Community > Posts By > RationalEyes

RationalEyes's photo
Wed 01/02/08 07:19 PM

a lot of members deactivate when they are not on so they do not have umpteenzillian e-mails when they sign back on

attacking and calling people names when you have no clue

is absolutely ridiculous and a banable offense

so maybe some edits should be made if possible

b4 someone who counts sees them

thank you.

RationalEyes's photo
Wed 01/02/08 03:53 PM
I don't know if she got my last MSG but she answered my first one so i know she was able to get my msgs before. And its not a fake profile cuz we have had an actual convo goin... Grrrr

RationalEyes's photo
Wed 01/02/08 03:25 PM

it happened to me once too, ur not the only one

Its like she doesnt know her acct is deactivated...

RationalEyes's photo
Wed 01/02/08 03:22 PM

simple. shes lyin..move on

Uhh lying about what?? She is sending me msgs wondering why I havn't written her back......

RationalEyes's photo
Wed 01/02/08 03:12 PM

Anyone can deactivate their account and then reactivate whenever they want.....

I see.. hm I didn't know that. It's weird though, she sent me two messages and I can't respond! I'm getting aggravated and this sucks..

RationalEyes's photo
Wed 01/02/08 03:11 PM
Uhh.. I don't think she is.. There's nothing to lie about. It's just a msg popping up saying her acct has been deactivated... I've had conversations with her...

RationalEyes's photo
Wed 01/02/08 03:06 PM
I was recently talking to someone on here and I went to reply to a message and it said her profile had been deactivated. I don't know why it said this because the next day she sent me a message saying she thought I sent her a message but it got deleted. Then I went to try and respond, and it said her account had been deactivated... I don't get it. She obviously has a working account because she sent me a message after the day before when it was deactivated.