Community > Posts By > HMontana

HMontana's photo
Sat 11/15/08 06:28 PM

Yes, I tried the rudy slippers but when I opened my eyes, I was still RIGHT here.. wth???!!! bigsmile

trying to nail some heels on them no doubt:wink:

That's all it took for BeachFarmer.

j/k:tongue: He's all man and that's all I can say without getting

HMontana's photo
Sat 11/15/08 06:25 PM

One of the most beautiful people I know

Ditto that!!! Missy rocks! Pics on the way, darlin'.

:heart: you and so glad we met. Missy's the real deal.

HMontana's photo
Sat 11/15/08 06:21 PM

(((Montana))) miss you guys!!!

I don't know how much stuff he has so it depends on that but I'm thinking make Luis drive a U-haul out to you.. laugh sorry (((Luis)))

Make sure he calls me first....HECK...make sure YOU call me first ((((Joy))))

(((Joel))) I'm bad I'm sorry.. I will, I will...

Hmmmm Montana, not sure I could do the whole U-haul thing, I envision me missing a turn, trying to correct it and the trailer going in a whole other direction... noway

Ya, well, I know you've been DYING to visit Kansas for awhile now. I would give you step by step instructions.:tongue:

HMontana's photo
Sat 11/15/08 06:14 PM

Doing fantastic, good to see you two roaming around again! Stick around for awhile if you can, miss you two lovebirds around here!drinker drinker

Thanks baby!! We miss being here, too! We'll do what we can to antagonize and irritate while we're here.bigsmile

HMontana's photo
Sat 11/15/08 06:12 PM

Just leave it there...let it burn like the rest of californiarofl rofl rofl

Just glad we got BF outta there first.bigsmile

HMontana's photo
Sat 11/15/08 06:11 PM

(((Montana))) miss you guys!!!

I don't know how much stuff he has so it depends on that but I'm thinking make Luis drive a U-haul out to you.. laugh sorry (((Luis)))


Great idea...but maybe, just maybe, YOU should bring his stuff out to see us.:wink: flowerforyou

HMontana's photo
Sat 11/15/08 06:03 PM beachfarmer moved from the beach to the farm.bigsmile bigsmile

But...all his "stuff" is still in LaJolla. We are getting creative, but with the weather and stuff, we're not sure how to completely combine the beach with the farm (move his things from San Diego). Any ideas???

ALSO, and MORE IMPORTANTLY, we haven't been on here much lately - wanna know how all of you are doing...please tell!!!

HMontana's photo
Sat 11/15/08 05:53 PM

<----can hit the "High E" above "C" on a trumpet while doing a one armed pull up

I thought that was called the "Big O" ????!!!

HMontana's photo
Sat 11/15/08 05:52 PM

i felt a pull and followed it here. whats good?

'sall good, darlin'.flowerforyou

HMontana's photo
Sat 11/15/08 05:46 PM

Don't you worry, he is well taken care of!flowerforyou

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

If you cats are happy, so am I!!!bigsmile

HMontana's photo
Sat 11/15/08 05:45 PM

Yes ma'am I did, October 27love

{{H}} and {{beach}}flowers :heart:

Aw, (((((Wolfie))))!flowers

Very good, sweets! Just chillin' with my baby...on the other computer. laugh

How are you, darlin'? Gettin much weather?

(((BG))))!!!! I so don't know what's going on anymore...did you go off and get married?????noway flowerforyou

Holy Frijole!!! Yay!!!! bigsmile bigsmile

Best wishes to both of you, as always. Super Duper!!!!:heart:

HMontana's photo
Sat 11/15/08 05:42 PM


I will come to you!love love

Hi, Buffry!!!

(((((Fear))))!flowers Miss you, baby! How's tricks?

I had a date with this sweet OP here!love love

DO TELL!!! By phone or email or facebook or WHATEVER...I gotta know. bigsmile

No hon...we went on a real date...cuddled and all! rawr!

Yippee!!!! Smiling from ear to ear!!!bigsmile Yay!!! Take care of this one...he's cool and lovely!:heart:

HMontana's photo
Sat 11/15/08 05:38 PM


I will come to you!love love

Hi, Buffry!!!

(((((Fear))))!flowers Miss you, baby! How's tricks?

I had a date with this sweet OP here!love love

DO TELL!!! By phone or email or facebook or WHATEVER...I gotta know. bigsmile

HMontana's photo
Sat 11/15/08 05:35 PM


I will come to you!love love

Hi, Buffry!!!

(((((Fear))))!flowers Miss you, baby! How's tricks?

HMontana's photo
Sat 11/15/08 05:34 PM
Cartoon: Captain Caveman

Insult: A pox on your first-born, you ugly wart on a salamander's tongue!

Snack: Pita with hummus (we just got it from this great lil deli here...yummy!!!)

HMontana's photo
Sat 11/15/08 05:30 PM
Hi, Grammy!waving What Beachfarmer meant to say was HE was weird today, but doing fine now.laugh

(Love you, Beachie!:heart: )

Wolf, we might spend the better part of next summer in Estes..seems like a long way off, but maybe we can meet then...if not before.

Would you two get married already and be done with it!!???flowerforyou

HMontana's photo
Sat 11/15/08 05:23 PM

but she thinks she needs to go south for the winter!!!!

Still thinkin' Houston?ohwell sad flowerforyou

HMontana's photo
Sat 11/15/08 05:21 PM

glad to hear it,your deserve nothing but the best.

things are pretty good,single but single aint to bad I supposeflowerforyou

It is what it is, I suppose. You deserve nothing but the best as well. It only took me 38 years to get it've got some time.laugh laugh flowerforyou

Hugs to you!

HMontana's photo
Sat 11/15/08 05:19 PM

{{H}} and {{beach}}flowers :heart:

Aw, (((((Wolfie))))!flowers

Very good, sweets! Just chillin' with my baby...on the other computer. laugh

How are you, darlin'? Gettin much weather?

(((BG))))!!!! I so don't know what's going on anymore...did you go off and get married?????noway flowerforyou

HMontana's photo
Sat 11/15/08 05:15 PM

((((((Montana))))))hi sweetie flowerforyou flowerforyou
I am really happy to see you are complete,have someone.

flowers Thanks, Darlin'! He's fan-tabulous and we're having a great, good time.

Are things well with you? I'm not on much anymore.flowerforyou

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