in many ways one should not equate the books of religions as explanations on how the multiverses function. the books of religions were writing by men and sought to bring order into the chaos of their confusion of reality. If one wants to bring god into science, why not accept the notion that god is everything, it is matter and antimatter the spin and the charge. we should veiw god as the WHAT and leave the HOW to science, as it trys to explain the confusion of reality in our current age with our current understanding. Sciences doe not promote anything as Truth, it suggests theories which fit with our understanding. As time passes these will fall and new theories arise. In all that time god will continue to exist in our surroundings and we are but a minute bit in all the multiverses that are god. Do you really thing we matter more than the smallest bit of dirt... See there is room for both God and Science to coexist... |