Community > Posts By > tb74

tb74's photo
Fri 01/11/08 04:51 AM
well below the fountain
where crystal dreams cool
and a fevered brow restless stirs
this fever isn’t over anyhow
but the idleness of passion
building building

well below the fountain
i found a cool light
and refreshment plays
this fervor isn’t over anyhow
but the intensity of play
building building

well below the fountain
the soft breeze
and longing is complete
this favor i know
but becomes a sweet relief
building building

tb74's photo
Wed 01/09/08 04:16 PM
dark as the night
while floating orbs danced along
the small horizon obscure
broken by the blocky outline
of a city that is at rest
long ago when the morning was fresh
so tall so tall and that was all
destination first arrival afterwards
how we are destined
travelers with tickets carried abroad
eminently stately attired
there in the night bright
scratching beneath the surface
moments in monuments
history on the sleeve and cuff
where shadows glide
so solid so solid
rotating around avenues
side streets afterthoughts
more real than real more here than here


tb74's photo
Mon 01/07/08 07:32 PM
how words make one quiver
simple anticipation but more
culmination of events
inadvertent situational
all the same tiny steps
to to to a great big mystery
i can hardly wait
if i kept counting
should i count backwards or forwards
to pass the time
ten nine eight two
somewhere in counting
i lost my way
back to forms
ay ay ay bee ay ay bee
but that was never really me
it comes from the unaware
simple evolution cortex expanding
to word objects not real
but describing the real
and then beyond when words became
the description of events
or words described the arrangement of words
my knowledge is in no way encyclopedic
but i have seen those pages
the line art drawings of dodo birds
died young
dead when the world was just gaining feet
sea legs and an age of sails
then poof they were gone
we realize their departure was in memory
we recorded it but a record is not the event
time should revolve
to see the coasts and landing
walk among birds
they had no fear
their future was not certain
that chance
to unset time
to make amends
who would say no
and yet while they died
dead to the memory of any age
any one can say
this is a dodo

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