Community > Posts By > tb74

tb74's photo
Wed 11/12/08 02:44 AM
if i went back
to a long shot dust road
red in the afternoon sun
the engine of the car purrs
doors open forgotten
the dress you wore
printed but faded
you left it once
in the sun to dry
a few weeks
took a toll
it's not easy
to realize that
even now
baking in the sun
we stand under
forgotten stars
stand in awe suddenly
having remembered
what had slipped away
events crystallized
in memory
returning with a force
to shock our bones

tb74's photo
Tue 11/11/08 09:00 AM
the coach left the town after noon
with a good pace
expected before sundown
in the back three passengers
paid in full
delivering them
and the payroll
downtight in the strongbox
mining town
rowdy town
up till dawn
surely as the sun
riding shotgun
restless in the day
the bump and jostle
roads barely called roads
swinging around the mountain pass
each outcrop or boulder ominous
a bandit or outlaw sure
triggers itchy
double the haul
i said payday
and union transfers
any soma***** thinks he's jesse
gonna retire south and pretty soon
nights approaching
and she brought a silver friend

tb74's photo
Sat 11/08/08 02:29 PM
name me not
or worthless
a stranger
the same
or abounds
and i would pick
leaves in flight
an article of absence
garments of obscuration
how may i clothe
an ideal
or should it stand
naked in the night
where stars dare not stay
the firmament a turmoil
which has scattered the day
and when this alone
has borne the final rage
what new whisper
would welcome the same

tb74's photo
Sat 11/08/08 05:12 AM
evening soft with the drops
scattered random
not for umbrellas
or such
the light is dim
and flash
the headlights on the road
leave cartwheels in the mind
old haunts renewed
old friends and true
these pages burn
there was fire deep
even as we slept
a kindling emotion
flared and roared
and burst like energy
beyond the pale beyond
everything we knew

tb74's photo
Fri 11/07/08 04:24 PM
the ink reminds me
of a series i long promised
myself i'd begin
chronicles of local pain
that pin prick searing
your soul's reveiling
you would carry it
for sometime
then with a flourish
unwrap the memories
you'd had ever since
days gone by
but each one marked
a way to say
without words
no paragraphs weighty left
in unknown passages
just the feint and blow
tinged blue and then
all the others called a friend
my dear my sweet
what was left to keep
have you no sunday's best
to wake you from your rest
up and at them deary
erase those eyes bleary
to me and so
words exhausted go
naked with speech
denuded mind
would find the time
to in the here again
night and fight and end
on words that empty ring
like the bells begun to sing
your only again i say
for me ever after day

tb74's photo
Thu 11/06/08 10:21 AM
ringlets of hair wet
swimming with vigor
after the silver fins
a somersault of motion
cascade of bubbles
twisting after hunger
that pulls and pushes
until bursting to the surface
spinning diamonds of light

tb74's photo
Wed 11/05/08 11:23 AM
silver specks alight upon
the twisted wire rose
telegraph regular silhouettes
pulsing by the window

the open sky would not contain
or sheltered peaks hold back you
this universe is bright with views
the night reveals only truth

or misplaced boulders
a hue beyond any hue
there is reason in the strokes

the dust of other days
swirls upon a fateful wind
the edge of smoothed turquoise
left absent for discovering

tb74's photo
Tue 11/04/08 02:05 PM
loon revealed
the feathered wings that propel
lift and soar a frame in flight
dancing in the day still could dance to night
where the hued beams as tassels go
dancing the lift dancing the throe
stellar quiet the interminable cold
the back so cool the front is gold
that motion of celeste
that rocked upon waves crest
a fearful sound and sudden crash
that stalwart column light from dash
into the tussle into the wave
some have heart though heart is grave

tb74's photo
Tue 11/04/08 04:13 AM
shrouded dead
escaped from shrouded bed
in dawns crank
an urban clank
and the mils a wake
cause boots quake

atomized spectral
far out cries
such dawn red slake
for dust and dust and empty thirst

pounding falls
entrapped in deep halls
this end
that end
far from homes keep
from homes dark sleep

tb74's photo
Mon 11/03/08 08:35 AM
for dark of storm
the unrecalled
the tender boast
the almost lost
and dark as storm
still find the light
dark is not where you delight
but the far floating clouds
are flying still
the roaring space
with moist drops
in flux

tb74's photo
Sun 11/02/08 04:59 AM
2008.11.02 - 07.56AM
souls stamped
the inverse square
certains aware
that that pounding beat
is a continual reverberate
as i was for to become
molten flows in the open
energies quaint and primal
returning to cold survival
though pulses throb
they seem to spring in time
or falling like tossed leaves
they spin
they float
they simply descend
down from heaven
down to when
that instant
that oh so sudden oh
then flung
before the last was sung
before dawns short approach
be as you live supreme
awares of hidden or unseen
and revel while you wear your shoes
that dance of life this dance is you
the gasp and shout
the out of full filled laughter
ay this is so
before the passing or the go
fixed like the center of a whirling top
the forces taken spring
continuous without stop
for even when the dim light wakes
your bones and marrow still will quake
and feel that life is certain quick
that inside outside something rich
of experience of suddenness
could wrap into something bliss

tb74's photo
Fri 10/31/08 10:20 AM
the woven fabric
head of state
past president
passed a note
below the table line
a hurried phase
could catch hurried days
all is best
barbies then
barbies stamped
each nose distinguished
oh’s and ah’s
candles lit then extinguished
never took the bill
me and me and me
and see there was no cheap thrill
there was a misunderstood
thoughts crossed then lost
yellow into the night

tb74's photo
Thu 10/30/08 07:23 AM
the floor was hard as it was old
master strokes adorned and spoke
of stacks and sun the flowered one
where swarthy heat was rising fast
the traces of ghosts would past
the visitors had been barred
come back later for the tour
when the pulsating beat will be complete
and the masters fell like a house
a jumbled mess of rope and dress
look see here they took but one
see here they knew nothing but
the prattle of a foreign say
we were hired once and only play
these parts upon a tiny stage
where disappear the dreams of yesteryear

tb74's photo
Wed 10/29/08 05:20 PM
where the shiny pearl hides
near the ocean mist
before dawn while waiting sit
and stars above dimming shy
to hurry ‘cross this southern sky
i found those words before the trip
staccatoed strings upon a hip
that refrain could take the moon
upon a spritely flight
sparkle glint in deep eyes
inclement or glorious
every moment more so more
how could words hide inside
but fly upon moving lips
close the warming breath
counting the reasons
upon my fingertips
one and one and three
before each toe
there is the motion of heels steep
upon more a more regal seat
suspending moments kept
verily a breath i say and breathe
there is the pang of hunger
fast to break but wait
the colors are to be seen
gift of the morning star
glowing unnoticed til now
and now the banquet becomes a feast
with you i would share the taste
have you seen the sights i have seen
have you seen with these eyes
morning in all this glory displayed

tb74's photo
Wed 10/29/08 01:19 PM
for dark of storm
the unrecalled
the tender boast
the almost lost
and dark as storm
still find the light
dark is not where you delight
but the far floating clouds
are flying still
the roaring space
with moist drops
in flux

tb74's photo
Tue 10/28/08 03:58 PM
the antique glint a memory
draped in dust
cubbyhole afterthought
amongst the jumble
passed days
for passed ways
all past has passed away
sun turns where
oh sun turns so
all the glass

tb74's photo
Sun 06/08/08 05:40 PM
the trailing embers
of night
taken in a swirl
of the up drafting heat
and hurled
in the unofficial
hurried and slow
disengagement of space
that dwindle tome
the pages stuck
with phosphorous or water
burning like passion
or slick and smooth
silk met skin
and tan comfort swam
like the perch
deadly sure
with fangs outspoke
there is apple
here is sweet
for long as known
or long to meet
the sand is sure
sure enough my
dawn is a tardy guest
where the dark shades whirl
capped and cloaked
like silver nails
the intruding glint of cold
that froze the hearth
where oft others shone
and the sheezzzzeeee of spokes
extending from rubber teeth
gripping sure
the path from here
leads to a door
and surely if all night i led
this new dawn greets my bed

tb74's photo
Fri 04/18/08 06:30 PM
when the shards
as ice is a flake
minuscule and magnificent
touches the skin
time in a heartbeat
then a drop of dew
count them thousands
count them supreme
the descent from high
messages in the fractal trace
each landing on upturned face
who would speak
face to face
the captive eye
three before
what time is tea time
pouring the golden new
each drop into
a fragrant brew
the clink of spoon
and altogether
this is soon
the cup to lips
would brew a kiss
of summer and sojourn

tb74's photo
Sun 03/23/08 09:46 AM
devastating beauty
the clouds are set
and the wheels are motion
in motion upon
the firmament trembles
and beauty descends
billowing age
a moment beyond
everything upon
while everything is away

tb74's photo
Fri 03/21/08 06:28 PM
time is mashed
the slow molasses
poured into a shaker
cup up abrupt
and down
the frothy foam
of moments
thrown about in spray
and the blue tidings
were sent just so
and sent they were away
that time is mashed
the cogs and gears
all ensnared
and still they tick away