Community > Posts By > WholesomeWoman
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Thu 05/10/12 11:35 AM
line for meds
Food game - part 3
Ribs and Roasted Vegetable Meledy
guys vs girls - part 52
far to go
guys vs girls - part 52
If you were.....
An Eagle:
1. To fly, soar, go anywhere without limits nor boundaries in total freedom. 2. To have vision or eyesight of an eagle, for miles ahead - exceptional. 3. To never have to wear sunglasses, the eagle can look straight at the sun without causing harm or damage to the eyes. |
is in Ireland
Word Association
guys vs girls - part 52
guys vs girls - part 52
guys vs girls - part 52
Happy BD Tazzops.
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Wed 05/09/12 10:14 PM
Happy Birthday and many more!
![]() Hope you have a great day! |
Friends or Lovers or Both?
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Wed 05/09/12 05:58 PM
If someone asked you to be a F.W.B, Would you? OR, Would that be a turn off to you? Seems like a common thing now. I'm curious to how people in general really think about this subject. If someone asked me to be a FWB, I would say no, not interested, a turn off. Different strokes for different folks and I am in the, no to wanting a FWB relationship. I think you will have to relook at calling FWBs a common thing. For, if you look at your reponses per person by number, the tally leans greater on the side, no to FWBs. It is interesting to see that a woman wants a FWB rather than a man, for it seems like it would be a man thing to want FWB more so than a woman well, with the exception of Vivian and Betts but then, they are special gals you know ![]() ![]() ![]() Even if you look at the responses there were more woman replying than men and I wonder what other mingle men would have to say on the subject of FWB to see if it is a more so woman or man thing. Could be a genderless desire too. You know, I've read these responces with a smile. Like you say, different strokes for different folks. Betts is a special person, I don't know about my self, but thank you ![]() I will say this. FWB is just a 'term'. It's more than just jumping into the sack with someone. It involves trust and respect. If someone said to me, 'let's be FWB, I'd laugh at them. It's not something that you just decide to do. There has to be a real friendship first. A total respect for that person in more ways than just having sex. It's NOT about having sex and nothing else. It's a relationship where you actually care about that person and want that person to be happy, with you or without you. It's not about sex on demand. It has to be where both parties are willing to be there for the other one. Not unlike a committed relationship. Like I said, I have a FWB..but if he decided that he has found someone, I'd be happy for him. Our relationship would be over with no jealously and no further involvement. Hi Vivian, Yes you both are special and I know you are too. We just see things differently on this matter. I am glad and it is good you have found what you are interested in relationship-wise. We all need someone and I see looking at all the responses there is reasons why and limitations that each desires in a relationship. Nothing wrong with that either. You may have a good FWB arrangement but not all relationships may turn out the same as it is for you. ![]() With benefits of sex component in a FWB, is something I do not want to take a risk with either for it gives opportunity for another to have other FWB relationships at the same time making a partner vulnerable to health risks. A FWB allows for the relationship to be open to the invitation of sexual diseases. Maybe not through a perosn's direct FWB partner but he/she may of slept with another lady who slept with a guy who was infected with AIDS, ...etc. When you have sex with the person you sleep with, you have slept with all their past or present partner(s) too, fact. All sexual diseases are passed on via bodily fluids. I prefer a commitment relationship of loyality, fidelity and trust. I have had it before in my life with my past husband and I am sure of finding another man who wants the same and lived a similiar life and that is with fidelity, a one-to-one full commitment to each other only. I would give up my freedom and other things that comes along living a single life for a total committed married life any day! Both worlds I have experienced, the single life (without sex) and marriage, both good worlds are my experiences and seek the same type of relationship. Marriage worked before and is hard work but the benefits are the best. It worked for me and it may not of worked for another well, but it did for me and I will would not in any circumstances ever change my mind or have a FWB relatioship. A FWB is just not right for me and never will be either. Excellent post. I also brought up the risk of sexual diseases. ![]() With benefits of sex component in a FWB, is something I do not want to take a risk with either for it gives opportunity for another to have other FWB relationships at the same time making a partner vulnerable to health risks. A FWB allows for the relationship to be open to the invitation of sexual diseases. Maybe not through a perosn's direct FWB partner but he/she may of slept with another lady who slept with a guy who was infected with AIDS, ...etc. When you have sex with the person you sleep with, you have slept with all their past or present partner(s) too, fact. All sexual diseases are passed on via bodily fluids. What you are saying here is does open the door for STD' does it, anytime you sleep with someone..even if you're in love and want to be married to that person..Very few people are virgins anymore..there is no guarentee that your choosen one has not ever slept with someone else, and there is no guarentee that that person won't have an affair after you marry...some risks are just THERE.. Y'all keep repeating that it just a guilt free way to sleep around...that is so untrue...what I'm talking about is having a relationship with ONE person. Not 2 or 5 or 10.....just one. And that is all I have to say on the subject... ![]() Vivian, I disagree. I married a virgin, a truly honest man who was faithful till he died. It is not a fairy tale and there are other men who will commit and had the same, a faithful wife. Sure I am not a virgin now but another man who lost his wife are around. There are true blue faithful people in this world and I bet a thousand that there are. True it is too that there are more men in this world who will not commit and all they want is to sleep around and have FWBs... those are the ones you want to stay clear off and would not touch them ever with a ten foot pole! Your FWB circumstance may be different. No matter either if he was rich, famous or even good looking. The answer would still be no. What I had was true love in marriage and sex is the best that way and no other way will do for me. There are other widow men in this world or even older virgins for all I know. You do not have to feel so guilty and glad for you for whatever you choose relationship wise is your business and none of my business and whatever you choose I still think you are a great person Vivian. *** Vivian: Unless you marry a very young man...or a man that has had never been married and lived a very virtious life, I'm willing to bet that there are not MANY virgins around..I understand what you are saying and I wish you all the luck in the world finding that one man that is unsullied by any type of frivolous sexual encounters. We all want that one person that is loyal, true, and unhampered by any kind of past. But in my 65 years on this has not proven to be the case. I know there are true blue faithful people out there..I know a few of them. I respect them and their beliefs But I will say this...unless one has ridden the river with me..I wouldn't trust him. Sometimes what they tell you and what they have done and will do are very different stories. *** Wholesome Woman: I did not say I am looking for a virgin Vivian and there are more men than you know of that lead a life of fidelity, and you know what it has nothing to do with religion either on my behalf ... it is my choice. No one brainwashed me into it being a virtous life either. |
Friends or Lovers or Both?
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Wed 05/09/12 05:53 PM
If someone asked you to be a F.W.B, Would you? OR, Would that be a turn off to you? Seems like a common thing now. I'm curious to how people in general really think about this subject. If someone asked me to be a FWB, I would say no, not interested, a turn off. Different strokes for different folks and I am in the, no to wanting a FWB relationship. I think you will have to relook at calling FWBs a common thing. For, if you look at your reponses per person by number, the tally leans greater on the side, no to FWBs. It is interesting to see that a woman wants a FWB rather than a man, for it seems like it would be a man thing to want FWB more so than a woman well, with the exception of Vivian and Betts but then, they are special gals you know ![]() ![]() ![]() Even if you look at the responses there were more woman replying than men and I wonder what other mingle men would have to say on the subject of FWB to see if it is a more so woman or man thing. Could be a genderless desire too. You know, I've read these responces with a smile. Like you say, different strokes for different folks. Betts is a special person, I don't know about my self, but thank you ![]() I will say this. FWB is just a 'term'. It's more than just jumping into the sack with someone. It involves trust and respect. If someone said to me, 'let's be FWB, I'd laugh at them. It's not something that you just decide to do. There has to be a real friendship first. A total respect for that person in more ways than just having sex. It's NOT about having sex and nothing else. It's a relationship where you actually care about that person and want that person to be happy, with you or without you. It's not about sex on demand. It has to be where both parties are willing to be there for the other one. Not unlike a committed relationship. Like I said, I have a FWB..but if he decided that he has found someone, I'd be happy for him. Our relationship would be over with no jealously and no further involvement. Hi Vivian, Yes you both are special and I know you are too. We just see things differently on this matter. I am glad and it is good you have found what you are interested in relationship-wise. We all need someone and I see looking at all the responses there is reasons why and limitations that each desires in a relationship. Nothing wrong with that either. You may have a good FWB arrangement but not all relationships may turn out the same as it is for you. ![]() With benefits of sex component in a FWB, is something I do not want to take a risk with either for it gives opportunity for another to have other FWB relationships at the same time making a partner vulnerable to health risks. A FWB allows for the relationship to be open to the invitation of sexual diseases. Maybe not through a perosn's direct FWB partner but he/she may of slept with another lady who slept with a guy who was infected with AIDS, ...etc. When you have sex with the person you sleep with, you have slept with all their past or present partner(s) too, fact. All sexual diseases are passed on via bodily fluids. I prefer a commitment relationship of loyality, fidelity and trust. I have had it before in my life with my past husband and I am sure of finding another man who wants the same and lived a similiar life and that is with fidelity, a one-to-one full commitment to each other only. I would give up my freedom and other things that comes along living a single life for a total committed married life any day! Both worlds I have experienced, the single life (without sex) and marriage, both good worlds are my experiences and seek the same type of relationship. Marriage worked before and is hard work but the benefits are the best. It worked for me and it may not of worked for another well, but it did for me and I will would not in any circumstances ever change my mind or have a FWB relatioship. A FWB is just not right for me and never will be either. Excellent post. I also brought up the risk of sexual diseases. ![]() With benefits of sex component in a FWB, is something I do not want to take a risk with either for it gives opportunity for another to have other FWB relationships at the same time making a partner vulnerable to health risks. A FWB allows for the relationship to be open to the invitation of sexual diseases. Maybe not through a perosn's direct FWB partner but he/she may of slept with another lady who slept with a guy who was infected with AIDS, ...etc. When you have sex with the person you sleep with, you have slept with all their past or present partner(s) too, fact. All sexual diseases are passed on via bodily fluids. What you are saying here is does open the door for STD' does it, anytime you sleep with someone..even if you're in love and want to be married to that person..Very few people are virgins anymore..there is no guarentee that your choosen one has not ever slept with someone else, and there is no guarentee that that person won't have an affair after you marry...some risks are just THERE.. Y'all keep repeating that it just a guilt free way to sleep around...that is so untrue...what I'm talking about is having a relationship with ONE person. Not 2 or 5 or 10.....just one. And that is all I have to say on the subject... ![]() Vivian, I disagree. I married a virgin, a truly honest man who was faithful till he died. It is not a fairy tale and there are other men who will commit and had the same, a faithful wife. Sure I am not a virgin now but another man who lost his wife are around. There are true blue faithful people in this world and I bet a thousand that there are. True it is too that there are more men in this world who will not commit and all they want is to sleep around and have FWBs... those are the ones you want to stay clear off and would not touch them ever with a ten foot pole! Your FWB circumstance may be different. No matter either if he was rich, famous or even good looking. The answer would still be no. What I had was true love in marriage and sex is the best that way and no other way will do for me. There are other widow men in this world or even older virgins for all I know. You do not have to feel so guilty and glad for you for whatever you choose relationship wise is your business and none of my business and whatever you choose I still think you are a great person Vivian. |
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Wed 05/09/12 03:09 PM
When I was hunting as a child (I got my first gun at eight!) and was walking in the woods barefoot looking up into the trees for squirrels, I stepped on a snake. My body magically flew into the air and about ten feet farther away. Like Ladywind, I believe you too. I have heard of moms lifting cars to get their youngsters out from beneath ... must be adrenline working at its finest moments in life! A good example of an external 'fight and flight' 10 feet is a pretty good leap metalwings ![]() But think about this. If you were to "push off" with enough force to jump ten feet, the reactive force would crush the snake. The snake was unharmed so it almost all had to come from the other foot and there was no big squat happening first to give the legs extra push. Interesting point metalwind. So, you were picked up by then by a force off the ground you think. The snake theoretically should of been flattened and would of striked right at you in defense. But then how much weight really does a 10 year boy have when snakes are wonderous built, have you ever seen their stats? Quit impressive, Zoology 101. I killed my share with stick, shovel, gun, and whatever else was around. ![]() I am just saying too, and even some of those little guys have quit the skeletal and muscle system. |
guys vs girls - part 52
worn and renewed
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Wed 05/09/12 01:01 PM
When I was hunting as a child (I got my first gun at eight!) and was walking in the woods barefoot looking up into the trees for squirrels, I stepped on a snake. My body magically flew into the air and about ten feet farther away. Like Ladywind, I believe you too. I have heard of moms lifting cars to get their youngsters out from beneath ... must be adrenline working at its finest moments in life! A good example of an external 'fight and flight' 10 feet is a pretty good leap metalwings ![]() But think about this. If you were to "push off" with enough force to jump ten feet, the reactive force would crush the snake. The snake was unharmed so it almost all had to come from the other foot and there was no big squat happening first to give the legs extra push. Interesting point metalwind. So, you were picked up by then by a force off the ground you think. The snake theoretically should of been flattened and would of striked right at you in defense. But then how much weight really does a 10 year boy have when snakes are wonderous built, have you ever seen their stats? Quit impressive, Zoology 101. |
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Wed 05/09/12 12:55 PM
light skill and levitation is achieved by filling the upper chakra's with qi Did you physically see a person lift up off the ground and levitate it the air with no support whatsoever underneath their body? I am wondering if it is a real thing one can accomplish and not a magical illusion and for what purpose would a person want to levitate. Why do people if it actually does occur, why would they want to levitate, what benefits are achieved ...etc ? The chakra I have a basic understanding of and "Qi" is life force, I think (?) ... so if filling the upper chakra's with 'light" or a spiritual life force makes a person float up, whole body and all? Again, have you witnessed this occurrence, for what purpose do people do this? Step on a snake barefooted and I'll show you a reason to levitate! ![]() ![]() ... and I bet I would jump higher than you ![]() Well let me tell you a story there metalwing... When I was a young girl around 10 years old, I stepped on a old rusty board nail bare footed walking around an old barn out in the county while visiting some country cousin relatives. Let me tell you I jumped high too but not until the nurse gave me one of those tetanous shots! ! |
When I was hunting as a child (I got my first gun at eight!) and was walking in the woods barefoot looking up into the trees for squirrels, I stepped on a snake. My body magically flew into the air and about ten feet farther away. Like Ladywind, I believe you too. I have heard of moms lifting cars to get their youngsters out from beneath ... must be adrenline working at its finest moments in life! A good example of an external 'fight and flight' 10 feet is a pretty good leap metalwings ![]() |