Community > Posts By > Larsson71

Larsson71's photo
Wed 01/31/24 03:25 PM
Say what you want, but Paul McCartney and John Lennon, are a hard act to follow:thumbsup::100::sunglasses::notes::musical_note:

Larsson71's photo
Wed 01/31/24 03:23 PM

So where do you want to spend your life??
Celtic Park, in Glasgow, would do me fine:thumbsup::100: C'mon the hoops:four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover:

Larsson71's photo
Tue 01/30/24 09:42 PM
Edited by Larsson71 on Tue 01/30/24 09:42 PM
Fun fact, every single US President, except Martin Van Buren, are directly related to the English Plantagenet King John, who signed the Magna Carta, in 1215. :thumbsup::100::sunglasses:

Larsson71's photo
Tue 01/30/24 09:36 PM
Who discovered that you could get milk, from a Cow and what were they doing in the first place? :thinking::thinking::thinking:🤷

Larsson71's photo
Tue 01/30/24 09:32 PM

Why do sooooo many people, fart in the elevator?
It could be worse? If you farted in a Spacesuit, there's no escape! 🤣🤣

Larsson71's photo
Tue 01/30/24 09:43 AM
Edited by Larsson71 on Tue 01/30/24 09:44 AM

Man I said nothing about a foreigner can’t be clued in on American politics.. all I did was disagree with your beliefs on 9/11.. I think you are badly misinformed..don’t I have as much right as you about spewing my beliefs?.. that’s how the far left liberals act over here. But I’m sure you were already clued in about that…
Bart, I've been to the States, on countless occasions. I used to go with a lassie from Massachusetts. Berkshire County, in Western Massachusetts. I know a lot about your Country, but I can also work things out for myself and the whole 9/11 event, points more towards the actions of the US Government, than the ideas of some guy in a cave, riding a Donkey and carting about a dialysis machine, in the hills of Afghanistan, to be realistic?

Larsson71's photo
Mon 01/29/24 04:22 PM

Why can't a person be Cherokee and Irish?
They can only have Cherokee and Irish heritage, if they were born in the US. That makes them American only. You're whatever nationality, as the Country you were born in. Nothing else. I've met people who try to say that they're Scottish and when I ask them "Whereabouts?" They then go to tell me that their great grandad, was from Aberdeen, Edinburgh, etc. Nah, I'm not buying that one! 🤣🤣🤣:thumbsup::100:

Larsson71's photo
Mon 01/29/24 02:39 PM
Mashed potatoes, Steak pie, with beef link sausages in it as well, carrots, garden peas, gravy and a big glass of Irn Bru, to wash it down with. Yum, yum! :thumbsup::100::sunglasses:

Larsson71's photo
Mon 01/29/24 02:34 PM

I would like to meet with a man that knows how to treat a woman now and I don't want a man who likes nothing but sex all the time
You can't be Cherokee and Irish? You're just an American, that's all. My mum is Irish, from Dublin and my dad was from Glasgow, in Scotland. I was born and brought up in Scotland and that's the only nationality that I am. I may have Irish heritage, that I'm proud of, but at the end of the day I'm Scottish and nothing else! :thumbsup::100::sunglasses:

Larsson71's photo
Mon 01/29/24 02:29 PM

Who's on here for a real relationship, let's get to know each other more and see what happens...

Send me a message if you are interested.
Too far away for me, as I'm in Glasgow, Scotland, but good luck in your search, ok? :thumbsup::100::sunglasses:

Larsson71's photo
Mon 01/29/24 02:27 PM
Dance music:musical_note::notes:all day and all night long! :thumbsup::100:If you came through the whole dance music and rave scene, here in the UK, from the late 80's and through the 90's you would all understand, what I'm talking about. The US missed out on most of that though! :thumbsup::100::notes::musical_note::sunglasses:

Larsson71's photo
Mon 01/29/24 02:22 PM

Impatient people. They think they will find someone in one day.
That's the society we live in today though? Some people just have no patience and expect results, asap? Madness, if you ask me? :thumbsup::100:

Larsson71's photo
Mon 01/29/24 02:17 PM

All Politicians, regardless of what party they represent, are all crooks, liars and the worst people you could meet. They only care about themselves, lining their own pockets and couldn't care less about the population, in general. Just as long as they're ok and f**k everyone else! The sooner people start realising this, the better, as they think they can just do what they want, when they want and to who they want, nowadays, without ever being held accountable, for their actions! Sad, but true!!

It is true and very sad indeed, but what are our alternatives. Since we are a constitutional democracy run by elected officials, we must put up with the corruption. If all are corrupt than I guess our only alternative is to elect the least corrupt . Now we are back to individual ideas of who’s the most corrupt.. back to square one… where does it end?
The US, tries to pretend, that they're a Democracy, but are they really? :thinking::thinking:🤷Being a true Democracy would mean that they listen to the people and work for the people, being attentive to the needs of the people and to the better of the Country, in general. Maybe once upon a time that was the case, but not anymore. Greed, has taken over and the Politicians are all jumping on the gravy Train, to better themselves, not the people. They don't listen to the people and even Biden, has said in a few videos, that he doesn't work for the people? Well if that's the case,then who is he working for? Himself and the Corporations, is who he truly works for. The US, is secretly becoming a Dictatorship, under the disguise of Democracy. It won't be long until that's actually true, because the signs are there, for you all to see. Americans still believe it's the "land of the free," but is it really? How many freedoms have been taken away by stealth since 9/11? People around the World, know it was the US Government, who planned those attacks that day. The signs were all there? The day before 9/11, the US treasury admits that $2.3 trillion, was mysteriously missing, from it's budget, but the attacks the next day, took out the offices in the Pentagon, that would've been investigating that, plus WTC 7, that supposedly held documents relating to that fact, goes on fire and collapses, without being hit by a Plane, or anything, just the same way as the Twin Towers fell. The fact of the matter is, the US Government, just do what they want and if anyone speaks up against them, they're living in fear of losing their, or their families lives. Oh aye, that's a true Democracy, isn't it?

Lol.. I agreed with you till you started spewing the loony conspiracy theory that Americans planned 9/11.. what would have been the reason or inspiration for our government to attack itself..That makes no sense at all…
I just explained why they would do it, in my last comment? You may think that's a crazy conspiracy, but that's what your Government, want you to think? That it's too bizarre, to actually be true, until you start joining all the pieces of the jigsaw together and there staring you in the face, is your own Government? They had the means and the motive to pull off what they did that day and the fantasy story about how how it was Islamic terrorists, who pulled it off, was the Catalyst, to sweep that $2.3 trillion, missing money problem under the carpet and start a war with Iraq and Afghanistan. That's the real reasons I bet?

2.3 trillion? Our government wastes that much every year on needless BS. It wouldn’t take that much to hide it or just ignore the missing trillions . To believe our government would go to such lengths to cover up those missing funds is ridiculous…
Well why was it never accounted for then? Or the people that were involved in it never held accountable either? That kind of money going missing, isn't a flash in the pan, that you can just write off, as a bad debt, is it? Then again with the mentality you have on this subject, maybe you think it is? I'm not even an American, I'm Scottish, but at least I know that my Government, here in the UK, aren't to be trusted. They lie, they cheat and are involved in all sorts of :poop:on a Global basis. Your naivety about your own Government, is the way they want you all to think and that's why they'll continue to :poop:on you all from a great height! Previous generations of Americans wouldn't have stood for it, but those days are long gone now!

Yea, you got me… what do I know I only live here.. Americans should always get our knowledge of our government from a citizen of another country on the other side of the world…LOL..
At least my view isn't biased, or so out of touch with reality, that you can't see the woods for the trees? You think that someone from outside the US, can't be clued up about a subject, concerning the US? You think that only an American, can be clued up about things? Wrong! One thing I do, is read up about things before I comment on them. Maybe you should start doing the same? Then again, I doubt that you'll take those blinkers off and start seeing things that's happening around you, for what they really are, eh?

Larsson71's photo
Mon 01/29/24 09:40 AM

All Politicians, regardless of what party they represent, are all crooks, liars and the worst people you could meet. They only care about themselves, lining their own pockets and couldn't care less about the population, in general. Just as long as they're ok and f**k everyone else! The sooner people start realising this, the better, as they think they can just do what they want, when they want and to who they want, nowadays, without ever being held accountable, for their actions! Sad, but true!!

It is true and very sad indeed, but what are our alternatives. Since we are a constitutional democracy run by elected officials, we must put up with the corruption. If all are corrupt than I guess our only alternative is to elect the least corrupt . Now we are back to individual ideas of who’s the most corrupt.. back to square one… where does it end?
The US, tries to pretend, that they're a Democracy, but are they really? :thinking::thinking:🤷Being a true Democracy would mean that they listen to the people and work for the people, being attentive to the needs of the people and to the better of the Country, in general. Maybe once upon a time that was the case, but not anymore. Greed, has taken over and the Politicians are all jumping on the gravy Train, to better themselves, not the people. They don't listen to the people and even Biden, has said in a few videos, that he doesn't work for the people? Well if that's the case,then who is he working for? Himself and the Corporations, is who he truly works for. The US, is secretly becoming a Dictatorship, under the disguise of Democracy. It won't be long until that's actually true, because the signs are there, for you all to see. Americans still believe it's the "land of the free," but is it really? How many freedoms have been taken away by stealth since 9/11? People around the World, know it was the US Government, who planned those attacks that day. The signs were all there? The day before 9/11, the US treasury admits that $2.3 trillion, was mysteriously missing, from it's budget, but the attacks the next day, took out the offices in the Pentagon, that would've been investigating that, plus WTC 7, that supposedly held documents relating to that fact, goes on fire and collapses, without being hit by a Plane, or anything, just the same way as the Twin Towers fell. The fact of the matter is, the US Government, just do what they want and if anyone speaks up against them, they're living in fear of losing their, or their families lives. Oh aye, that's a true Democracy, isn't it?

Lol.. I agreed with you till you started spewing the loony conspiracy theory that Americans planned 9/11.. what would have been the reason or inspiration for our government to attack itself..That makes no sense at all…
I just explained why they would do it, in my last comment? You may think that's a crazy conspiracy, but that's what your Government, want you to think? That it's too bizarre, to actually be true, until you start joining all the pieces of the jigsaw together and there staring you in the face, is your own Government? They had the means and the motive to pull off what they did that day and the fantasy story about how how it was Islamic terrorists, who pulled it off, was the Catalyst, to sweep that $2.3 trillion, missing money problem under the carpet and start a war with Iraq and Afghanistan. That's the real reasons I bet?

2.3 trillion? Our government wastes that much every year on needless BS. It wouldn’t take that much to hide it or just ignore the missing trillions . To believe our government would go to such lengths to cover up those missing funds is ridiculous…
Well why was it never accounted for then? Or the people that were involved in it never held accountable either? That kind of money going missing, isn't a flash in the pan, that you can just write off, as a bad debt, is it? Then again with the mentality you have on this subject, maybe you think it is? I'm not even an American, I'm Scottish, but at least I know that my Government, here in the UK, aren't to be trusted. They lie, they cheat and are involved in all sorts of :poop:on a Global basis. Your naivety about your own Government, is the way they want you all to think and that's why they'll continue to :poop:on you all from a great height! Previous generations of Americans wouldn't have stood for it, but those days are long gone now!

Larsson71's photo
Mon 01/29/24 06:23 AM

All Politicians, regardless of what party they represent, are all crooks, liars and the worst people you could meet. They only care about themselves, lining their own pockets and couldn't care less about the population, in general. Just as long as they're ok and f**k everyone else! The sooner people start realising this, the better, as they think they can just do what they want, when they want and to who they want, nowadays, without ever being held accountable, for their actions! Sad, but true!!

It is true and very sad indeed, but what are our alternatives. Since we are a constitutional democracy run by elected officials, we must put up with the corruption. If all are corrupt than I guess our only alternative is to elect the least corrupt . Now we are back to individual ideas of who’s the most corrupt.. back to square one… where does it end?
The US, tries to pretend, that they're a Democracy, but are they really? :thinking::thinking:🤷Being a true Democracy would mean that they listen to the people and work for the people, being attentive to the needs of the people and to the better of the Country, in general. Maybe once upon a time that was the case, but not anymore. Greed, has taken over and the Politicians are all jumping on the gravy Train, to better themselves, not the people. They don't listen to the people and even Biden, has said in a few videos, that he doesn't work for the people? Well if that's the case,then who is he working for? Himself and the Corporations, is who he truly works for. The US, is secretly becoming a Dictatorship, under the disguise of Democracy. It won't be long until that's actually true, because the signs are there, for you all to see. Americans still believe it's the "land of the free," but is it really? How many freedoms have been taken away by stealth since 9/11? People around the World, know it was the US Government, who planned those attacks that day. The signs were all there? The day before 9/11, the US treasury admits that $2.3 trillion, was mysteriously missing, from it's budget, but the attacks the next day, took out the offices in the Pentagon, that would've been investigating that, plus WTC 7, that supposedly held documents relating to that fact, goes on fire and collapses, without being hit by a Plane, or anything, just the same way as the Twin Towers fell. The fact of the matter is, the US Government, just do what they want and if anyone speaks up against them, they're living in fear of losing their, or their families lives. Oh aye, that's a true Democracy, isn't it?

Lol.. I agreed with you till you started spewing the loony conspiracy theory that Americans planned 9/11.. what would have been the reason or inspiration for our government to attack itself..That makes no sense at all…
I just explained why they would do it, in my last comment? You may think that's a crazy conspiracy, but that's what your Government, want you to think? That it's too bizarre, to actually be true, until you start joining all the pieces of the jigsaw together and there staring you in the face, is your own Government? They had the means and the motive to pull off what they did that day and the fantasy story about how how it was Islamic terrorists, who pulled it off, was the Catalyst, to sweep that $2.3 trillion, missing money problem under the carpet and start a war with Iraq and Afghanistan. That's the real reasons I bet?

Larsson71's photo
Mon 01/29/24 05:53 AM
Edited by Larsson71 on Mon 01/29/24 05:54 AM

All Politicians, regardless of what party they represent, are all crooks, liars and the worst people you could meet. They only care about themselves, lining their own pockets and couldn't care less about the population, in general. Just as long as they're ok and f**k everyone else! The sooner people start realising this, the better, as they think they can just do what they want, when they want and to who they want, nowadays, without ever being held accountable, for their actions! Sad, but true!!

It is true and very sad indeed, but what are our alternatives. Since we are a constitutional democracy run by elected officials, we must put up with the corruption. If all are corrupt than I guess our only alternative is to elect the least corrupt . Now we are back to individual ideas of who’s the most corrupt.. back to square one… where does it end?
The US, tries to pretend, that they're a Democracy, but are they really? :thinking::thinking:🤷Being a true Democracy would mean that they listen to the people and work for the people, being attentive to the needs of the people and to the better of the Country, in general. Maybe once upon a time that was the case, but not anymore. Greed, has taken over and the Politicians are all jumping on the gravy Train, to better themselves, not the people. They don't listen to the people and even Biden, has said in a few videos, that he doesn't work for the people? Well if that's the case,then who is he working for? Himself and the Corporations, is who he truly works for. The US, is secretly becoming a Dictatorship, under the disguise of Democracy. It won't be long until that's actually true, because the signs are there, for you all to see. Americans still believe it's the "land of the free," but is it really? How many freedoms have been taken away by stealth since 9/11? People around the World, know it was the US Government, who planned those attacks that day. The signs were all there? The day before 9/11, the US treasury admits that $2.3 trillion, was mysteriously missing, from it's budget, but the attacks the next day, took out the offices in the Pentagon, that would've been investigating that, plus WTC 7, that supposedly held documents relating to that fact, goes on fire and collapses, without being hit by a Plane, or anything, just the same way as the Twin Towers fell. The fact of the matter is, the US Government, just do what they want and if anyone speaks up against them, they're living in fear of losing their, or their families lives. Oh aye, that's a true Democracy, isn't it?

Larsson71's photo
Sun 01/28/24 07:48 AM
All Politicians, regardless of what party they represent, are all crooks, liars and the worst people you could meet. They only care about themselves, lining their own pockets and couldn't care less about the population, in general. Just as long as they're ok and f**k everyone else! The sooner people start realising this, the better, as they think they can just do what they want, when they want and to who they want, nowadays, without ever being held accountable, for their actions! Sad, but true!!

Larsson71's photo
Sat 01/27/24 08:06 PM

The price of oil and gas increased when Biden took office because those prices had reached rock bottom under Trump. The economy had completely collapsed. Not only was the oil still underground, but the price was underwater; that is, it cost more to remove the oil from the ground than could be obtained in profit. Only when the economy started to bounce back under Biden, when factories went back to work, when people went back to work did the demand, and then the price of oil go back to reasonable prices that could support increased oil production. Save the rest of your propaganda for your next QAnon meeting. The facts speak for themselves. Highest oil production ever and highest in the world
You can't see the woods, for the trees, can you? Believe what you want to believe, but do your research on this and you'll find out it's true. Your economy is actually close to collapsing. Printing more money, to patch over the cracks in the meantime, until your house of cards finally topples. Inflation, is already getting out of control in the US, but still you cling to the belief that everything is hunky dory? Wrong!

Larsson71's photo
Sat 01/27/24 06:28 PM

I would introduce myself to them and ask them their name, where they are from, genotype and blood
Why would you ask anyone about their genotype and blood, when you first meet them? :thinking::thinking:🤷I'd walk away from that one, if anyone asked me that, as that's just bizarre!

Larsson71's photo
Sat 01/27/24 06:23 PM
America, only want a war, because their national debt is too high and projected to rise to $50 trillion, under Biden. That debt will never go away, but a war would take the spotlight off that problem, as everything would be geared up for that war. Funny how you never hear about this fact, in the news, but then again, the media outlets only report, what they want to report, not what they should be reporting? The facts, as the American people wouldn't be too happy, if they really knew the real state of their economy? Say what you want and live in denial about it all, but this is the truth!

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