Community > Posts By > godsdaughter76

godsdaughter76's photo
Sat 06/09/12 08:25 PM
God has done so much for me, I have so many ways that He has answered prayers for me, and miracles He has done for me. when I was 16 I lost my mom in a car accident, I was in the same accident, along with my dad,my sister and my 9 mo old niece and 3yr old nephew, we were in a volkswagon rabbit and we were hit by a mac dump truck head on, it was a 90 mile an he impact, it killed my mom and nephew, but the rest of us survived, My mom and dad lived their lives for God and raised us the same way, after that accident i was out of touch with God for 13 yrs before I came back stronger than ever, He has made me stronger and my faith stronger, and now i have an 11 yr old son, I work as a pet groomer,I had my own buisness, and my equipment got stolen, I prayed with my dad and we asked that I would get my equipment back with intrest, well 30 minutes later, someone who I have never met, and came from out of no where was knocking on my door he said he took some things from me and he was sorry he asked me not to call the cops, i told him thanks for bringing it back, and not getting rid of it all, I went in my house opened up the bag, there was all of my equipment, including a heating pad and a pair of scissors I never seen before, through all of that and more He has made my faith in Him stronger than ever, He has Never let me down, He has always come through when I need Him, He is my Rock, my shelter and my comfort.

godsdaughter76's photo
Thu 06/07/12 06:24 PM
Hi everybody,
I am new here and I thought I would introduce myself, my name is Rachel, and I love God with all of my heart, He has gotten me through some very hard times, He is the only one that has never failed me or let me down,He has supplied my needs, and answered my prayers,I don't know where I would be without Him,He is my Heavenly Rock and my fortress, I put my trust in God always.
God Bless

godsdaughter76's photo
Sun 05/27/12 03:39 PM
I am a single mom for 11 years now, God has brought me through so any tough times,there are times when i feel like I cant do it by myself anymore, but God is always there to provide for me, some how God always makes a way,the teen years are coming, and i think it will be alot harder, it is hard now because his dad dosent have much to do with him, he pays child support, but thats it, he doesn't call him, or make a big effort to spend time with him, but he also lives out of the state, but my son wants a "stepdad" because he hasn't had a father figure to spend time with him, and i have been hurt and lied to and everything else in the past, I am a single mom until God sends me the right someone that has the same family values, and honesty trust and respect,and God knows who that is, I am just trying to hang in there by the Grace of God, because I work and it's just me and him, there is no one close I can trust or rely on except for God, He is the only reason, next to my son that I am still able to keep going.

godsdaughter76's photo
Sun 05/27/12 02:46 PM

every girl would rather have a bad boy that beats her than a polite guy that takes care of her. they may not admit this but deep down it has to be true

But why do those chicks go out with the bad boys in the first place?

not every girl wants that, there are girls who are nieve, and find out the hard way, then have problems getting out of that relationship,then there are women out there that has been there and done that and wants something more meaningful, and wants someone to respect and protect her and love her and help her as God intended, and be honest to her and someone she can trust and rely on.

the bad boys i believe take advantage that the girl is nieve, especially when it comes to lying,just to see if they go for it, then hook line and sinker...
the bad boys are not all they are cracked up to be...

godsdaughter76's photo
Sun 05/27/12 02:03 PM
hello, Im Rachel and I am new to this site, I just thought I'd stop in and say hi to everyone :)