Community > Posts By > countryangel

countryangel's photo
Mon 10/16/06 07:16 PM
its actually been pretty nice weather lately... it rained yesterday and
today but hey we need it bad

countryangel's photo
Mon 10/16/06 07:14 PM
yea well ill tell him .... whenever i actually hear form him again.....

countryangel's photo
Mon 10/16/06 07:11 PM
haha well thank you very much.. im wanting greenside corpsman or search
and rescue tech.

countryangel's photo
Mon 10/16/06 07:00 PM
haha yea... is col i dont drink too much tho... it usually ends up with
me losnog some article of clothing... kinda like tequila makes her
clothes fall off.... cept its either vodka or whiskey for me

countryangel's photo
Mon 10/16/06 06:59 PM
yea well right now the make sex pretty much sucks... and im wprried
about this whole navy thing... i really thought hed be there for me with
it and now i dont know... and im trying to come up with 280 dollars to
pay and old surcharge on a ticket in order to leave tues next week for

countryangel's photo
Mon 10/16/06 06:55 PM
well then canada rocks lol

countryangel's photo
Mon 10/16/06 06:54 PM
he asked me to marry him on monday last week... then turned around on
thurs and said that it ws because he wanted to keep me out of the navy
and so id stay with him.... and now he really does believe he wants to
marry me... i was like wtf ... and we had this big fight last noght...
he was suposed to call he said but nvr did and was suposed to meet me
and my cousin at the usn recruiters office this am.... and nvr showed up
and hasnt answered his phone so i dunno... he works a late night /early
morning job .... and has been asleep but still im like wtf.. you were
the one being an asshole last night

countryangel's photo
Mon 10/16/06 06:46 PM
yea i dont care if he were to do it once in a while ... but we ended up
making plans to hang out evrynight one week because the night before he
cancles... pretty much 6 nights in a row he cancled and the worst part
is he didnt even have the decency to call and say hey .. so and so
called .. ill catch up wiht ya tmom or ill call ya later... i dont find
out until like an hour after hewas suposed to be at my apt... i
understand family and work.. and poss school if theyre in school...

countryangel's photo
Mon 10/16/06 06:40 PM
ok sooo yea i dunno it would be nice to meet someone who dont always
cancel our plans to go hang out with his friends instead

countryangel's photo
Mon 10/16/06 05:49 PM
yea i met this one guy once that actually had worked with my cousins
wife who happens to be my best firend but that was a diff site and so it
was cool tho .. but i only like met him 2 times and we havent really
spoken since then

countryangel's photo
Mon 10/16/06 05:45 PM
im new to the site and there dont seem to be anyone here from mckinney
or even from my part of tx at that so naw not me

countryangel's photo
Mon 10/16/06 05:43 PM
haha yea i did the whole college thing like a week after i grad h.s it
sucked..... but im gonna go back prolly while im in the navy maybe a lil

countryangel's photo
Mon 10/16/06 05:42 PM
right click on it and save picture as... then on here go to upload
picture and browse.. just remember where you saved your pic to..... yea
its been raining here for the past cpl days..... im just looking into
all the crap i gota do to get ready for rtc... mainly working on my damn

countryangel's photo
Mon 10/16/06 05:08 PM
haha i dont know about that i am a waitress at ihop... work many
gravyards..... tooo many drunk guys... lol

countryangel's photo
Mon 10/16/06 03:50 PM
well thank you hoss....and hey im excited... im not worried about it.. i
got a pretty cool laid back recruiter.. he aint worried with telling me
all this bs on what they will do if i join... just the normal what i get
when i join like the insurances and all that ... i tried the whole
college thing it wasnt for me it sucked

countryangel's photo
Mon 10/16/06 03:42 PM
hahaha nice... yea my mom just keeps telling me "when they say ""your
momma is a whore"" it aint true just ignore it" i coulndt help but
laugh ... and being the sarcastic lil shit i am lol ;) i was like naw...
ill just ask them if you gave 'em a good rate... yea i would just be
asking to get court marshalled lol

countryangel's photo
Mon 10/16/06 03:39 PM
ok soo i am pretty sure i am suposed to be going to meps on tuesday of
next week.... any one got any advice for me? i am 20yo female...

countryangel's photo
Sat 10/07/06 08:15 PM
kept trying to but i was working like 50 hrs a wek waiting tbles
everytime i sat/laid down to watch it i fell asleep

countryangel's photo
Sat 10/07/06 08:13 PM
gosh i ahve too many aaron lines you cant hide beautiful, tim mcgraw my
kinda rain, anything by george strait, haha well lets just say country
music is my fav the only i dont like is rpetty much the rap country like
cowboy troy and all i can almost put up with big and rich ... almost lol

countryangel's photo
Sat 10/07/06 07:00 PM
hi yall

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