Community > Posts By > sexxyandsingle

sexxyandsingle's photo
Sun 05/11/08 11:20 PM
Night ((Val)) flowerforyou flowerforyou

sexxyandsingle's photo
Sun 05/11/08 11:12 PM
Hey if you don't give a damn, gon throw it up smokin

sexxyandsingle's photo
Sun 05/11/08 11:01 PM

flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

sexxyandsingle's photo
Sun 05/11/08 10:59 PM
Im terribble add is a killer

sexxyandsingle's photo
Sun 05/11/08 10:58 PM


flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

sexxyandsingle's photo
Sun 05/11/08 10:55 PM
I've never did,

but if your feeling froggy there is that link at the top of the page Date married women

sexxyandsingle's photo
Sun 05/11/08 10:43 PM
Im forwarding all my calls to your digits

sexxyandsingle's photo
Sun 05/11/08 10:41 PM
Right now, Ray-j feat young berg Sexy can i

sexxyandsingle's photo
Sun 05/11/08 10:25 PM
Yea i know im gonna get shut down, even b-4 i speak to the female

sexxyandsingle's photo
Sun 05/11/08 10:18 PM
Nice Smile bigsmile

sexxyandsingle's photo
Sun 05/11/08 09:34 PM
Let me turn my sex appeal down a notch for you

sexxyandsingle's photo
Sun 05/11/08 09:33 PM
Yea i've seen but they don't like me cuz i have negitive karma so i gottta jet

sexxyandsingle's photo
Sun 05/11/08 09:07 PM
Noise ordiance here is 10pm so i'd be bumping till 10

sexxyandsingle's photo
Sun 05/11/08 09:06 PM
Probbally a guy cuz a girl would freak out and call every one of her contacts and tell them she was stuck in a elevator

sexxyandsingle's photo
Sun 05/11/08 08:51 PM
Nope dun know what a safe word is

sexxyandsingle's photo
Sun 05/11/08 08:47 PM
Originally used to mean a young man, new to the game. By new to the game, I don't mean he just meant a rapper, but he just started selling crack, just started rapping, whatever, but even simpler it was a term used to mean just a person much younger than you.

Now, commercial rappers have turned the meaning upside down to mean a 'fine female', apparently.

"shorty's laugh was cold blooded as he spoke so foul,
Only twelve trying to tell me that he liked my style"
-NaS, 1994

"Shorty is shaking her ass on my Hummer with spinning rims, or something."
-average commercialized rapper today

by Steelo J. Dallas, TX May 21, 2005 email it
3. shorty 468 up, 232 down

a girl, usually attractive.

sexxyandsingle's photo
Sun 05/11/08 08:45 PM
Shorty Wanna Ride With Me, Ride With Me
We Can Get Low, Hop Into The Chevy 4 Door
Blow Dro, Wanna Ride With Me, Ride With Me
Let Ya Hair Down, You Said You Wanna Thug
Don't Be Scared Now

sexxyandsingle's photo
Sun 05/11/08 08:30 PM
verizon 99$ a month unlimited, i get txt pics flix and the net, not to shabby

sexxyandsingle's photo
Sun 05/11/08 08:29 PM
What are toys devil devil devil

sexxyandsingle's photo
Sun 05/11/08 08:24 PM
Does this mean, I have to give up my Nike Drivers ?!!

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