I love you, Lord Jesus, because You, first, loved me!
You, my Lord, saw all my unrighteousness and my ungodliness, which created the seperation between us. You, my Lord, came out of Glory and humiliated Yourself, for me! You tasted death, for me, and because of me, Lord Jesus, You were seperated from Your Father! You, first loved me! I am Yours, my Lord. All, of my trust, is in You, Lord Jesus. You alone, are worthy Lord Jesus, and have made this unworthy man, worthy forever! May my walk in this flesh, be pleasing in Your sight my Lord. As it is written;" Now unto Him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of His Glory with exceeding Joy, To the only wise God our Saviour, be Glory and Majesty, Dominion and Power, both now and Ever. Amen ". ( Jude; 24,25' kjv) On the 14th of December, 2003, I received the amazing grace of God in my life. His Gift of Salvation! Thank You Lord Jesus. I am eternally secure, justified and redeemed by the cleasing power of Your innocent blood! Lord, I pray, that if anyone reading my post, does not know You as their Saviour, that You would touch their hearts and give them the desire to know Your Truth and seek Your salvation. (Acts 4 v 12 'kjv ) In Your precious name Lord Jesus Amen... God bless you all |