Community > Posts By > iam4u

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Sat 02/18/12 08:28 AM
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh


An application was for employment
A program was a TV show
A cursor used profanity
A keyboard was a piano!

Memory was something that you lost with age
A CD was a bank account
And if you had a 3 1/2 inch floppy
You hoped nobody found out!

Compress was something you did to garbage
Not something you did to a file
And if you unzipped anything in public
You'd be in jail for awhile!

Log on was adding wood to a fire
Hard drive was a long trip on the road
A mouse pad was where a mouse lived
And a backup happened to your commode!

Cut - you did with a pocket knife
Paste you did with glue
A web was a spider's home
And a virus was the flu!

I guess I'll stick to my pad and paper
And the memory in my head
I hear nobody's been killed in a computer crash
But when it happens they wish they were dead!

NOW THIS IS FUNNY,I don't care who you are,,,and so TRUE!!!!!

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Sat 02/18/12 08:09 AM
whoa I feel like I could ravish a woman with kisses,,spend an hour in the shower with us both so wet., then carry her to bed, make love off and on all day and feel once again this man IAM...LOL


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Sat 02/18/12 08:03 AM

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Thank you Tazman,,I'm trying to type less and mean more,,,lol

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Sat 02/18/12 07:57 AM

Thank you all for your well wishes :-)
He spent a comfortable night.
He is now sitting up.

He is calm and looking forward to the
trip to town to fondle, er, study new
computers. (He is taking a rectal
thermometer with him just in case he
can find a REAL hungry salesman, the
mailman plain refused.)

We wish him well on this journey.
Updates will be made available
on his condition when warranted.
He is able to read your comments
from his android.

Please try and be upbeat.
If he is to pull through, he will
need your support (boobie pictures
he finds real encouraging.)
Come on kristi, it is for a good cause.

Again, thank you for your thoughts and
It is in the hands of fate.

but he's calm for the moment,,and sitting up,

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Sat 02/18/12 07:34 AM

Thanks Leigh,,,,I'm TRYING to condense me,,,

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Sat 02/18/12 07:30 AM

who are you and what have you done with that wordy iam?? :P
11 words, volumes spoken, me likey! flowerforyou
YOU sweet Lady,,gave me inspiration to try some small ones,

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Sat 02/18/12 01:20 AM
wow,,now thats a tuffy,,,miles,,,,,tonight? none,,hands if there,,all the way aound you....laugh I amabout shut eyed here,,butI have went a long way before,,maybe 1000 miles,,,,:wink:

whoa gee,,THAT just sounds WANTING huh,,,laugh

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Sat 02/18/12 01:11 AM
flowers Thank you Eileena,,:wink: :banana:

and Joy,,thanks for stopping in,,flowerforyou drinker :banana:

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Sat 02/18/12 01:09 AM
well,,lets see,,how far would I go??
Is that in miles or hands?laugh bigsmile

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Sat 02/18/12 12:13 AM
Heart of stone that you throw around,
shall one day bring you, a man lovingly profound....:heart:
Nice Write Penny....flowerforyou

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Fri 02/17/12 11:59 PM
Edited by iam4u on Sat 02/18/12 12:03 AM

Is it hard to date these people if they've had a long marriage and/or relationship? Do they ever move on? Do they just grow more picky after the breakup? What are your thoughts on knowing this about someone you're just starting to like?
This is best said,,like picking apples from a tree.
Some will have a worm in it,
some will be sweet,
some will taste bitter.
Some will be badly brused.

The ones which are sweet, have truly moved on.
The ones with a worm,may lose their thoughts of their other,,through the Love they have fallen into.
The Bitter ones,shall keep bringing their other one up,,every week or many times through a week. Forever....
The brused ones,,shall bring their old one up,,AS IT REFECTS UPON THEM WITH YOU,,all through your times spent together..

SO,,,,YA WANNA GO PICK SOME APPLES??:wink: :heart: drinker

no photo
Fri 02/17/12 11:47 PM
Please,unscrew me, un-use me.
Make me fresh,
and new.
Excite me, delight me,
Take back those words.
we're through.
Please me, squeeze me,
Just like,
you use to do.
Lift my head,
out of the toilet.
remove the embedded bullet.
Place it back into
the chamber.
Then kiss me back alive,
To all I remember.brokenheart

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Fri 02/17/12 11:28 PM
Yesterday, can never be recovered.
Tomorrow may never be here.
Today has already begun.
Lost in time, with you there!

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Fri 02/17/12 11:19 PM
In the mists of savored passion,
you become my souls ration.

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Fri 02/17/12 06:48 PM

YOU my dear have some GREAT WORDS,,,and together with a friend, you both ROCK HARD,,,,this was very sad and cold,,but yet still so BOLD.
I'mwith YOU'S,,and my HOPES ARE TO'S,,,laugh laugh
NEVER stop long enough to let this damn World catch up with ya,,,

...she left Mingle, Terry.

..and it's aimed at me..

It is beautiful though...
awwwww,damn it man,,I thought you BOTH,,after reading yours first,,you were both going there together,,,man this sucks,,sorry bro
she is a very good writer,,as you and I hope she changes her mind and returns,,we all have those passing moments ,,and good luck:heart:
let me know,,if I can do anything to help..

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Fri 02/17/12 06:42 PM
One of the BEST,,,,

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Fri 02/17/12 06:39 PM
another one of mine,,

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Fri 02/17/12 06:38 PM
This has always been one of mine,,,

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Fri 02/17/12 06:09 PM

a once lover's brush strokes
the art of heart,
liquid paper.
painting, over
until all that remains

©ks 2012
Very COOL,,,drinker and DAMN NICE!!!

removing the cap, brush in hand, whiting-out all we planned.:cry:
I happen to LOVE,,,,,,,,,,,,,"i's":wink: laugh

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Fri 02/17/12 06:00 PM
laugh laugh MINE just went to half screen and I am getting another one next week,,BUT,,this one is NOW ON DEATH ROW,,as I wait for the SHOCKING END OF ITS SO GREAT LIFE OF SERVING ME...
But,,Imay for spite,,STILL run over IT with my truck once it flashes
its last light,,,,YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH,,damn thing anyway
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
Krupa will just have to post via YOU by land line,,,,lol,I HAVE DID THAT MANY TIMES ON HERE....laugh Marie55 use to call herself my secretary,,,,:angel: rofl

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