Community > Posts By > Dirtymagic

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Wed 11/09/11 06:12 AM
First off sorry they are not in poem format I write them on my cellphone; so forgive me, here's
A few from my phone they don't have titles or names, I have many so I never thought to.
Sorry about the spelling and grammar etc.

1. How would it feel to not sit alone to have someone to call your own, to wake up in the morning with a smile on your face, to close your eyes and feel her embrase, this is my only lifes ambishion, a dream a goal that will  never be put into fluition for love is something this poor soul would never know his mind drifts as his heart began to froze, no longer do the tears roll past his eyes, he stands tall as he waits to die. 

2.Inside you feel like your ten feet tall, as if you had the strenght and power to best them all, for when you look in the mirror, the reflection you par take, the only service it does is to make your heart break, for you will never be who you disire to be, when you look in that mirror, in that mirror is me.

3.When I sit in my room alone in the dark my mind starts to wonder darkness it's embark, it strays it drifts through horrible things, things that are so evil you would cry with just a grin, for inside my head it's quite a dangerious place like rolling in glass after a showers embrase, you would cut, you would scratch you would cry you would bleed for my mind is a place that only the blind could see.

 4.I often wonder why I play this game of life, for the maximum win is only death not life. losers and winners cover the board as they play this foolish game some winning more and more; others drop out even before the game starts, thought lucky by some as the players start the embark, for minutes days and hours time just seems to pass, seasons change as winners lose their grasps, why even bother to finish this game for money and love we just end up the same, for when you roll those dice and clear past the board death is the only thing waiting for you behind that final prize door.

5.The lone wolf wonders the forest about, his mind sharp as is heart dulls about, his skills training and courage they all fear for this hunter can take down what a pack would never dear, he lives his life alone in the dark never knowing the sharp sting of loves electric spark. He is doomed I pray for his lonely soul, this wolf would never feel a connection that all the others seem to know, he wishes for a pair his hearts one desire, something that will never be granted even with help from a hire power. So he wonders the forest alone and about watching the others as they live their life out, he keeps his head down and his tail between his legs this poor broken dog just wishes for dead, his sprit was strong but his soul ever so weak no one could grant this lonely dogs wish a wish he could not speak.


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Tue 11/08/11 05:53 PM
I dunno still kinda chicken to post a picture,

It's hard to even say hello I guess I have
This weird thing in my mind that like
Who ever I would be talking to would be
Thinking in there head " leave me alone"
So why not just say nothing at all :/

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Tue 11/08/11 05:22 PM
I work full time, go to university and
I live on my own, my parents live far away from Windsor;
The girls at work say I'm cute but then again they are alot
Older then me and are married.
many girls smile at me at school or walking home but no one ever
Says anything to me, I just wanna find someone
To watch movies with and talk too. I'm way to shy
To even say hello but even if I did they'ed think
I was a weirdo everyone just says try go ahead
Try it's easy and even if she says "no" who cares,
But I would, u tell someone u like them and would
Do anything for them and they say "uh no thx",
That would hurt pretty bad.... So are you
suppose to just keep asking until u become
Immune and become a total jackass??... no thx