Let me guess you like woman that are quite a bit younger than you are, right?
Maybe you should think of yourself as a product you are trying to sell. What kinds of ads get your attention? They have personality, right? They aren't flat, monotone and just a list of ingredients or uses, correct? They might show and tell you those things, but they also make them seem fun and exciting and like you want to find out more.
Open your profile and pretend you don't know the person. Would your profile make you want to find out more about that person? Would you be thinking ... Wow! I want to get to know him better and be his friend! Probably not. Now with this in mind, do you want to rewrite your profile and put more of you into it? Show off your most wonderful sides! Ask questions. Draw us in and make us curious, make us unable to resist talking to you. If you want more advice ask. ![]() |
Why don't you try adding to your profile? I looked at your profile and there is very little on there. Not much of anything to draw someone in. Maybe ask questions. Think of yourself as a product and sell yourself. Point out the great things about yourself, the ones your friends and family see. No one here knows you or sees anything, but what you post, so help us see who you really are. Put your personality into it, tell us about your talents or what ever make you, you. Does that help? ![]() wrlwnd |