Community > Posts By > leahmarie

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Wed 07/09/08 08:03 AM






rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

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Wed 07/09/08 07:31 AM
Edited by leahmarie on Wed 07/09/08 07:50 AM
"Oh please verry lame so why do you think america hasnt aggresivly pursued a pro democracy policy in south america? after all its our own back yard?"

So, you want to know why America hasn't pursued a pro-democracy policy in South America? I believe the answer to this would take a political science expert, which I am not, but I will try to answer your question.

Madman, attempting to make all Latin American countries Democratic is a formidable task since Latin America is a diverse and heterogeneous continent. I realize that a majority share a common language (Spanish), a common religion (Catholic) and a Colonial History. However, when you look at Latin America it is a region of profound cultural, social and geopolitical diversity.

There is so much involved in introducing Democracy. For instance civilian supremacy over the military is an essential requisite of democracy. Then the people have to be committed to the process of Democracy by way of elections.

However, before the above can take place anti-corruption reform and the administration of justice must be in place. This is especially important in order to protect human rights. Additionally, a measure of economic prosperity is necessary, because the inequality of income and wealth and social exclusion makes it hard for Democracy to thrive, let alone survive. Of course, in order to achieve a level of economic prosperity, foreign aid is necessary. For example, aid in the form of US dollars is a must in order to build roads/bridges/and the like so farmers can transport their goods and sell them in order to be economically successful. More aid is necessary in the form of health care and education. These reforms must take place since many in Latin America are suffering from significant levels of poverty and inequality.

Bush commited to pursuing pro-democracy for Latin America during his second term with the establishment of the "Community of Democracies," which has become an important venue for democracies. However, America's involvement in this forum went to the back burner when Bush put the "War on Terror" to the forefront. I believe our president is more involved in fighting terror to keep America safe rather than fighting for Democracy in Latin America.

Sorry I can't give you a more extensive and profound answer, but as I stated above, I am not a political science expert. Perhaps we have one on the site who could expound on my answer?

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Wed 07/09/08 06:11 AM

Truly if the government wished a high approval rateing all they would have to do is put Bush and his controllers on trial for treasone and war crimes. You would hear a round of cheers from the atlantic to the pacific and then accross Europ and Asia, markets would rebound, gas prices would drop and people would be spending money on party hats and HD TV to view the trials and sentencing

Far-fetched mistruth. Seriously, such a thing would cause turmoil and uncertainties that would send the markets into a huge downslide. Markets would tumble. Your assumption has no precedence with history. The trial of one of the President of one of the biggest trade partners throughout the world, threaten trade deals and so forth, would cause great uncertainties. Uncertainty always sends the markets in a downward spiral.

Starsailor ...... Madman is always getting ready to put Bush on trial for something or other. It is my understanding when Madman was in Washington, Bush was walking across the street and Bush threw a candy wrapper on the sidewalk. At that point Madman started ranting and raving that since he can't put Bush on trial for war crimes and treason, then he wants to put him on trial for littering. :laughing:

However, you have got to give Madman credit. He never gives up; he is always ready to put Bush on trial.

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Wed 07/09/08 06:07 AM

wana know why we are pissed at congross? because that traitor Pellosi has gone along with that criminal bush and helped enable this stinking nightmare

madman...... Does this mean that you are going to try Pellosi for treason and war crimes? :banana:

If Pellosi is convicted are you going to hang her? drool

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Wed 07/09/08 06:05 AM

Truly if the government wished a high approval rateing all they would have to do is put Bush and his controllers on trial for treasone and war crimes. You would hear a round of cheers from the atlantic to the pacific and then accross Europ and Asia, markets would rebound, gas prices would drop and people would be spending money on party hats and HD TV to view the trials and sentencing

madman.... There is a person on this site who copies/pastes anything that is deplorable, hateful and denegrates America. This same male person hates the military and has no sympathy for the men and women who have died fighting/defending our country. This same person is always talking about putting Bush on trial for treason. The reality is that the male person who is doing all of these things would be put on trial for treason, if he lived in any other country, but ours.

I would say this person is damn lucky to be living in America and if he hates it so much, the ingrate should go to Mexico or some other third world country and spew his hate-filled messages. So, tell me madman .... what do you think of this anti-American guy I am writing about?

you make some rather broad and personal assumptions about me, for one I was in the military and I do know the plight of the military and your wrong on other things as well, any western democracy would tolerate my views and much more. Sure the country to our south has a great deal of troubles so why dont we invade them and install a democracy? is that not the mission of our country laugh but thats not how the game is played in south america, we support every right wing dictator we can find and teach them how to crush any discent. sorry I live in the real world and not some propogated un reality.


I never mentioned your name. I suppose this is a case "If the shoe fits, wear it," and you have acknowledged the shoe fits.

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Wed 07/09/08 01:52 AM

Truly if the government wished a high approval rateing all they would have to do is put Bush and his controllers on trial for treasone and war crimes. You would hear a round of cheers from the atlantic to the pacific and then accross Europ and Asia, markets would rebound, gas prices would drop and people would be spending money on party hats and HD TV to view the trials and sentencing

madman.... There is a person on this site who copies/pastes anything that is deplorable, hateful and denegrates America. This same male person hates the military and has no sympathy for the men and women who have died fighting/defending our country. This same person is always talking about putting Bush on trial for treason. The reality is that the male person who is doing all of these things would be put on trial for treason, if he lived in any other country, but ours.

I would say this person is damn lucky to be living in America and if he hates it so much, the ingrate should go to Mexico or some other third world country and spew his hate-filled messages. So, tell me madman .... what do you think of this anti-American guy I am writing about?

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Wed 07/09/08 01:42 AM
Edited by leahmarie on Wed 07/09/08 01:46 AM
Fanta..... Your post starts off with "John McCain flip-flopper."

Let's talk about the King of the Flip-floppers, your darling Obama. Incidentally, this is a duplicate of something I posted on another thread where I spoke about Obama and his flip-flopping.

Barack Obama is a flip-flopper. He is moving to alter his true image, which is the one that has been forged since he first ran for the State Senate in Illinois. Obama is distancing himself from that cast of unquestionably un-American characters he has surrounded himself with since first running for public office.

First. Barack has jettisoned himself from his true thinking by cutting himself off from the Rev. Wright and all the other ministers from Trinity who share his racist beliefs.

Second. Obama has distanced himself from Renzko who gave him that sweetheart deal on his property before Renzko went to jail.

Third. Note we no longer hear about Obama and his wife's association with the Underground Weathermen terrorist group.

Fourth. After Samantha Power called Hillary a "monster" and suggested Barack's Iraq timetable was not set in concrete, he got rid of her. Then he canned Robert Malley for having talked to Hamas, even though Obama was aware of that connection when Malley was brought into Obama's "think tank."

Fifth. Let us take another look at how Obama threw his white grandmother under the bus. How can any of us forget how Barack spoke of how he cringed at the racist reaction of his white grandmother after she was accosted by a black man at a bus stop. My, my! Note how the "good grandson" has rescued Grandmom, because now she is in Obama's ads, not as a racist, but as the loving woman who instilled old fashioned American values into little Barack. What a guy that Obama is! He will use anyone to get him into the White House, including a precious Grandmom!

Sixth. Remember in Ohio, Barack was an opponent of NAFTA? He is now a free-trader.

Seventh. When Barack realized the flack he was causing by having removed his flag pin after 9/11, calling it a "substitute for real patriotism," Obama put the flag pin back on his lapel.

Eighth. Never mind. This could go on into infinity what with all the flip- flopping and distancing from this one and that one, which Obama does to get himself elected. However, I have to give credit where it is due. This guy is really good. Now that Barack has the Democratic nomination, he is moving to convince the nation he is neither racist nor radical and will even go toward the right, if it will win the presidency for him. However, I have a question. After all the flip- flopping and lies from Barack, who and what is this guy? I don't expect an answer since even Obama himself doesn't know what he is or what he stands for .... except he is the best darn flip-flopper the Democratics have.

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Tue 07/08/08 03:22 AM

just interested if i should add or take something away

First, all you care about is football. Who wants a guy like that?

Second, you are hunting for older women for sex. Once again, who wants a man on the prowl for older women.

If you want the young girls, better eliminate that bit about trolling the net for older women.

If you want the older ones, better write a mature profile .... or you might be better off getting on a sex internet and just putting it out there.

He looks much more innocent than all that... cut him some slack.

The "innocent" looking ones are always the guilty ones. Take a look at his profile and you will see the guy is trolling the internet looking for older women to have sex with. He sent me an email and I am old enough to be his grandmother.

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Tue 07/08/08 03:20 AM

OOPS! Don't look now but your anti American counter culture mentality is showing.

At one time they use to shoot traitors...lucky you. :smile:

I just got on the forums a few days ago and like what you have to say. You and I think alike.

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Tue 07/08/08 01:49 AM
I haven't been on this site for three months. However, things have not changed. Madman, you are still trashing America.

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Mon 07/07/08 11:53 PM

just interested if i should add or take something away

First, all you care about is football. Who wants a guy like that?

Second, you are hunting for older women for sex. Once again, who wants a man on the prowl for older women.

If you want the young girls, better eliminate that bit about trolling the net for older women.

If you want the older ones, better write a mature profile .... or you might be better off getting on a sex internet and just putting it out there.

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Mon 07/07/08 11:49 PM

what you think of my profile. like i really care

you have some small problems with your profile, but you don't really care, so i won't offer suggestions.

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Mon 07/07/08 11:46 PM

Give me an honest opinion ladies.

You want an honest opinion? Okay, here it is.

First, eliminate the picture of your daughter. You are 28 years old and I assume you probably want women in their early to late 20's. A two and a half year old daughter should not be shoved into a woman's face that you don't even know. Just mention that you have a child, but don't go into that business about her being a gift from God. That sounds as if a woman has to compete with your daughter and who can share a spot with "a gift from God." Wait until you have dated the woman about a half a dozen times. Then if you think you can get serious, then put your daughter to the forefront.

Second, cut down on the smoking so you can change the smoking to once in a while or trying to quit. You are a man with a very young child, which means that a certain percentage of women are not going to be interested in you. There are a lot of women who are not into guys who smoke often. You need to generate more women that might be interested in you. So once again do something about the smoking.

Do not advertise you have a lot of tattoos since that is another turn-off, especially the way you say you love them all. Meet the women and if you get intimate they will see the tattoos for themselves. In other words don't turn the women off before you meet them.

The rest of your profile is great. Good luck to you.

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Mon 07/07/08 11:34 PM

flowerforyou Ive watched Countdown since the day it came out.flowerforyou I think Keith is talented and I enjoy his Oddball segment. flowerforyou He is a lefty like me but he doesnt trash people that disagree with him like Bill-O does.flowerforyou Bill O'Reilly has a filthy mouth.sick

Oh, so you are one of the ten people that watch him faithfully. I was wondering who those ten people were.
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Thankslaugh I needed a good laugh. I am recovering from surgery and I am in a lot of pain right now. But your post has put me in a good mood. Here's to you! drinker
:heart: Thanks.:heart: If you really mean thatohwell

I sure do mean it; that is one funny remark!

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Mon 07/07/08 11:26 PM

If they wont even dance with you...that's not a good sign...period

ur so right........ but i hardly get turned down cause if there outta my leauge then i dont ask

Hey, never worry about a woman being out of your league. Here is the way things work. When you go into a club or dance, ask the most beautiful woman in the place to dance. If she turns you down, that's okay. After all, she is the most beautiful woman in the place. Then move on to the second most beautiful woman and if she also turns you down that's okay since she is most beautiful woman number two. Then keep going down to most beautiful woman number three, four and so on until one of them agrees to dance with you.

Above all, remember there is no shame when a beautiful woman turns you down since she is a gorgeous woman. The only shame is when an ugly woman turns you down. :laughing:

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Mon 07/07/08 11:21 PM

Don't worry Val.....Dubz doesn't write me either..:cry:

Leahmarie, I wasn't hitting on this person, everyone knows I am more than happily taken, but I was trying to apologize for something I said that could have been taken wrong. I think that if it is from someone you recognize from the threads, it couldn't hurt to read it or at least give some sort of reply. I feel that courtesy is lacking in the world today and was wondering if others felt the same.flowerforyou

Well no matter what you did or didn't mean, you are right. People, including me, should have the decency to respond to emails. I am the one who is wrong and I intend to change my ways and start responding to emails.

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Mon 07/07/08 11:19 PM

Say well, can i at least buy you a drink !?

drinker drinker drinker

drinker drinker drinker

You must be crazy...after that response your going to spend money on her???noway noway noway

I'm sure there would be something special in the drink.

drinker laugh

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Mon 07/07/08 11:17 PM

I know a heart can grow but what about people who are heartless? Will they ever have a heart? What do you think?

For that answer, go rent the movie, "The Wizard of Oz."

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Mon 07/07/08 11:15 PM

:smile: If you asked a girl to dance and she said I'd rather punch myself in the face than dance with you what would be your response?:smile:

Now that I am face to face with you and have a good look at you, I would rather kill myself than dance with you.

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Mon 07/07/08 11:12 PM

When you take the time to email someone, subject matter isn't important--could be anything from a simple hello to an apology-- and the other person just deletes it or ignores it.

Why not just read it, or at least open it, and send back "can't talk now" "Go to Hell" or "thanks for taking a second to write"?

Guess I am just old fashioned in my thinking of replying to someone...ohwell

I agree with what you are saying, but sometimes people get so disgusted since they get emails from people they can't possibly be interested in. It can be because the person is too young, too old, lives too far, doesn't like his/her looks. In the beginning most people are polite, but then after a while one gets so many emails that without thinking he/she gets rude. I am guilty of that myself. I just deleted two emails without reading them because when I saw the pictures of the men, I realized these guys were young enough to be my sons. Anyway, I will remember your post and be polite in the future. Thank you.

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