Community > Posts By > NYItaliRican1
God's will...loving?
I agree with dinomart and MirrorMirror. Just as God had free will to create man , he had given man the free will to choose our own decisions. If God didn't love us, we wouldn't have freedom of will, we'd be mindless robots, that are forced to think a certain way and belive a certain thing. Just as our parents tell us to not take drugs. They tell us not to, but we choose either to follow or obey. they themselves know the outcome and the consequences, but there are some things that we have to find out for ourselves. We would consider our parents controlling and unloving if they like (figurativly speaking) kept us locked up in the house all day, away from the outside world and its many temptations. Our parents love us enough to trust us to not do those things, it is us who at times betray that trust.
anyway, i just thought i'd say what was going on in my mind, because I myself have asked the same question, but i hope that i no way offend anyone, I'm not a real fan of getting into Relgious Forums and what not, because it leads sometimes to bitter arguements. But I hope that whatever I have said may have been somwhat useful, and if not I hope someone can clear it up. I hope I havn't stirred any other arguments, and If I have i apologize. but I hope everyone has a good weekend, 1 |