Community > Posts By > DoctorAsriel

DoctorAsriel's photo
Thu 05/03/12 07:47 AM
Hey all, anyone dabble in code? Whether it's for desktop, mobile, software, system, web, or games, code is code, and it's a cool and exciting process to see go from prototype to finished product. What all languages and tools do you use, and what do you like to make? Also, if there any ladies versed in the black art of programming, let yourselves be known! You girls are pushing the envelope, and that's awesome. Ours is an under-appreciated field to begin with, and it doesn't help when a good 50% of the population are drawn away from it due to ignorant stereotypes.

As for me, I like to use Java, C++, Ruby (still learning Rails), PHP, and jQuery, usually via plain old Notepad++ or Eclipse, although MSVC is starting to win me over. I'm hoping to add Python, Lua, and Scheme to the list as well. I've played around with web dev and GUIs, but my primary interest right now (as far as hobbies go) is game development. Right now I'm in the process of putting together a small Metroidvania as a first-time project. Let me if you have any questions, I'd be happy to talk more about it.

DoctorAsriel's photo
Thu 05/03/12 07:28 AM
Howdy and Greetings boredinaz0six, metalwing, Pan, Jeanniebean, and massagetrade.

boredinaz0six is wonderful.~

Rule #6: All modifications or repeals of existing rules must be declared as new rules in themselves.

Rule #7: The demands for Rules 3 and 4 may be ignored in place of discussing any of the following topics in the given post: radiology, Ubuntu, the Grotesque, Coptic, Sikhism, or the animus.

Rule #8: Any statement made to DoctorAsriel will address him as "The Doctor."

Rule #9: Starting now, Rule 2 shall be applied to all posts, excepting that a poster has made a post with no rule changes in it, in which he or she will be entitled to an additional rule change in a later post for each non-rule-changing post made. These additional rule changes can be used all at once or spread out as desired.

DoctorAsriel's photo
Thu 05/03/12 06:59 AM
Hey, any fans of Japanese media around here? If so, name some of your favorite series. I'm something of an otaku myself, so I'd like to get to know the rest of you.~

DoctorAsriel's photo
Thu 05/03/12 06:42 AM
Edited by DoctorAsriel on Thu 05/03/12 06:57 AM
I see there are lots of poets and other writers on here, but I don't see much discussion of works planned and in progress. What all kinds of writing does everyone here do? I've got a penchant for historical, fantasy, mystery, and psychological stories myself. A forum like this would be a great place to bounce around ideas for plots and characters. What sort of style does everyone have with their storytelling?

DoctorAsriel's photo
Thu 05/03/12 06:33 AM
Hello all, my name is Sam. It's such a pleasure to join this community. I'm an OSU student and intellectual, with interests running the gamut of categories. I try to take things seriously, and I have high standards in relationships as in everything else, but I look to fool around a little too. Spontaneity keeps the soul young and free. But above all, I love to learn. So feel free to message me and tell me about yourself, or ask any questions you might have. If you have anything to share which you think might pique my curiosity, I'd be delighted to hear it. :)