Community > Posts By > iamjrs47

iamjrs47's photo
Mon 12/10/07 08:22 AM

In my imagination
the smooth supple back
of the world
is meant for me to see
for me to touch
and for me to hold.

She is a lovely lady
and she offers her
lissome spine and
it is for my fingers
to lightly trace.

The parting of moist lips
and the hot humid breath
are mine…

The residue of a tongue
the rivulets of passion
beading bared heaving ribs...
the flawless beauty
of each erotic enterprise
all belong to me.

All the singing sighs
of the world
are mine…
each rewarding gasp
each moment of pleasure
each erotic shiver
belong to me…
in my imagination.

iamjrs47's photo
Mon 12/10/07 07:37 AM
Edited by iamjrs47 on Mon 12/10/07 07:37 AM
Thank you for your thoughts,, Love to make minds wander just a little,,, If your going to shower, make sure you shower with thoughts :wink:

iamjrs47's photo
Mon 12/10/07 06:27 AM

You are there before me, beneath me
behind you, between you,
the animal within me inside you.
I feel you teetering at the edge,

Begging for that merciful stroke to finish you
but not yet, we have more to share,
I do everything except withdraw from you
as I pull in on your golden reins.

You still buck to be ridden,
your nether lips clutch at me
desperately to hold me inside,
but I will not waver in my stance
to hold you at bay,

Pressing down irresistibly with one hand
to halt your heaving hips
as I take my time to pleasure you.
Your silken tresses are in matted strands
stuck to the slick sheen of your back,

And oh, you would hate the way that looks,
but I do love the mess I make of it.
You whimper softly,
knowing better than to beg then.

I notice a stream of your sweet dew
running the course of your crevice bounded
first by strength, then tenderness,
joining with the molten pearls of your desire
at your persistent pucker upon me.

You are engulfed by your passions,
startled when I bury myself in you,
forcing out an equal volume of your gasped breath.
Your passions are ready to run again,

We feed each other the passions we feel.
squeezing little gulps,
voluntary and not.
In reply I hoist my angle inside you
swelling to reserve girth.

The heat is incredible,
Caught in a heartbeat, you slide over me,
teeth embedded over your bottom lip,
heightened want builds between us

I groan loudly as I deliver myself
fully within you,
taking you falling with me
into the passion of our paradise.

iamjrs47's photo
Sat 12/08/07 08:32 PM

Moonlight covers the room
like a glowing satin veil
But beside the beauty of your
face even the moon must pale

I love to see the tiny smile
tugging at the corner of your lips
And the moonlight reflecting brightly
from your modest hips

You've ignited a fire to
keep me safe and warm
And all at the mere sight
of your silhouetted form

I lay on my stomach watching,
as the feeling grows
It starts as a numbness in my arms,
tingling in my toes

I give in to the pull that
seems as strong as a tide
And watch you slowly stretch
with a kind of selfish pride

A shapely form without
any clear definition
Parts of my body start to react
of their own volition

My hands extend before me,
but you stay just out of reach
My mind goes wildly reeling at
thoughts of what you could teach

Lessons upon lessons to
linger in the head
Sheets of softest satin,
dyed a rosy red

An icy cold chill to raise
goose bumps on the flesh
A fragile physical bond to
make the bodies mesh

A dreaming mind is a
truly wonderful thing
We must merely look to
all the joy it can bring

iamjrs47's photo
Sat 12/08/07 08:25 PM

Watching you walk towards me
Makes me breathless
My desires are ignited, by your body..

The gentle swaying of your hips
Allows me to feel the desires
Knowing soon I will caress you...

Your shapely thighs
Your waist so trim,
The seductiveness of your shoulders...

Your breast so firm, so beautiful
Makes me weak in my knee's
Your eyes tell me what you want...

Your hand reaches for mine
As my hand meets you half way
I feel the want of your passion with our touch

Pulling you into my arms
My hands take your face
Looking into your eyes...

My hands lift you onto the counter
You tremble from the coolness of the marble
Our eyes never turn away..

Our lips await that sensuous touch
For my lips to take yours
I pull you closer, we quiver in anticipation...

I slide my hands through your hair
Slightly grasping, as I slowly
bring you soft sensuous lips to mine..

Soft pressure, sweet pressure
slowly our lips Part
Searching for the passions we seek...

Sighs turn to soft moans
Echoing from the depth of our souls
your hips push towards me

I caress your hips, you extend your legs
wrapping them around my waist
We are locked...

Nothing matters, we are lost in each other
Passions flaring, desires dancing
One touch will ignite what we feel...

Let's find that release
My hand, your thigh
your hand, my chest...

My hand, Your Chest
Your Hand, my thigh
It's right there for us to share.

I hear the want in your voice
That would be sensuous kiss
Turns to passion..

I lift you to my waist as you thrust against me
We lose ourselves in the passionate want
As we fall over each other

The dance of lovers, known as delight
One more time, its never enough
Perhaps when we recover
We share one more time

iamjrs47's photo
Sat 12/08/07 11:10 AM
Thank you for all your wonderful comments, But I was just trying to express the way I feel, and the "man" that I think that I am

iamjrs47's photo
Fri 12/07/07 01:24 PM
I'm glad I have your imagination working
I like making minds wander a bit

iamjrs47's photo
Fri 12/07/07 12:58 PM


A longing has never been
quite so great as this,
I light a candle and the
flame dances before me,
taunting the very air it
caresses as the thought
of you starts to dance in my mind.

The wax begins to melt
as the heat of passion
wells up deep inside of me
as thoughts of you ooze
from my mind.

The wick of the candle swells
and throbs, as increasing
thoughts of your beautiful
body entangles mine
in a rapture of glory.

Shadows dancing on the
walls that surround me
bring ghostly images
of lovers in the dark,
moaning, groaning,
their passion song -
my ears are filled.

The hours of this deep
dark night seem to pass
like the candle which burns
before me, and the intensity
of your spirit increases
with each passing moment.

Somehow it seems so natural,
so inspired, so true
that a thousand dawns
could not kill this heat.
I feel your soft hands
wandering over my body,
looking for those places
which give ecstasy,
and still I want more.

I want to lick the sweetness
from your body and taste the
nectar of your sweet fruit.
I want to fill you with my
passion and hear you
call my name as you shake
and quiver - the way I do now.

The candle burns on even
though I blow out the flame,
and my longing for you
burns ever hotter.

iamjrs47's photo
Fri 12/07/07 12:02 PM

Soft kisses on your silken skin,
Exploring you head to toe.
Eager sighs escape your lips,
As your impatience starts to grow.

Tangling fingers in my hair,
Guiding me to your need.
Subtle yet firm my tongue provides,
Some relief as you beg and plead.

Kissing my way up your perfect form.
Pausing briefly at your belly, then breasts.
Greedily sucking your tongue in a kiss,
fulfilling your body’s requests.

Slowly, deliberately entering your passion,
As your hands grab my back side.
Pulling me deeper inside you,
At this rate I'll never last.

Rhythm building, pounding out a tempo.
As your breath comes in ragged gasps.
Sustaining the moment, for what seems an eternity,
Bodies entwined, fingers clasped.

Bodies surfing this wave of rapture,
crashing against the shore.
Sunlight revives us, we begin anew.
Screaming above the oceans roar.

iamjrs47's photo
Fri 12/07/07 11:58 AM
Thank you for all your wonderful comments,,,passion is a wonderful thing

iamjrs47's photo
Fri 12/07/07 08:17 AM
Hot words from a "hot" lady

iamjrs47's photo
Fri 12/07/07 07:54 AM

Mutual pleasure, deep strong
feelings we feel together
Always immense pleasure every
touch, every caress

Joy complete as love, a
Brilliancy ever so deep
Felt entirely between you and me
hearts lay open in our eyes.

Loveliness so very inside
incredible feelings of intense sensations deep
This blessing of love we feel you and me
intertwined spirits forever

Colliding with passions so true
gazing into you beautiful soul
Long gentle glides of the skin
such warmness within.

Intimate embracing with smiles
so very wide and deep
Your body and my body complete
mutual pleasure every move.

Deepened by soft sighs, so low
into your eyes what a lovely glow
Ecstasy deep as your body covers me
eternal love hearts forever beat with
love in total unity

Seeing, breathing, feeling you and me
intensity as sweat on my fingers I feel
our bodies and hearts a
forever ness to never fade.

The beauty of the passion we shared
everywhere our hands can be
your hands and body love me
positions as I hold you so very close
and tight

Making love with the lights so dim
warmness of our skins
Silence strong passion so deeply felt
with you and me

Synchronized beauty deep
inside of you, inside of me
Unconditional care to forever be
breathing you and me

Forever our passions, always will be
so strong until we share again...
erotic lovers with endless passions...

iamjrs47's photo
Fri 12/07/07 07:48 AM
Thank you for your thoughts

iamjrs47's photo
Fri 12/07/07 07:37 AM

He watches silent over her revealed body,
Her natural beauty and passion he wants to share,
He absorbs her essence into his being.
He sweeps her into his arms, she feels light.

Ivory skin, fair, warm and soft to his touch,
A contrast to his tan callused hands.
Her cascading hair flows over her shoulders
Eyes that pull him from where he stands,

A forest of pleasures, her eyes sparkle.
His hand slowly descends,
She sighs softly, ringing in his dazed mind.
He hears her gasps and feels her shudder,

His own breath strangled in quiet awe.
Her beauty causes his knees to shake,
Her desire, he wants to explore
To make her beg with joy,

Make her feel his consuming love.
His lips quenched by her flesh,
A confident grin, her soul hovers above.
Allowing her rest he strokes her passions,

She calms, quieted by his voice.
A mischievous smile blooms,
She lays him back, intent with her choice.

He looks up at her bewildered,
She watches his confusion with delighted glee.
Her hands caress his taught belly,
His low moan, her eyes see,

The loving flames blazed between two souls,
His jaw clenched tight to withstand her power.
She spreads her legs, taking him inside.
Her barrier gone, response of pain and pleasure,

His eyes widen, surprised, his hips arch.
Rocking against him, her womanhood complete.
She moves above him with a female’s grace,
His stunning body thrusting against the sheet.

Moving himself deep, herself warm and tight.
Grasping his hands, she holds them to her breast,
They caress and tease, sensation sparking between.
Heat, moist skin he slides his tongue across her chest.

Sheer pleasure overwhelms, their passions mesh
Sparks fly, they shutter with orgasm
She falls against him exhausted,
His chest rising and falling with lust tame.

Aftershocks of their passions tremble.
He cuddles her in his strong arms,
Holding her against his body and heart.
Their passions settle as they both fall to slumbers charms

iamjrs47's photo
Thu 12/06/07 08:22 PM
Burning Desire

What started out with innocence
Is now becoming more passion
What was a safety net of mystery
Is a want to explore .

I want to know you more and more
Each and every part
Your dreams and desires
Are a great place to start.

Feelings that I never thought
Grow with every word we share
Are awakening with a passion
And I can't settle for less.

To share with you would be amazing
Erotic to say the least
A buffet of pleasure
A feast to top all feasts.

I want to devour you with my eyes
Then again with my lips
Each caress getting bolder
With the stirring we feel growing.

Your mouth on mine
Your gentle touch
The burning desire I see
It's just too much!

How much longer can we resist
Can we take this torture
Before we have to hide away
And become so much more?

I want to rip at your clothes
Feel your skin on mine
But I fear here in public
Would be crossing a line.

So hand in hand
We rush to find
A place remote
Leaving the public behind.

Forget the small talk
Forget the iced tea
Forget the world
It's just you & me.

What excitement
What pleasure
This time with you
Forever I will treasure.

Animalistic behavior
Unbridled lust
Past the point of longing
Having you is a must.

Fast and hard
Slow and sweet
Exploring each other
Soon after we meet.

Riding the wave
Climaxing as one
Holding me tight
A moment we wont forget

The feeling of your body
Sliding perfectly into mine
Makes me forget
All aspects of time.

If we could stay like this forever
Life would be complete
Sliding into sweet slumber with you
Awaiting a magical repeat.

iamjrs47's photo
Thu 12/06/07 02:09 PM

The wall is hard against your back.
The air is cold against your skin
as I lift your skirt above your waist.
You arch your back away from the stone
and we grind into each other

I pull your panties to the side
my fingers slide across your pulsating lips
You slowly open up
like a flower in the sun
welcoming my touch.

My kisses slide across your neck
telling you how much I enjoy your taste
You lift your legs up
your body slides into mine
I press you against the wall

Your legs are around my hips
my hands under your back side.
With the hard wall against your back
feeling each other as we melt into each other

iamjrs47's photo
Thu 12/06/07 11:36 AM
Heartfelt Thoughts

In the still of the evening
Without sunlight to intrude
I see the twilight's in your eyes
As the moon sets up the mood

Playing music soft and low
While romance fills the air
I can't help but feel aroused
The very moment you come near

You submit to my embrace
While candles flick their flame
And the smell of sweet perfume
Seems to drive my lust insane

As I look into your eyes
And run my fingers through your hair
I taste the sweetness of your neck
As I nibble at your ear

I then whisper words of love
As you answer with a sigh
And in a very sexy way
Your sweet body comes alive

Your the heat of my desire
As we slowly come undress
I then start to lay you down
While you welcome my caress

With your luscious sexy curves
You have a taste I can't resist
And your breast show some response
When I touch them with a kiss

As I soak inside your love
To a sexy love condition
Feeling passions start to rise
While making love in all positions

You give me so much pleasure
For ecstasy is here
With you wrapped inside my arms
To this heated love we share

Now no one can come close
To this love that we inspire
For only you can fill this joy
And the heat of my desire

iamjrs47's photo
Thu 12/06/07 06:00 AM
Ravaging Each Other

I sigh with anticipation of your touch.
Magic fingertips, silky creamy lips.
Make my body your playground, from head to toe.
Taste me with a deep and yearning hunger.

The memory of your breath.
Exhale as you journey down my back.
Exhilarating, feeling your tongue dance,
Hot breath on tiny wet tracks.
Let me feel your passion.

I linger as I inhale your scent.
Your body over mine, that steamy tender place.
Give me all of you, no holding back.
Spread yourself apart, you’ve commandeered my heart.
Let me drown in your passion as I flood you with mine.

My passions rise as our tongues explore .
A fair exchange of sweet bliss.
We share the passions we feel, the intensity.
Ravage me, ravaging you, us ravaging each other
So right, so perfect, so complete.

iamjrs47's photo
Thu 12/06/07 05:55 AM
Share A Kiss

Share with me your kiss
make me fly like a dove
in the blue skies above,
gracefully our lips beautifully unite
in ecstasy, as I begin to feel your passion.

I'm flying! I'm weightless!
As light as a feather!
Beautiful music we'll make together.
A kiss of joy, of friendship, of passion,
a soft, sweet kiss of honey, again and again.
our tongues clashing, battling one another,
I am lost in another world with you.

Emotions race with thoughts, our arms entwined,
each kiss as potent as the last,
that tastes of wine.
Get lost with me forever, in emotion,
our muscles pulsate like waves of the ocean.
I am here thinking of you as I lay,
My passion for you grows each day.

iamjrs47's photo
Wed 12/05/07 08:31 PM

Embrace me, my friend,
Feel my warmth melt into yours.
All our passion and want
Burning deep into our souls.

Feel me gaze into your eyes
As our hands are touching you softly
I see passion in your eyes,
As we join to become one.

Your burning passions soars deep within,
The heat almost too much to bear.
I reciprocate the warmth you give,
Moments like this are why we live.

Our epiphany moment is drawing near,
I whisper your name softly in your ear.
The burning heat gains intensity,
Our bodies meld together in unity.

We are in unison as we feel explosions
Emanating from within,
We lie together, spent, in each others arms,
To be bonded like this forever.