my usual black Russian.
do you guy's/girl`s ever get that thing where 'when you stop looking for something it finds you'?
Does everyone have a price?
than what was it u fed me Kristi, u called it a "texas taco:? ![]() ![]() ![]() Mikey your just not right ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() you mean not being able to tell you how disgusting it is? there are very few things i'd do for money that i wouldn`t do for free. eat a spider is one of the things i'd for money but not for free. |
WTF should i do
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Wed 12/26/07 09:38 AM
yay, dad found out bout what i have been saying here & has told me that if i truely feel so strongly about what i've been talking about he won`t let her join so yay, problem sloved pleas close.
smeone pleas report this to the admin with the words 'pleas close as sloved' as message. |
starting relationships
sorry about this but that last post was so far off topic i had to report it, sorry, & BTW you talk online well good for you, any one in your local area do not think so, this thread has gotten so out o contolr i'm thinking of arsking the admin to close it despite the basic reason for opening it not happerning.
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Wed 12/26/07 09:24 AM
sorry about dubbel post do not know what happened there.
to me & i know that what ever i type you guy's will thin it's the oposit that she has probably found someone in the past someone she loved & thought loved her back, maybe even gotten mairyed then found out that he was sleeping around, if this i the case i have these word to say to her, 'not all guy's are horibal imiture peple like that, you will probably find one some day, good luck & enjoy your self here @ JSH, & if people start flaming you troll them back & lol @ your comp screen'
starting relationships
You dropped out of college because of diabetes? Oh my...that's new one for me that I haven't heard before... ![]() well i was on a catering course where i would have to taste all the things i would make & so i wouldn't be able to control it in a biologically difficult time for me(with in 1 year of being diagnosed with diabetes). i may go back after i finish my new course. as for spidercmb`s comment WTF are you talking about? |
WTF should i do
you seem to be the only person here not wanting to just flame so what would your advise be? Your life goes by the same rules we all do. You are your own worst enemy! You re just taking it to the extreme. You are not the center of anyone's attention. Nobody cares that much about you... to try to hurt you. That alone is your problem. I've seen people go to psychologists and psychiatrists who have very similar symptoms to yours. Where they know more then the doctors do. Where everyone and anyone who does not agree with them is an enemy. guessed it... they didn't get help either. The fact is.. changing your perception, and outlook can be some pretty hard work. It does not happen overnight. There is no magic jellybean you can take to make it all better. Cognitive behavioral therapy (For instance) can only be effective if the patient is willing to do whatever it takes. You sound as if you are no where near willing. In order to get help, you have to be able to receive help. You probably won't til it is forced on you. At that point, the only help they may be able to offer is incarceration and medication. I've seen people in that situation. It's a pretty sad existence. Doing the demented Thorazine shuffle til they die. The other option they limit themselves to is suicide. Which, generally speaking they can't bring themselves to actually do. So.. They get someone else to do it for them. We call that suicide by Cop, here. In order to pull that off.. you have to put others at risk. No.. personally, I'm not convinced you won't try to hurt somebody else. After all.. from where you stand, the majority of the 6 billion people on earth are your enemy! Actively trying to hurt you! Not to mention all the aliens, people that live under your house, the talking dogs, the pigeons on the walk out front waiting to jump you...whatever else you might believe... You could work yourself into a frenzy and hurt people thinking you are defending yourself! It looks like maybe you found a comrade in arms. Good for you! Unfortunately.. that will work out one of two ways. Either he is as delusional as you are and the two of you will feed the self destructive nature in each of you, or he will grow tired of you and become the enemy... no i`m not saying that your part of the hate group, I'm saying that in this particular case you are flaming me & taking it off subject, for all of those whom can`t rember what the subject originaly was the question i want help with is, 'how can i tell my paren ts that i don`t want there S&M friend9 whom i sead was the leader of a local club, i assumed that but it turns out she's the west wales leader of all the registered S&M pepole) away from my family & me? if no one is hacking me why did my MSN all on it's own when i was the other part of the room getting my insulin type to all my friends saying that i was gay? BTW i'm not but it's one of the rummers styler(chris ritchards) & the rest of the hate group are claming about me, & ofcourse they don`t want me dead, because if i was dead they couldn't make my life hell. if it were an internal thing i'd deal with it in a art beat, but as you don't seem to belive it's not. i would never commit suicide or arsk for assisted suicide. the aliens was a wakeing dream, i don`t belive in them. as for the 6 blion it's nowadays up to 7 bilion, but 30/7,000,000,000,000 isn`t the mijority go back to collage & learn maths. & i don` belive in any `people that live under your house, the talking dogs, the pigeons on the walk out front waiting to jump you...whatever else you might believe...` althoguth i do not like pigins since one shat on me. just because he didn`t flame me doesn`t mean he is a comarad, this is still fkn all wierd stuff and you should drop the pagan devil worshipping stuff and get a life and you guys should stop feeding this guys overblown head and get a life too! you are very ignorent about what pagenisity is about, i am also ignorent because it's my parents whom are pagens ,not me! whitch is why i used the words ginetic when i sead that it might be why the christians have a problem with me, rather than religios.
a newish laptop, it's my dad's old one,
starting relationships
I'm not @ school & haven't been for 2 years. i was in collage until November but then i quite the course due to my diabetes,
even when i was in school i wasn`t the only guy that had a mustache in my year. & even if i had of been it is no reason to pick on me. as for your comment biker, i wish it was all made up. i hope it all goes away in the new year. |
Say something nice
nice pic
WTF should i do
you seem to be the only person here not wanting to just flame so what would your advise be? how can i best tell my parents that i don`t want her near my family?
WTF should i do
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Wed 12/26/07 05:09 AM
idd Jayboy666 whilst we allow other religions to have there own views.
edit:Jayboy666 am i right in thinking that you are also a pagen? if so witch type? edit: that might be why everyone hates me, Christians might have a genetic disliking for pagen's? |
WTF should i do
i don`t know if it was any of you but if it was hacking my main comp was not cool man,
WTF should i do
Nope. Don't ask. Seek help. you obviously didn't read my responses. i have seen people they say it's normal.
WTF should i do
But I think HE is just playing here and TRYING to be important,,in a BAD IDEA kind of WAY... After a few bad experiences in this department. I'm more willing to make a mistake in taking them more seriously, then let the professionals work it out. I'd much rather be party to disrupting his life by mistake, then have him disrupt mine because I didn't. What he fails to realize doing this ~ he is carelessly involving us in his drama. We inadvertently become vested in the potential outcome, which he determines. I didn't sign up for that. He is depending on people behaving like people normally do. Either offering sympathy ~his short term goal, because he is the puppet-master and has all the strings~ Or turn and look the other way, maybe tossing an insult or two over our shoulder as we do. Which is a neutral reaction he uses to glean more from the sympathetic... He did not consider someone playing the tape out, considering the possible outcome ~ deciding they don't want to be invested in it and acting accordingly. If I were him and just pulling our collective leg.. I'd have just broke out in a sweat right about now. What a subject to be writing on for Christmas, huh? sorry i didn't reply to your flamings for over 24H it was x-mass so i wanted to catch up on some sleep as i was sure that the 'hate group' would all be with there family's. i have anouth self control to keep my self from doing that mate, + i don't want 30 years in prizen, I'd be like 48 when i get out & that would be too late to be able to have kids. We've seen/read what you've done about your problems to this point. the wise words of Dr. Phil...How's that working for you?????
SEEK PROFESSIONAL HELP BEFOR THEY SEEK YOU! i did way before i started this thread, i saw a councilor & a pyeripist (technically the head of the pheripy department @ the university of york). just to add onto what jistme said...
gigm, take a deep breath and slowly count to 10 plz. ok. ready? follow this logic here for a minute: what you have been doing so far in your life has not been working to produce the results you desire, right? then, why should you continue to do the things you have always been doing? there's no reason to. what the people here have been telling you to do are things opposite to what you have been doing, which would logically produce the results you desire, but you don't feel COMFORTABLE with taking these courses of action because you have never done them before. what happens when you make someone uncomfortable? they respond with hostility. that's what you have been doing by saying things like "STFU" to jistme and by ignoring my suggestions. however, imagine this - instead of responding with hostility, that person pushes through the discomfort and commits to a change... then, benefitial results will naturally occur as a reward, correct? it's quite logically sound. if you want results in your life that improve upon your situation rather than cause the same detrimental effects you have been experiencing all your life, you have to shift the way you see things, the way you think about this stuff, and the things you do. it may seem like we are insulting you, but that's only because your discomfort has made us uncomfortable. wink As part of our human nature, we are not so different from you. what has worked for us to produce positive results in life will do the same for you, and we are giving you the answers here. good luck, man. ya the 10 breaths thing helps till the hate group start up again & then it doesn't help for about a week. & about doing something different I'm not sure that i can, for all i know it's my genetics that the hate group have a problem with, it's ither that or it's the fact that my family earns more than there's, because before the hate group there was real no real differences between me & them. the only slight different was being beaten up & left out side the head of year`s offices when in school 1 or 2 times, when they identified whom had done it i asked them not to expel the guy coz i don't want peoples lives to be ruined sorry about the length of that reply just had something i needed to explain about my life there. Some BOYS have SOME PROBLEMS with THINKING THIS is a TOY!!
Dude if YOUR in a mental threat to have HARM come to anyone, then YOUR pc addy can be got and police and men in white coats can come and find out JUST WHAT COURSE OF ACTION, you NEED!! But I think HE is just playing here and TRYING to be important,,in a BAD IDEA kind of WAY... I'm not Actually.. No people can be that unlucky. I've known a few who lived in war zones and were afraid daily that someone was going to haul them away or blow up their house... and a few times it did happen. However.. normally when people go through traumatic stuff, and survive.. It makes them stronger.
I've never lived in a war zone. I have, however, been through some surprisingly traumatic, violent stuff in my time, Gigm... Unless it is for the sake of helping someone else? You'd never hear me talk of it publicly. You'd never see me use it to solicit pity. You'd never see me use it as an excuse for some real or imagined act against others. You have made it apparent that is what you are doing. So.. you ask for my help..Then when it is not what you want to hear you say STFU... If you were me? How would you respond? Personally, I am strongly considering taking some limited course of action in an effort to protect you, your neighbors, parents, coworkers and classmates. I'm pretty sure I can't be the only one who has read your writings, who that hasn't occurred to either. Do yourself a favor and utilize whatever services are at your disposal... Before you involuntarily become a long term resident at a State funded institution. sorry to hear about that, as for 'your neighbors, parents, coworkers and classmates.' i have anouth self control to keep to my promises as a pacifist to stop my self from harming others. so thank you for your concern but there is no real threat to others only myself & that threat is not from me so... & the police services doesn't believe me (except for 1 guy i grow up with whom is only in training @m so doesn't have the authority to stop them yet, but one day he will & then I'll be able to get on with my life, but until then i can only mone to people whom will lissen). . And then gigm you got on this website and asked very personal information from strangers and when they blew you off you started with these incredible unbelievable questions. And you turned defensive and stubborn when people replied to you. Please see a licensed physician. We can't help you. And good luck. of you mean how i arsk people to tell me the best way to tell my paierents that i do not want one of there friends to come anywhere near me?
ya your right the divorce thing blow over & there ok with it now, & the alien thing was one of those wakeing dream things you know them don't you??? as for seeing professionals, i tried it & they told me that it was real & they couldn't help.
you have posted 184 times in in those 184 times you have said you have people throwing rocks at you,trying to run you down,spreading rumors about you,your parents are going to divorce because your mother got robbed of thousands of dollars because she gave someone her credit card numbers,talking about how you cant sleep cause you imagine aliens sticking their claws through your head or robbers breaking in and killing you.and now your parents run a local pagen group and an S&M leader wants to join. Oh and dont forget your a diabetic,and you still live with your parents. I really think you need to see a professional and get some help,so you can figure out whats real and whats fantasy. No one can be this unlucky in life. yes, actually...i certainly can.
pleas believe me & for give me when i say that i do not believe you when you say that if you are walking as close to the shop as you physically can & then people try to run you over you wouldn't get angry.
you're more liable to be hurt if you're angry... that doesn't mean i wouldn't, you know, get the heck out of the way. and i'd take responsibility for THAT, as well...getting out of the way. and then i'd make sure i wasn't walking in the middle of the street. Hi gigm!
the online stuff was not on a game it was on bebo. if you don`t believe me you can e-mail my physics teacher Mathew brown as he is the one that got the online hate group shut down, (get the e-mail from the penglais web site).
It seems here that you are asking for help, getting responses, but they are not the responses that you want to hear. We can not help you if you do not really want help. And as for you saying that your problem is a little bit of real life and internet games together, I'm not sure there is a solution to the problem except to seperate the fiction from the non-fiction. I'm just really confused right now... too much to process too late at night! HEY
get rid of your external locus of control and adopt an internal locus of control you'll be a lot happier and stop ignoring what i said before cuz i basically gave u the answer oh and merry xmas! smile Edited by ChiefPUA on Mon 12/24/07 10:59 PM i've tried & failed, as for your previous comment ...candy? lol I'm a diabetic so that won`t help, before i was diagnosed i did comfort eat allot, heck i even thought of entering eating competitions.
WTF should i do
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Wed 12/26/07 01:14 AM
ignor this one i hit post topic too early
WTF should i do
so lulu24 if someone was running you down in a car you think you could stop your self from being angry & annoyed?
Jistme STFU, you don't know what the heck your talking about so don't talk. |
WTF should i do
Jistme if i where to solve the problem by the only way i can think of the population of aberystwyth would drop rapidly. there must be a better way, I'm asking what that better way is.