hard in order to press the government to crack down on the Palestinian presence. These efforts precipitated a bloody crackdown, which the Palestinians referred to as “Black September,” in which an estimated 2,000 Palestinians died and thousands were expelled by the Jordanian regime, leading to mass influxes to Lebanon, with eventual dire consequences for that country.

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Sun 06/07/20 07:53 AM
Just turn your date into a protest and you can do whatever you want.

Covid-19 isn't a factor anymore.

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Sun 06/07/20 07:45 AM
Edited by Zion on Sun 06/07/20 07:46 AM

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Sun 06/07/20 07:42 AM
The 1967 War and the Birth of International Terrorism

Among the many children of the Six-Day War, the most frightening is international terrorism. Of course, terrorism, including Palestinian terrorism, predated 1967, but the war changed its scope, scale, and very nature. Before the war, Palestinian terrorists struck at targets in Israel, often in cooperation with neighboring states. After the war, the Palestinians used terrorism to internationalize the conflict, hijacking and destroying airplanes, holding diplomats hostage, and even attacking Israelis at the 1972 Munich Olympics.

Terrorism expert Bruce Hoffman dates modern international terrorism to July 22, 1968, when the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) hijacked an Israeli El Al flight traveling from Rome to Tel Aviv. From 1968 through 1976, Palestinian groups would hijack 16 airplanes, and also attack other aviation targets such as El Al offices. Hijacking was not new, but most hijackers had simply sought to divert a plane to Cuba or another desired location. This time the hijackers sought to trade the passengers for Palestinian terrorists imprisoned in Israel and proclaimed that a civilian jet was a legitimate target because it was a symbol of the Israeli state. This combination of extra-territoriality and claims that civilian targets are legitimate because they are symbolic would spread, leading to more and more Palestinian hijackings and increasingly becoming the norm among terrorist groups. Global targeting would also spread beyond hijacking. Most dramatically, in 1972 the Black September Organization, a front for Yasser Arafat’s Fatah, killed eleven Israeli athletes and a German policeman at the Munich Olympics, capturing the attention of the world media that had gathered for the games.

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Sun 06/07/20 07:37 AM

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