Community > Posts By > Passiespel
The Campaighn Trail
Fred Thompson could definitely manage a budget.
He is a no nonesense down to earth kinda guy! Who would you have for VP? |
I much prefer to live alone, independently en happy than to have a partner because everyone thinks I should have one. Kinda like a dog. No. I am very independent, work, play, enjoy my privacy. If one day, we meet en it is all good, then sure! But it is NOT a requirement for my life! If we mutually agree that it should be together for both of us, then...das ist das!
The Campaighn Trail
I have to say, I was kinda floored by some of the candidates last night. They have gotten worse not better. En the ones you thought maybe would not...actually spoke inteliigently. I am not of any party in particular but I am of specific agendas. Hillary en Mitch pretty much looked like idiots last night, to no surprise to me. So that was a non-factor for me. McCain did not satisfy my immigration question. I am not happy with the solutions he en Guilliani have put forth. Guilliani made a statement about a 4 year program to tighten the boarders. Not one candidate mentioned illegal papers where they take flights here. That is a bigger problem than walking over the boarder!
Hmmmm...this is a tough one this year, but I CAN SAY it is an election for change! So I am going with the one candidate that has a good plan for change, his wife is intelligent en supportive and would make a good first lady. He respects that young people have questions en want change en he has listened to them. We have alot of new young voters. En alot of people between 30-50 dealing with the tax issue above en beyond the national deficit of the war. Personally, owing alot of money to China does NOT make me comfortable. So, may the best man win! |
Why do we fall in love??
I am not IN LOVE with anything. Implies there is an out. I either love or I do not. It is a verb.
THIS is Comedy!
You got it, Joe. It is all about the money. EN if you looked into the mail bride thing, as was discussed on another thread at one time...young girls are dying or in desperate situations because of the people that are running these foreign bride agencies. Drugs, money, en so on. They send the girls over here en drop them on the street in the city en leave them. How sick is that?
Romance can go several places. Passion is in all things. At least in MY life. LOL. |
Is it true 98% of Americans?
One can go so far before the brains cells are lost on the topic.
The Excuse game
Asher...come on...let your hair down! LOL
Manuela? What did you do with Chuck? LOL.
I think it is human nature to feel alone when you are not around people enough. I have good friends en we go out. I do not like to eat alone MOST of the time, so I do not. Some days you just want a good friend that knows you well to hang out with.
THEN there is the other part...we like to love people. Everyone needs someone to love. If it is not a partner we tend to choose a person in our lives to dote about. The preference is a compatible partner. I can tell you from experience, it is also your best friend of the opposite sex. I was in a relationship for 20 years. HE WAS my best friend! That is how it should be. |
Ugly Room Rejects
I have a question for you here...
I am actually putting my little self here because I am finding something out. I am multicultural en my family is en I some Dutch backwards. I find it makes it hard for people to understand or know me or...whatever. Not sure what I am trying to ask. Anyone know what I mean? |
The Excuse game
uhhhhhh en JUST where IS the cat?
uh huhh if the rest of the women do not spoil it for us! LOL.
Just teasing. I prefer to be agreeable to a man, NOT the contrary. |
The Excuse game
Excuse? It just isn't happening! I prefer to tell it like it is in the end!
I have to agree with you there KNOT. I concede also. LOL.
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Do you know??? Cuz i dont
Jill, I do not agree that Kaylas may have an issue with portraying herself incorrectly. That is kind of blaming her for cultural acceptances. I see it all the time. I will say one thing that helps...I am direct. I let the guy know, I am not into that. To be my lover, you must also be my friend. If you want to date me, say so. If you want a one night going to have to go elsewhere. Sometimes you have to let a guy you really like go because he cannot respect your personal ethics en morals. Not a problem with that! Bothers us sometimes but is better than the alternative. En believe it or not, guys have the same problem. I have alot of guy friends where the girls just wanna have the guys expense!
80 yr.old married couple
THAT is funny!
Her Invaluable Worth
Now THAT was good! Very spiritual person, you are!
The govt bond one was pretty funny!
I fear the list for women might be longer... but hey, who am I. |
Once played on Seinfeld!