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2020 Vision: Trump blasts Fox News over poll showing him losing to Biden
"A month after Joe Biden was attacked by Sen. Kamala Harris over his record on race at the first Democratic presidential debate, the former vice president appears to have steadied himself, according to new polling released this week. And one national poll, released by Fox News, appears to have gotten under President Trump’s skin". |
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Fri 07/26/19 02:21 PM
This is what has become of your Republican Party. It's starting to look like the whole party has turned communist.
Republicans Are Doing a Good Job Blocking Efforts to Fight Russian Meddling in 2020 "A new bipartisan report found that the election systems of all 50 states were targeted in 2016. Mitch McConnell couldn’t care less". "Former special counsel Robert Mueller issued several reminders during his testimony before Congress on Wednesday. Russia wanted to put in Trump in the White House in 2016, he said, which we already knew. We also knew that Trump’s campaign welcomed this help, that Trump made concerted efforts to impede the investigation into the matter, and that, three years later, Russia is still working to interfere in American elections. As Mueller put it Wednesday, it’s happening “as we sit here.” On Thursday, we learned something new: Russia’s interference in the 2016 election involved efforts to hack into the election systems of all 50 states, not just 21, as had previously been reported. The revelation came in the first volume of a heavily redacted bipartisan report released by the Senate Intelligence Committee, which notes that the attempts to hack state election systems went mostly unnoticed by U.S. officials. The committee found no evidence that any votes were changed or that voting machines were manipulated, but wrote that the extent of Russia’s activity against state election infrastructure was “unprecedented". What we know about the 21 states targeted by Russian hackers "The Department of Homeland Security was short on details when it said Friday that it had notified 21 states of Russian efforts to hack their election systems in 2016. For one thing, the department didn't publicly identify the states. For another, it didn't say how many of the hacking attempts were successful — or to what degree". The problem is not just that the president owes his position to foreign interference, and is, therefore, unwilling to admit it even occurs, let alone take steps to stop it. The problem is also that foreign influence has become a part of the Republican Party political infrastructure. First, foreign money is tempted into American political campaigns by the donors' desire to influence the outcomes and results of elections and finds a way in through U.S. citizens who are closely connected to foreign sources. Leonard Blavatnik, for example, has donated millions to Republicans, including Mitch McConnell. Republicans thus loathe to expose that channel of campaign funding, so they are not inclined to support election security measures that might impact it or shine an investigatory light on it. Second, the modern Republican Party is all about voter suppression, one of its primary enterprises. The GOP simply wants to steal the vote away from groups it believes, in aggregate, will not vote for its candidates and will not support its plutocratic program. It does not like the upheaval and uncertainty of real democracy, which it regards as an impediment to its dedicated service to the billionaire donors who fund it, and upon whose largesse it is dependent. The modern GOP is also sociopathic and has no ethical qualms whatsoever about cheating voters of their rightful influence. In fact, it enjoys this form of treason. So, the GOP is once again not inclined to support election security and measures that promote or ensure a fair vote. A fair vote is the last thing Republicans want. The sooner we all realize what treasonous weasels Republican officials have become, the sooner we can start taking measures against the GOP's malign influence on our nation. "Republicans Are Doing a Good Job Blocking Efforts to Fight Russian Meddling in 2020" -- They need all the help they can get. Another "great" Trump supporter. More like another crook Trump supporter. Trump-supporting Republican hoping to oust Ilhan Omar charged with stealing from shops "A Donald Trump-supporting Republican running against Ilhan Omar for Congress in 2020 is accused of shoplifting hundreds of items from stores in Minnesota, according to reports. Danielle Stella, the 31-year-old candidate for the Midwest state, is believed to have been charged with felony theft after getting arrested at a branch of Target in the suburbs of Minneapolis". Trump news - live: President invents imaginary word as bizarre propaganda video shown to right-wing youth group emerges "Donald Trump has continued to lash out in the wake of Robert Mueller's explosive testimony in front of Congress while taking the time to make up words and tweet about the imprisonment of A$AP Rocky. The president is trying to undo the damage from the hearings involving Mr. Mueller, who said he was not able to say that his report had cleared Mr. Trump of any wrongdoing. He has also been wrapped in another controversy after he spoke in front of a bizarre version of the presidential seal, which included references to the Russian flag and a set of golf clubs". Every American should be concerned about Russian meddling in our elections as that was the focus of Mueller's investigation and the results mirror the conclusion of our Intelligence Community. It's happening and will continue to happen unless safeguards are implemented. Still, Mitch McConnell blocked 2 more bills passed by the House that would help improve election security? Why? Worse, why does Trump not want to improve election security? The answer is because although Mueller determined Trump didn't directly coordinate with the Russians, he was all too happy to benefit from their meddling and then attempted to squash the investigation and lied about all the contacts he, his family, his campaign, and his transition team had with Russians. Every American should be concerned with this. There is no blaming Obama or Hillary for this; it's all on Trump. Ex-Republican Who Doctored Presidential Seal Is Happy Trump Stood In Front Of It "In a widely publicized misstep, the organizers of a college Republicans’ event in the nation’s capital projected a doctored version of the U.S. presidential seal behind President Donald Trump for a minute or two on stage this week. One person suspected of finding and showing the image ― with its references to Russia and Trump’s golf habit ― was swiftly fired. But the man who created the doctored, satirical seal has only kind words for whoever pulled the stunt". U.S. House panel seeks grand jury evidence to assess Trump impeachment "WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Democratic-led U.S. House Judiciary Committee asked a federal court on Friday for access to the grand jury evidence from the Mueller probe that lawmakers say they need to determine whether to begin impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump". The GOP Finally Rejects Trump "A lopsided protest vote in t.h.e House showed that the president’s grip on his party is not always as strong as it appears". "The two-year, $2.7 trillion budget deal before Congress this week forced Republican lawmakers to answer a tricky question. Which is stronger: their seemingly unswerving loyalty to President Donald Trump, or their equally reflexive opposition to Speaker Nancy Pelosi?" The GOP, if they have half the sense God promised a Billy Goat they had better start distancing themselves from Trump. Come election time, if they are still backing a crook like Trump, many of them including Trump will lose their jobs. Mitch McConnell hopefully will be one of the first besides Trump to go. As we all see, at least at this point, McConnell doesn't want to do anything about Russian meddling in our elections. That ain't good. That's not good at all. That's about as un-American as you can get. When you know that a foreign power such as Russia is rigging our elections, but you refuse to do anything about it. And block anything or anyone that tries to, that is to me a treasonous act. McConnell like others was voted in to protect our constitution and work for the best of our people and country. Sounds to me like they all need to be gone come election time. That is if Russia isn't allowed to put into office who they want. This should be a wake-up call for all Americans. At this point, backing Trump is the same as backing Russia. It's the same thing as saying you are OK with Russia meddling in our elections. And, if you are OK with that, you may as well spit into the face of every American Soldier that fought and died for our country. |
On a speech last night trump was there and behind him was projected the seal. The stupid tech guy who got the image from the Internet didn't realise it had been doctored the Eagle had 2 heads. A set of golf clubs to one side and the moto read something stupid! ![]() Sounds to me like they were actually making a fool of him. Make fun of him right under his nose. “45 is a puppet”: Trump spoke in front of an altered presidential seal and nobody knew |
What needs to be done immediately is a bill drawn up and passed that requires all prospective presidential candidates, including the sitting president, if he wishes to apply to reelection, to supply their tax returns prior to being accepted as candidates for the presidency. It is necessary to know who is financially supporting anyone who submits their name for presidential candidacy. This should be a requirement prior to debates, etc., to prevent wasting people's time and money on unqualified applicants. I think there also needs to be laws about the POTUS not employing family in positions of power. The nepotism of dozy donald is staggering. Such things would never be allowed here in the UK! At one time it wasn't allowed here either. It just shows how far our government has slid away from the oath they all took before entering any office. It's no longer about what's best for the country. Now, it's about what's best for "party" The presidency at one time, to sum it into one word at a time, "integrity." Not to forget "duty" to uphold the Constitution of the USA. "Transparency" "Honesty" and the TRUTH is no longer part of our government. "MONEY" and the pursuit of it has now taken the place of all of these. Out the window went PRIDE in our country and our president to lead it. You can read almost every day how well our president leads. What his example of leadership is. His example to the whole world, hate, lies, and deceit & dishonesty. At one time our country would not have stood for all this. At one time people in the USA had enough pride in their country, themselves that they would never have stood behind such a man. But even now, with all that has already come out about Trump, I say a few still stand with Trump. Majority of the country sees Trump for the lying crook he is. It's pitiful though that such a man would even have one supporter. In my eyes and the eyes of many others, To support Trump is to abandon our constitution. Trump celebrates Fox News poll on the economy but ignores less favorable parts of the survey "WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump on Thursday celebrated a Fox News poll that showed voters are pleased with his handling of the economy – but the same poll also found those voters didn't think it would change much if a Democrat is elected in 2020. "Fox Poll say best Economy in DECADES!" Trump tweeted Wednesday morning. He also noted his approval rating on his handling of the economy had jumped four percentage points to 52% from a Fox News poll in May. "Shouldn’t this be at 100%?" he wondered. "Best stock market, economy and unemployment numbers ever! Most people working within U.S. ever! Low interest rates, very low inflation! Country doing great!" The poll was consistent with voters' attitude toward Trump's handling of the economy since he took office. His approval rating on that issue has remained in the high 40% range, with the exception of two outliers in 2017 that put him at 45% and 44%". "It also found that a majority (51%) of Americans rated the economy either "good" or "excellent" for the first time since the Great Recession. According to Fox News, the result had not been that positive since January 2001 when the number was at 59%. But the poll did not indicate that Americans necessarily think that keeping Trump in the office is tied to future economic success. When asked for their economic prediction if Trump is reelected, 33% said conditions would get better, 26% said it would stay the same and 39% said it would get worse. The numbers did not change much when people were asked what they thought would happen if a Democrat became president, with 33% saying it would get better, 24% saying it would stay the same and 36% saying it would get worse. " Trump just keeps botching how Congress and the Constitution work "A few months into Donald Trump’s presidency, House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) defended the novice politician. “He’s new at government,” Ryan said in June 2017, “and therefore I think he’s learning as he goes". Trump’s War on the Constitution Has Reached a Breaking Point "Much of the nation is focused on the growing constitutional conflict between the Trump administration and the Democratic majority in the House of Representatives. Words like “unprecedented” are being bandied about in the press to describe the slow-rolling legal calamity unfolding before us. While it is true that many elements of the current situation are peculiar to history, there is nothing new here save, perhaps, for the danger represented by this preposterous president." FORMER TRUMP ADVISER SAYS HE TRIED TO TEACH PRESIDENT THE CONSTITUTION, BUT HIS EYES JUST ROLLED BACK IN HIS HEAD "As a candidate for president, Donald Trump didn't understand the Constitution—and didn't want to learn about it, a key campaign aide said. "I got as far as the Fourth Amendment, before his finger is pulling down on his lip and his eyes are rolling back in his head," Sam Nunberg, a former adviser to the Trump campaign, said in Michael Wolff's bombshell new book, Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House, excerpted Wednesday in New York magazine. " |
Bill Weld: Trump is a 'raging racist,' GOP will be known as 'party of racism'
"WASHINGTON – Former Massachusetts Gov. Bill Weld, who is a longshot challenger to President Donald Trump for the 2020 Republican nomination, this week called the president a "raging racist," adding that if Republicans don't denounce Trump in the upcoming election they will be known as the "party of racism". Trump Might Launch an Amphibious Assault Against Iran If a War Starts "Security, Middle East A bad plan? Trump Might Launch an Amphibious Assault Against Iran If a War Starts If tensions with Iran continue to heat up, one option would be to stage an amphibious raid against a land or sea-based Iranian military facility. One of the greatest truisms of life is that land wars in Asia are futile. The continent’s vastness allows defenders to trade space for time, extending the logistical lifelines of invaders to the breaking point. This argument holds for Iran, which at a population of one quarter that of the United States and the size of the West Coast is too large for even the largest of modern armies to occupy. But what about an amphibious raid against select targets on Iran’s coastline? Military action against the Islamic Republic is by no means imminent or even on the horizon, but it’s important for the public to understand the tools the Pentagon—and the White House—believe they have in their toolboxes". 3 wars in the Middle East in the last 30 years....all started by a Republican Presidents. And what do we have to show for those wars? Two more with something to hide? House Oversight Democrats authorize subpoenas for Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner's business-related personal emails, text messages "The House Oversight Committee voted on Thursday to authorize subpoenas for business-related personal emails and text messages as part of a wide-ranging investigation into whether senior administration officials broke federal records laws by using private accounts for official purposes". Trump associate proved invaluable FBI source, records show "NEW YORK (AP) — Newly unsealed court records confirm that Felix Sater, a former business associate of President Donald Trump, was an invaluable FBI source who used his ties to the criminal underworld to rat out New York's organized crime families and gather intelligence on Al Qaida and arms dealers in Afghanistan. But the trove of documents, made public this week following a yearslong legal effort by media organizations, shed no new light on the part of the Russian-born businessman's past that is probably of the most interest to House Democrats investigating the president". "When asked about whether he was concerned about being indicted after he leaves office which Mueller emphasized is a possibility — Trump falsely said that Mueller retracted that claim. In fact, Mueller corrected another claim, in which he had seemed to imply that the only reason he didn’t indict Trump was because of Justice Department policy against charging a sitting president. Mueller withdrew this mark and said that this policy prevented his team from even considering indicting Trump at all, though future prosecutors could bring charges once he’s out of office. But Trump falsely insisted that Mueller hadn’t said he could be charged when he’s no longer president." |
Let's see if this judge will stand with Trump or the Constitution. Trump's suit to block Democrats from getting his New York tax returns will be handed off to another judge "A federal judge decided Thursday that a different judge should handle President Donald Trump's suit to prevent House Democrats from obtaining his New York state tax returns, delaying a decision on the president's request for a restraining order against the Democrats". |
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Thu 07/25/19 04:34 PM
The thing that some people seem to keep forgetting, Robert Mueller is a very careful man. He let it be known right from the start what he was going to do. He answered the things that mattered. He didn't let himself get drawn in by either party. He answered what needed answering. Pelosi rebuffs Nadler on impeachment after Mueller flop "House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler pushed to launch impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump during a closed-door meeting Wednesday, only to be rebuffed by Speaker Nancy Pelosi, according to four sources familiar with the discussions. At a caucus meeting that came after the hotly anticipated testimony of former special counsel Robert Mueller, Nadler suggested that several House committee chiefs begin drafting articles of impeachment against Trump. Pelosi called the idea premature, the sources said. Mueller's appearance was a disappointment to many Democrats, as the former FBI director stumbled at times, even seeming unsure of the contents of his 448-page report on Russian election interference and Trump's efforts to obstruct the investigation. Pelosi convened the Democratic Caucus after Mueller's appearance before the Judiciary and Intelligence panels. A lengthy, animated discussion about the impeachment process followed. Sources said rank-and-file lawmakers asked about the technical aspects of an impeachment inquiry, including whether it would require a full vote of the House or could be initiated by the Judiciary Committee". |
Biden bounces back
"A new Fox News survey shows the former vice president at pre-debate levels, with more than double the support of the second-place candidate, Sen. Bernie Sanders". |
Fox News's Own Poll Found That a Majority Think Trump's Racist Tweets Went "Too Far"
"Fox News has, on occasion, discovered some pretty interesting things about public opinion. In February of this year, the network's own polling found that 70 percent of respondents approved of raising taxes on people earning more than $10 million a year. And a quick show of hands during Vermont senator and Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders's town hall showed that an overwhelming majority of the audience supported Medicare for All". |
What needs to be done immediately is a bill drawn up and passed that requires all prospective presidential candidates, including the sitting president, if he wishes to apply to reelection, to supply their tax returns prior to being accepted as candidates for the presidency. It is necessary to know who is financially supporting anyone who submits their name for presidential candidacy. This should be a requirement prior to debates, etc., to prevent wasting people's time and money on unqualified applicants. I think there also needs to be laws about the POTUS not employing family in positions of power. The nepotism of dozy donald is staggering. Such things would never be allowed here in the UK! At one time it wasn't allowed here either. It just shows how far our government has slid away from the oath they all took before entering any office. It's no longer about what's best for the country. Now, it's about what's best for "party" The presidency at one time, to sum it into one word at a time, "integrity." Not to forget "duty" to uphold the Constitution of the USA. "Transparency" "Honesty" and the TRUTH is no longer part of our government. "MONEY" and the pursuit of it has now taken the place of all of these. Out the window went PRIDE in our country and our president to lead it. You can read almost every day how well our president leads. What his example of leadership is. His example to the whole world, hate, lies, and deceit & dishonesty. At one time our country would not have stood for all this. At one time people in the USA had enough pride in their country, themselves that they would never have stood behind such a man. But even now, with all that has already come out about Trump, I say a few still stand with Trump. Majority of the country sees Trump for the lying crook he is. It's pitiful though that such a man would even have one supporter. In my eyes and the eyes of many others, To support Trump is to abandon our constitution. Trump celebrates Fox News poll on the economy but ignores less favorable parts of the survey "WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump on Thursday celebrated a Fox News poll that showed voters are pleased with his handling of the economy – but the same poll also found those voters didn't think it would change much if a Democrat is elected in 2020. "Fox Poll say best Economy in DECADES!" Trump tweeted Wednesday morning. He also noted his approval rating on his handling of the economy had jumped four percentage points to 52% from a Fox News poll in May. "Shouldn’t this be at 100%?" he wondered. "Best stock market, economy and unemployment numbers ever! Most people working within U.S. ever! Low interest rates, very low inflation! Country doing great!" The poll was consistent with voters' attitude toward Trump's handling of the economy since he took office. His approval rating on that issue has remained in the high 40% range, with the exception of two outliers in 2017 that put him at 45% and 44%". "It also found that a majority (51%) of Americans rated the economy either "good" or "excellent" for the first time since the Great Recession. According to Fox News, the result had not been that positive since January 2001 when the number was at 59%. But the poll did not indicate that Americans necessarily think that keeping Trump in the office is tied to future economic success. When asked for their economic prediction if Trump is reelected, 33% said conditions would get better, 26% said it would stay the same and 39% said it would get worse. The numbers did not change much when people were asked what they thought would happen if a Democrat became president, with 33% saying it would get better, 24% saying it would stay the same and 36% saying it would get worse. " |
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Thu 07/25/19 11:33 AM
'45 is a puppet': Can you spot the mistakes in the fake presidential seal behind Trump?
"President Trump walked, beaming, onto the stage at Turning Point USA’s student summit in Washington, D.C., on Tuesday to loud applause from the attendees, as a huge image of the “Seal of the President of the United States” was projected on a screen behind him". Meghan McCain Confronts Adam Schiff: Show Me Your ‘Smoking Gun’ on Trump Collusion Now "“What’s your evidence? You have been saying that on TV for years,” she exclaimed. Schiff, who in March stood by his claims that there was “direct evidence” of Trump collusion by pointing to the infamous 2016 Trump Tower meeting, replied that he’s “been saying that the evidence is in plain sight” and “not hidden anywhere.” “The Russians offered dirt on Hillary Clinton in writing and sent it to [Donald Trump Jr.],” Schiff stated. “And Don Jr.’s response was in writing and said, ‘As for your offer of foreign illegal help, I would love it.’ He accepted the offer". Schiff saw this as collusion. For whatever reason, Mullier didn't. So, the way I see it, this is one of those things that will be left for the court of public opinion. Russian Dirt on Clinton? ‘I Love It,’ Donald Trump Jr. Said "The June 3, 2016, email sent to Donald Trump Jr. could hardly have been more explicit: One of his father’s former Russian business partners had been contacted by a senior Russian government official and was offering to provide the Trump campaign with dirt on Hillary Clinton". |
Mueller edges closer to saying Trump committed obstruction
"In his congressional testimony Wednesday, former special counsel Robert Mueller again walked up to the line of saying President Trump committed obstruction of justice — but didn’t quite cross it". Mueller says Russia's campaign interference "was not a hoax" Robert Mueller testimony on Trump and Russia: Devastating facts that point to impeachment "Don’t let Robert Mueller’s understated performance fool you. Some people expressed disappointment that the former special counsel did not deliver more impassioned testimony when he appeared before the House Judiciary and Intelligence committees on Wednesday. Perhaps we have all seen too many movies and television shows in which the star lawyer gives a riveting closing argument that spurs everyone to stand and cheer". Mueller says he did not interview for FBI director position, contradicting Trump "The day before he was appointed special counsel overseeing the Russia investigation, Robert Mueller met with President Trump. Trump has repeatedly claimed that the meeting was effectively a job interview for FBI director, a position that became open when the president fired FBI Director James Comey. That firing triggered the Justice Department’s appointment of a special counsel to oversee the investigation into Russia's influence campaign in the 2016 election". Democrats vow to accelerate Trump probe after Mueller 'victory' "WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Claiming "victory" in two high-profile hearings on Wednesday with former U.S. Special Counsel Robert Mueller, Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives vowed to push forward with their investigations of President Donald Trump", Mueller grilled on conclusions about 'exoneration' "A Republican member of the House Judiciary Committee ripped into Robert Mueller at Wednesday’s hearing, claiming that the special counsel violated Justice Department principles when he failed to decide if President Trump committed a crime without exonerating him. “Which DOJ policy or principle sets forth a legal standard that an investigated person is not exonerated if their innocence from criminal conduct is not conclusively determined?” asked Rep. John Ratcliffe, R-Texas, a former federal prosecutor. “Where does that language come from, director? Where is the DOJ policy that says that?" |
Mueller Says He Cannot Name Another Case Where DOJ Required Proof of Innocence "Special Counsel Robert Mueller said during congressional testimony Wednesday that he cannot name a precedent in which the Justice Department decided an individual was not exonerated because their innocence had not been proven, but cautioned that the Russia investigation was a unique circumstance". Top House Democrats react to Robert Mueller's congressional testimony "Speaker Nancy Pelosi and House committee Chairmen Nadler, Schiff and Cummings offer conclusions on former special counsel Robert Mueller's appearance on Capitol Hill". Trump portrays Mueller testimony as a victory as Pelosi keeps impeachment on hold "President Trump told reporters Wednesday that special counsel Robert Mueller’s testimony before Congress disappointed Democrats who continue to grapple with whether to pursue impeaching him. “They are devastated, the Democrats lost so big today,” Trump told reporters gathered on the White House lawn. Trump, who had tweeted angrily about Mueller’s appearances before the House Judiciary and Intelligence committees, also took aim at the man who had investigated his 2016 presidential campaign’s ties to Russia". It may be a victory for Trump, or push for the Democrats, but for ordinary Americans, it was depressing to hear how a political campaign welcomed and encourage a foreign power to participate in our elections. Conclusion: our politicians don't have the people's best interests at heart. He also portrayed the report as a complete vindication the totally exonerated him. Today Mueller testified under oath that he did not exonerate Trump and that Trump attempted to Obstruct justice multiple times. He also testified that the Trump Campaign manager admitted giving campaign data and strategy to Russians and lied about it. He testified that the Russians absolutely ran a huge campaign on social media, spreading false stories to influence voters and that they are still doing it and that the president is making a false statement when he says the investigation is a hoax. Mueller was first nominated as a federal prosecutor by President Ronald Reagan. He was then made the head of the FBI by W in 2001. Finally, he was appointed special prosecutor by Rod Rosenstein, who President Trump handpicked as deputy AG. Actually, Trump made it quite clear today why he is continuing to obstruct justice by trying not to supply his tax returns and providing access to information. In his own words: "They need more information." This is what Nancy Pelosi explained the courts are pursuing. Trump understands that it is a matter of time before the courts obtain this material and whether he is impeached now or indicted later, HE AND HIS FAMILY AND ASSOCIATES WILL BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE. What needs to be done immediately is a bill drawn up and passed that requires all prospective presidential candidates, including the sitting president, if he wishes to apply to reelection, to supply their tax returns prior to being accepted as candidates for the presidency. It is necessary to know who is financially supporting anyone who submits their name for presidential candidacy. This should be a requirement prior to debates, etc., to prevent wasting people's time and money on unqualified applicants. |
Mueller congressional meeting: a slow motion train wreck. "What?" "Could you repeat the question"? "I don't have knowledge of that"! ... and on and on and on ... Lack of focus, lack of concentration and inability to listen. The republican representatives had him for lunch. He answered very few questions. Some even wonder if he actually authored this report but just signed his name to it. Outside of using todays discussions as a way to continue the Russiagage fraud so democrat's can give the appearance of discovering unknown info this was a disaster for the deep state. The dems want to continue Russiagate until the 2020 election. Rep. Debbie Lesko showed Mueller's report (part 2) was, for the most part, copy and pasted from the national news. In her words, "something anyone with a $50 cable connection would have heard. Mr. Mueller, you spent $25,000,000 producing this report". On and on the damaging questions and facts came to the surface and Mueller had no answers. Of course, the media and democrat's will try to give their spin on this. Waiting patiently for the spygate and Epstein investigations. In typical Trump-like fashion, you didn't hear what the rest of the country heard. |
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Thu 07/25/19 12:27 AM
Democrats ask Mueller if Trump could avoid criminal charges if he serves a 2nd term
"Former special counsel Robert Mueller was asked Wednesday whether President Trump might escape criminal prosecution on possible obstruction of justice charges if he were reelected in 2020. “I’m not certain I can see the possibility you suggest,” Mueller told Rep. Mike Quigley, D-Ill., as his testimony before the House Intelligence Committee got underway". Mueller: Trump's answers were 'generally' untruthful "Former special counsel Robert Mueller told lawmakers on Capitol Hill on Wednesday that President Trump’s written answers to his questions were not only incomplete — they were, he suggested in his testimony, “generally” untruthful. Appearing before the House Intelligence Committee, Mueller was questioned about the president’s written answers, which he described in his report about Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election as “inadequate". Mueller calls Trump's praise of WikiLeaks 'problematic’ "Special counsel Robert Mueller said during Wednesday’s testimony before the House Intelligence Committee that Donald Trump’s praise for WikiLeaks during the 2016 presidential election campaign was “problematic". Schiff: Mueller investigation showed Trump's 'disloyalty to country' "House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., on Wednesday said it doesn’t matter whether the Trump campaign’s contacts with Russia or President Trump’s attempts to obstruct special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation amounted to crimes. To Schiff, they amounted to something worse: “Disloyalty to country". ]/url] Mueller testimony reminds us everyone except Trump knows Russians interfered in election "Before she was ousted by President Donald Trump, former Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen said: "Two years ago, a foreign power launched a brazen, multi-faceted influence campaign ... to distort our presidential election. ... Let me be clear: Our intelligence community had it right. It was the Russians". Mueller defends special counsel team against charges of bias "Former special counsel Robert Mueller defended his investigating team against claims of political bias against President Trump at a House Judiciary Committee hearing Wednesday. “We strove to hire those individuals that could do the job,” Mueller said about the hiring process behind the two-year investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. “I have been in this business for almost 25 years, and in those 25 years, I have not had occasion once to ask somebody about their political affiliation. It is not done. What I care about is the capability of the individual to do the job and do the job quickly and seriously and with integrity". |
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Wed 07/24/19 08:30 PM
Mueller's testimony on Trump and Russia: the biggest takeaways
"The former special counsel explained Trump was not exonerated and warned of continuing election interference by Russia". "n highly anticipated testimony before the US Congress, the former special counsel Robert Mueller submitted to seven hours of questioning in back-to-back appearances before the House judiciary and intelligence committees. His testimony comes four months after he concluded the two-year investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election and the Trump campaign’s ties to Moscow, the findings of which were detailed in a 448-page report released in April. Here are the key takeaways". Trump was not exonerated. Donald Trump has repeatedly claimed “total exoneration” – despite Mueller’s report explicitly stating otherwise. Mueller shot down the president’s assertion within minutes of the first hearing when he was asked by the House judiciary committee chairman, Jerry Nadler if the special counsel had cleared Trump of wrongdoing. “The finding indicates that the president was not exculpated for the acts that he allegedly committed,” Mueller said. “It is not what the report said.” Testifying under oath, Mueller also confirmed there had been several attempts by Trump to impede the special counsel investigation, adding: “Obstruction of justice strikes at the core of the government’s effort to find the truth and to hold wrongdoers accountable”. |
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Wed 07/24/19 06:29 PM
Mueller Says He Cannot Name Another Case Where DOJ Required Proof of Innocence
"Special Counsel Robert Mueller said during congressional testimony Wednesday that he cannot name a precedent in which the Justice Department decided an individual was not exonerated because their innocence had not been proven, but cautioned that the Russia investigation was a unique circumstance". Top House Democrats react to Robert Mueller's congressional testimony "Speaker Nancy Pelosi and House committee Chairmen Nadler, Schiff and Cummings offer conclusions on former special counsel Robert Mueller's appearance on Capitol Hill". Trump portrays Mueller testimony as a victory as Pelosi keeps impeachment on hold "President Trump told reporters Wednesday that special counsel Robert Mueller’s testimony before Congress disappointed Democrats who continue to grapple with whether to pursue impeaching him. “They are devastated, the Democrats lost so big today,” Trump told reporters gathered on the White House lawn. Trump, who had tweeted angrily about Mueller’s appearances before the House Judiciary and Intelligence committees, also took aim at the man who had investigated his 2016 presidential campaign’s ties to Russia". It may be a victory for Trump, or push for the Democrats, but for ordinary Americans, it was depressing to hear how a political campaign welcomed and encourage a foreign power to participate in our elections. Conclusion: our politicians don't have the people's best interests at heart. He also portrayed the report as a complete vindication the totally exonerated him. Today Mueller testified under oath that he did not exonerate Trump and that Trump attempted to Obstruct justice multiple times. He also testified that the Trump Campaign manager admitted giving campaign data and strategy to Russians and lied about it. He testified that the Russians absolutely ran a huge campaign on social media, spreading false stories to influence voters and that they are still doing it and that the president is making a false statement when he says the investigation is a hoax. Mueller was first nominated as a federal prosecutor by President Ronald Reagan. He was then made the head of the FBI by W in 2001. Finally, he was appointed special prosecutor by Rod Rosenstein, who President Trump handpicked as deputy AG. Actually, Trump made it quite clear today why he is continuing to obstruct justice by trying not to supply his tax returns and providing access to information. In his own words: "They need more information." This is what Nancy Pelosi explained the courts are pursuing. Trump understands that it is a matter of time before the courts obtain this material and whether he is impeached now or indicted later, HE AND HIS FAMILY AND ASSOCIATES WILL BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE. What needs to be done immediately is a bill drawn up and passed that requires all prospective presidential candidates, including the sitting president, if he wishes to apply to reelection, to supply their tax returns prior to being accepted as candidates for the presidency. It is necessary to know who is financially supporting anyone who submits their name for presidential candidacy. This should be a requirement prior to debates, etc., to prevent wasting people's time and money on unqualified applicants. |
From Jeffrey Epstein to Donald Trump, Deutsche Bank Protected Wealthy Clients
"Yesterday, The New York Times reported that Deutsche Bank had reluctantly and belatedly filed a Suspicious Activity Report (SAR) with FinCEN, the Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, on Jeffrey Epstein earlier this year for engaging in suspicious international financial transactions". |
Video: Robert Mueller’s Full Day Of Testimony On The Report, Russia And Trump
"Robert Mueller on Wednesday bluntly dismissed President Donald Trump's claims of total exoneration in the federal probe of Russia's 2016 election interference, telling Congress he explicitly did not clear the president of obstructing his investigation. The former special counsel also rejected Trump's assertions that the probe was a "witch hunt" and hoax". In the long run this has been a win for the Democrats. They got what they were after. Whether they impeach him or not, doesn't matter. Now, it will either be the impeachment of him or fight him at the ballot box. Either way, now it has gone to the court of public opinion. This is what the Democrats wanted all along. For the general public to be able to hear what Robert Mueller had to say, will, in the end, carry a lot of weight with the public at large. Trump has already proven himself a liar with no credibility. Mueller is a man of high credibility. His testimony will do one or both of two things. It will finally push the Democrats to impeach. Or, it will give more incentive for people to come election time to vote him out. Either way, at this point, it's a Democrat win. Trump accepted help from Russia. He may not have known about it in the beginning. But when he did find out, instead of reporting it to the proper authorities, he accepted it. That was a traitorous act on his part. Also obstruction. Trump has a rope around his neck right now. Just waiting for someone (Democrats) to kick the chair out from under him. Now, we wait and see how they go about it. Impeachment or the ballot box. Either way, the Democrats know that the court of public opinion carries a whole lot of weight. |
Mueller said Trump was 'not exculpated' for obstruction of justice. The dictionary responded
"WASHINGTON – Even the dictionary weighed in on special counsel Robert Mueller's testimony before the House Judiciary Committee. "The president was not exculpated for the acts that he allegedly committed,” Mueller said during his Wednesday testimony before the House Judiciary Committee. Merriam-Webster's Twitter account posted the definition of "exculpate" after Mueller made his remarks. "To be 'exculpated' is to be cleared from alleged fault or guilt," wrote the dictionary's account, noting that the term had started trending on social media. President Donald Trump has insisted special counsel Robert Mueller's report was "total exoneration" for him and his 2016 presidential campaign. Mueller, however, reiterated in the hearing that his report's findings that his investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election did not actually exonerate the president for the alleged crime of obstruction of justice". |