Community > Posts By > mssweetninnocent
oh and to the person that keeps posting about vaccines causing autism, please do your research!There is proof that true autism is genetic.The one study that claimed to verify vaccinations as the cause of autism, was corrupt with falsefied information.This was proven in court.This fact is the number one reason why I believe a certain actress who wrote books about certain miracle cures, and vaccines being the trigger for autism, should be put in jail. Her books are based on this false study and she has spread so much misinformation it's terrifying. She is just another scam artist trying to make a quick profit off of desperate parents. Don't believe everything you read or hear off the net or in the media.Read the actual science journals, talk to the universities and hospitals who are actually doing the research.Talk to the specialists in your area who you know you can trust (that is they can't make any money off of you, they genuinely want to help).Oh and to back up my claims about the vaccine issue, both of my sons were diagnosed BEFORE they had any vaccinations!
hi! i have a 5yr old son who has autism, and my 12yr old son has aspergers.My daughter was diagnosed with adhd, but i don't agree with the diagnosis at all.It's quite easy to spot the children with autism once you are familiar with the characteristics.Higher functioning is much more difficult to diagnose because there are so many other diagnosis' that present similarly.Alot of these children also have other disabilities that can make it hard to pinpoint the exact disabilities they have.I find the kids very easy to handle, it's everyone else that I have issues with (mainly ignorance and service providers).My ex-husband and his wife have also caused huge problems for us.They are internet queens and believe every "autism cure" that they find on it.Many of those treatments are so harmful to little people.I find having kids with special needs does make it difficult to meet people and date.Mostly because I don't have much free time and because alot of men seem to run away at the thought of dealing with my children.I wouldn't change them at all though.They are awesome kids and they are extremely happy kids.Good luck and if anyone has any questions please feel free to ask!