lookingformrright8's photo
Fri 01/04/08 12:39 AM
madonna-swirly bra lol

lookingformrright8's photo
Fri 01/04/08 12:38 AM
well put quarry, and i know the difference between a pushover and a nice guy.

lookingformrright8's photo
Fri 01/04/08 12:36 AM
that part honest i didn't know, the pledge ya i get him. but as the dude in the yellow shirt said seperation of church from governtment, if he is a true muslim he's not suppose to dedicate himself fully to anyone but Allah and the Koran. if im mistaken let me know, cus im sure you will.

lookingformrright8's photo
Fri 01/04/08 12:34 AM
mhmm nope i just want a guy who likes me for me it'd be nice if the one was nice but not super nice b/c that's creepy!

lookingformrright8's photo
Fri 01/04/08 12:33 AM
was made for rayne as well as you! i love these rooms i definitly get another perspective.

lookingformrright8's photo
Fri 01/04/08 12:32 AM
well said!!!

lookingformrright8's photo
Fri 01/04/08 12:30 AM
i'd ask you back!

lookingformrright8's photo
Fri 01/04/08 12:29 AM
exactly rayne5, "However, I also realize that while our country was built on a foundation of Christianity it also conflicts with those individual freedom choices that are included in the constitution. If you "expect" one to place their hand over their heart "under God" you are denying them the freedom to choose. This does not mean that they do not pledge allegence to the country. I do not have a problem with anyone separating church and state (including country).

My brother in law is an atheist and doesn't say our pledge. But he supports our country, the troops, and has always been a very good citizen.

If you think this country will go down the drain due Allegence to the flag you are wrong. It's allegence to what the flag stands for and that's unity and freedom; both of which he stands for as Senator."

I agree with this as well tis why i have no problem with obama, and i wasn't trying to crack a funny for i know i am no comedian.

lookingformrright8's photo
Fri 01/04/08 12:22 AM

lookingformrright8's photo
Fri 01/04/08 12:21 AM
thats a lot of guys everywhere you go, fortunatly they don't all fall there!

lookingformrright8's photo
Fri 01/04/08 12:17 AM

Do you even realize he is already a United States Senator?


If he gets president.

&& I end up in a evaluation that ask "What's our current presidents name?"

I will end up saying Osama Bin Laudin or The Bomb...

The reason being is because I cannot remember this dudes name.

I will be like "He's a Bomb Ass President."

Wow! And you stand for America? What a shame! There is no issue with a persons name. This country was built on immigrants of various names. For which he's an American by the way. He has a distinguished career and has helped so many people in the U.S. to fight discrimination. What have you done for people?

You support someone who does not honor our flag and the people who fought for this country? What a shame. How about the reverse-discrimination in today's society? Do you see any all white college foundations? Do you see any white entertainment televion shows? Do you see any black comedians getting fired for making racial jokes against whites? No, you don't. THAT is reverse-discrimination and our society is so used to it that most people don't even notice it

perhaps this was meant to happen because as God says the world will eventually be filled of he*l. we all make mistakes, and as long as he doesn't do the cocaine now who cares? i also do not want a manipulative b*tch like clinton, who says the peoples children are the governments, well yeah only the ones in social services.

lookingformrright8's photo
Fri 01/04/08 12:13 AM

of the two who are ahead i would have to say obama, and not because of race because to me he is better than clinton. if edwards was running higher my vote would be with him.

Again, ridiculous. Pick up a paper and read it. Watch the debates. Read about the biographies of the candidates. Read their books and articles. Read who they helped and what they stand for.

Are you just a follower? Our system was made for you to decide of your own mind. Not to vote based on who is winning a poll one day. Especially this early.

I have read and watched and it's not ridiculous. He*l no im not a follower, no one has convinced me yet to go to one side or the other, in fact all my relative will be pissed b/c who im voting for. if i vote for edwards or anyone else, my vote isn't going to matter see and if i feel it doesn't matter i could very well not want to vote.

lookingformrright8's photo
Fri 01/04/08 12:10 AM

Anyone who does not stand for the Pledge or the National Anthem does not deserve to be in this country. Countless lives have been lost preserving the freedoms that we have today, and if you can not show a little bit of respect for them, you do not deserve to be here

I agree with this because I have 10 relatives in Iraq, 20 that have died from other wars and my father is a veteran. i look toward his other qualities. i mean come on do you really want another Clinton as president. Since Bill did what he did wiht Monica is it possible Hillary could do the same perhaps to get revenge? and possibly impeached and removed from office and then what are we presidentless for a time being where it be important we have one?

lookingformrright8's photo
Fri 01/04/08 12:06 AM
ha nice and original.

lookingformrright8's photo
Fri 01/04/08 12:04 AM
of the two who are ahead i would have to say obama, and not because of race because to me he is better than clinton. if edwards was running higher my vote would be with him.

lookingformrright8's photo
Thu 01/03/08 11:58 PM

well iknow that but i couldnt think of the right word at 2 am at the moment. isnt it more logical to pick between who is ahead. i mean i'd choose edwards to if he had a chance. it's the whole woman or black thing. im all for equal rights and women having the chance plus courage to be a president but if this woman became president i think our country would fall apart.

There is no doubt it would. She is basically a socialist. Well... If Obama won president it would be "Different" in many respects, being that he is half black and Muslim. I personally think we just need a Republican president, but people now adays are too ignorant to see what this country truly needs. They would rather live off the government, than work with the government.

i agree but you almost have to chose between the two who are most likely to win, it's like one of those questions would you rather eat a booger or smell a fart kind of thing

lookingformrright8's photo
Thu 01/03/08 11:56 PM
so i'd say go obama!

lookingformrright8's photo
Thu 01/03/08 11:55 PM
if you don't feel beautiful others will think that. it's how you view yourself that others see. and just cus you get stood up alot that doesn't mean you arent pretty

lookingformrright8's photo
Thu 01/03/08 11:52 PM
well iknow that but i couldnt think of the right word at 2 am at the moment. isnt it more logical to pick between who is ahead. i mean i'd choose edwards to if he had a chance. it's the whole woman or black thing. im all for equal rights and women having the chance plus courage to be a president but if this woman became president i think our country would fall apart.

lookingformrright8's photo
Thu 01/03/08 11:49 PM
oh well than i guess don't worry about it there is always tomorrow lol