Community > Posts By > lingau

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Wed 09/05/12 07:01 AM
Can you delete mutual matches from your page if you are not interested in meeting or communicating with that person?

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Wed 07/04/12 09:10 AM
Edited by lingau on Wed 07/04/12 09:31 AM
Celebrating Independence
this Fourth of July
dont forget
to remember
those who gave
their lives...

To ensure
we have our
the right to
and breathe
the right
to make
our own choices
and the right
to be

As you're grilling
on your BBQ
and watching
your kids play
Dont forget
our Soldiers
who are
a War today...

Still fighting
for our Freedoms
against terror
standing tall
some will make it
through the night
and some
will give
their All!

So give them
the acknowledgment
they rightfully
for their bravery
and their courage
and their willingness
to serve...

For the sacrifices
they all make
the lives lost
to keep
us Free
should be
a reminder
to us all
the price
Is not Free!

God Bless our Troops Today and Everyday!

by lingau
July 4, 2012

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Tue 07/03/12 07:45 AM
Edited by lingau on Tue 07/03/12 07:56 AM
Along the north end
of the
Connoquenessing Creek
which flows
the southside of town
there used to be
an old
glass factory
that for years has been
torn down
its now a great place
to beat the heat
relax and let the
hours pass
you can swim
with the fish,
throw your dogs
some sticks
or from the banks
colored glass!

some people
are so uninspired
by what they cant
easily see
just more
throw away
left to decay
along the edges
of their memory
But I saw some
timeless treasures
unique and unrefined
with a gentle hand
removed years of sand
The Beauty Within
could shine...

reflecting the light
from the suns warm rays
I saw an onyx
as black as a
coal smoke haze,
what a pretty
a blue
as azure
as a moonlit sky
portraying star drawn
that capture your eye
on a
dreamless night...
while the
rippling green
reminded me
of the leaves on
a weeping willow tree
lifted by a gentle
and taking flight...

each cast
its own
timestamp of trait
no two are ever
exactly the same
but they're as
as a spark filled
raging flame

beneath the
roughest exteriors
things aren't always
what they seem
if we only ever see
the rougher side
we sacrifice
a chance to dream
and so wondrous
are the beauties
of nature
one should always
take the time to seek
for inspiration
faith and hope
were found
that day
along the
Connoquenessing Creek!

by lingau
copyright 2005

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Mon 07/02/12 07:33 AM
Yo Gov'nor
tell me "what's up"
I'm a Pennsylvania Worker
you put down on her luck
you been taking my taxes
funding your spending spree
Now you're asking for more
so where does that leave me?
I'm not addicted to drugs
and claiming my free ride
I'm not a mother of five
with another inside
and 16 percent
to fund political greed
trumps the wage increase
we so desperately need!
you raised our taxes
your first year in
what gives you the right
to raise them again?
you aint having trouble
keeping your family fed
you aint facing the winter
with the heating cost dread
you got no concerns
about losing Your home
Dawg, you remind me
of a hunch backed gnome!
you need to save
some money
to end this impasse...
why not lay off all
the people
who just sit on their
a person cannot drive
through a
construction site
without seeing
state workers
sitting left and right
and how about a cop
who lets a girl slide
a pennsylvania trooper
and she should have
the public should
be outraged
I'd have no doubt
if word of this
ever got out
he said he smelled
in the cab of her truck
he saw flakes
in the tray
talk about bad luck
he also stated
he smelled alcohol
she admitted to
bout 2 hours before!
no valid ID
to confirm the "I am"
for all he knew
she could have been
on the lamb
NO title, No pinkslip
a dead car plate
under the law
there should have been
no debate
but she passed his test
he said her driving was fine
all she had to do
was keep it right
of the line
that's not too
if you know what i mean
for a 40 year old
not young, blonde or green!
he then looked
her in the eye
and without respect
he said
"as far as I'm concerned,
you are a train wreck"
next she heard him say
through the
train wreck ringgggg
I'm gonna do you
a favor
not charge you with a thing!
the feeling I have
with regard to this stop,
is we are paying
yet another
incompetent cop!
and now i cant forget
to mention
state welfare workers
a bunch of
ignorant, incompetent, insensitive
rejecting our disabled
who are truly in need
while approving help
for Convicts,
who aint even on the street!
give me a break
what is up with that?
yeah talk about a system
that's gone totally whack!
so as you sit
behind your desk
in your fat cat suit
know the lies
in your eyes
make your words
quite mute
dont be telling us
how you got it so rough
while you still stand
from the taxpayer trough
or telling us
how you didnt get paid
like we are too dumb
to know
we are all
being played!
don't you think
it's time
to cut
your bulls**t jive
and tell us
PA workers
how we're
sposed to

by lingau
copyright 2009

I wrote this Rap during the 2009 Pennsylvania Budget Impasse. The information was on the news, in the paper or witnessed with my own two eyes! I hope you enjoy the read!

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Sun 07/01/12 03:34 PM
Edited by lingau on Sun 07/01/12 03:35 PM
It was a cold winter night
in late November
We'd had a fight
I can still remember
He and the boys
were going out
on the town that night
He said "finals are done,
its time to have fun,
I love you babe,
but I got to run,
dont worry,
will be alright".
I knew they liked
to hop from bar to bar
I didnt want them drinking
and driving the car
I stood there angered
as the tail lights
vanished from sight
In my mind
he was being
a very big fool
cause it only
takes a second
to lose control
In the Blink of an Eye
your whole world
can be ripped
A knock on the door
around 3:45
an echoing voice
he didnt survive
unable to breathe
or think a clear thought
those words
like a dagger
straight through
my heart
With the snow
falling hard
they missed the bend
the car hit a boulder
flipped end over end
the two in the front
through the glass
the one in the back
by the belt
cut in half
never again
to see his sweet face
never again
to feel his embrace
never again
to gaze into his eyes...
never again
to walk hand in hand
never again
by his side would i stand
left alone
a casket
to say my
final goodbyes...
before casting aside
these words that i wrote
stop and think about
in your life
would be hurt
if you left them
to finish their
journey through life
then if you choose
to go out
to the bar
to get drunk
before you take
that first drink
lock the keys
in the trunk
for the life
you save
could very well be
Your Own...

by lingau
copyright 1987
for SADD (students against drunk driving)

The driver of the vehicle was charged with vehicular homicide while DUI and served 4.5 years of a 3-6 year minimum mandatory sentence.

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Sat 06/23/12 01:22 PM
You are so very correct. If nothing else, I hope this piece inspires people to let their loved ones know they are loved!
thanks for reading...

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Fri 06/22/12 08:12 AM
Edited by lingau on Fri 06/22/12 08:16 AM
When you have trouble
with emotions
running round in
your head
and the only
you capture
you're better off
my friend
know that's just
not true
life's a
you don't have to
travel all
Im here
I'll walk it
with you
for the friendship
you've shown
my friend
you've got to know
it's not your time
to go
You can't leave
for wrongs
only one or a few
may have done
for those of us
you leave
Lost in the Dark
and unable to
our way
we are
missing you
when you are
looking at
the people
in your life
who don't care
take a closer
look around
there's always
somebody there
to help guide
you through
my friend
I am here
for you
as my mind
now reflects
on the years
gone by
force teardrops
to fall from
my eyes
how lonely
my life
would be
without your
to comfort me
I know what
it's like
to crave
this world's
the breath
and the body
will cease
but there is
coming back
to console
those you
you can hope to
watch over
from somewhere
that's why...
you cannot
leave us behind
Please dont leave
for wrongs
only one or a few
may have done
for those of us
you leave behind
Lost in the Dark
and unable to
our way
We still
need and love

by lingau
copyright 2004

I wrote this song when my good friend of 27 years laid in a coma on life support for 17 days in the ICU after attempting suicide. During his journey back to health, he told me wasn't aware he had anyone in his life who truly cared...

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Thu 06/21/12 09:18 AM
you shouldnt let yourself dwell on your heartache and sorrow
for there is always hope for a brighter tomorrow
if you choose to stay focused on the bad that you feel
the good that surrounds you will never seem real
and how do you know a happy ending wont be
when the fate of your future is still a mystery
life is a journey, one we all have to take
how it turns out, depends on the choices we make
so you can choose to be sad and stay cowered away
or you can choose to be strong and embrace each new day
its all up to you, I cant stress that enough
but you should never give up because the road gets rough
when you choose to be strong and reach beyond your pain
you'll find the rougher the road, the greater the gain.

May your day be filled with sunshine, peace and happiness!

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Thu 06/21/12 07:54 AM
The leaves are
changing color
the winds
begin to blow
another season
nears it's end
as the ground
prepares for snow
but let us
be not
too impatient
and ignore
the spetacular views
behold all
Our Lord
has provided
pictures painted
in heavenly hues
the shades
He selected
are brilliant
an array
of browns
reds and golds
blended to
His perfection
the breathtaking
beauty unfolds
we must
never forget
to remember
as Autumn colors
begin to fade
to embrace
each and every
for there is
in ALL
He has made.

by lingau
copyright 2003

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Wed 06/20/12 07:58 AM
Snowflakes dancing in the air
each by itself, unique
falling free
they'll cover all
from shore
to mountain peak
whipped about
by gusts of wind
difining no direction
creating bold
white images
to perfection
each snowflake
is delicate
it cant exist
its only when
they all unite
their strength
will become known
so pause a moment
and behold
the beauty
God doeth render
for in time
all things will end
to warmth

by lingau
copyright 2001

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Tue 06/19/12 09:29 AM
Im feeling a little bit
dazed and confused
you left me
beaten, bleeding
heartbroken and bruised
The marks on my body
they do not lie
and there is nothing
in this world
that can justify
what you've done!
you probably cant imagine
the horror I felt
when reflected
in the mirror
I first saw the welt
and the imprint
of you bite
etched in my skin
Im standing bewildered
recounting your sin
and you got the nerve
to say lets try again!
as you look at the ring
worn around my throat
from your calloused hands
as they violenty choked
the air from my lungs
till I fell to the floor
unable to scream
or escape out the door
tell me was it all
you hoped it would be?
did beating on me
somehow set you free?
or was it my fear
got you off instead
as I laid there limp
with you stomping my head?
I can hear you tell me
you love me now
if I give you a chance
we'll work it out
you'll make it up
the way you always do,
but as the swelling fades
and the bruises heal
and I struggle with time
to erase what I feel
I will not let
You Love Me Black & Blue

This was
attemted criminal homicide
to a simple assault
when a woman dies
at the hand of her man
tell me
who should bear the most fault?
the man who
committed such a
dreadful act
with no remorse
for what he had done?
the woman
who fell victim
under violent attack
who had nothing
and no where to run?
or maybe the system
should be held to account
for pleading them down
then letting them out!
the victim in this tale
her life he did rob
through his plea
was set free
and he finished the job!

by lingau
copyright 2005
Domestic Violence Awareness

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Mon 06/18/12 08:21 AM
Do you know true happiness
Do you know true Love?
If your answer now is "NO"
then look to God above
Open wide your heart to Him
and reach toward His embrace
For He will come into your life
and share with you His Grace.
He will Always walk beside you
He will catch you if you fall
and when you're faced with problems
He will help you if you call
As you begin to lean on Him
Your Faith will start to grow
You won't question if He's there
You simply will just know
And when the warmth
of Our Lord's Love
enfolds you like a glove
you will know true happiness
and you will know true Love...

by lingau
copyright 2001

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Sun 06/17/12 04:47 PM
The day i wrote the Grim Reaper (its actually a song) was a day I will never forget! It changed my life... forever.

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Sun 06/17/12 03:00 PM
I saw the Grim Reaper
had a moment or two
these words be your warning
he is gunning for you
what it all comes down to
in the final show
have you walked in our Lord's light
and is your answer no?
now let me tell you friend
before you jump that gun
this is not a situation
from which you got to run
you can stop that Reaper
dead in his track
by dropping to your knees
and asking God to come back
and you should
cause He would
send you an angel
from the heavens above
who'd swoop down upon you
and surround you with His love
an armor of protection
every mortal should bear
a symbol of true unity
with God's strength to share
the Grim Reaper sees us in a different light
he is counting off our souls
one by one through the night
there's too much evil
spawning hatred to cease
and that my friends
is the Grim Reaper's lease
and his goal...
steal your soul....

by lingau
copyright 2006