Community > Posts By > TonyTC

TonyTC's photo
Mon 10/10/11 05:04 PM
Im pretty new on this forum but im starting to realize there are some really funny dudes and dudettes on here.. :)

TonyTC's photo
Mon 10/10/11 05:04 PM

Hummm sounds like the relationship could never go any where. Therefore I would decide not to go and move on......Why get your heart involved if things will never go anywhere... Well unless both understand it will never excel and just enjoy the time together.. If so then go visit and enjoy it...whoa

Thanks i think your advice is spot on ;)

TonyTC's photo
Mon 10/10/11 02:52 PM
I met a girl a few months back and we got on well but she had to go back home to turkey..

i really like her.. but after she left i saw someone else for a really short spell..

She knows about but still wants me to visit her in turkey..

but i dont think she will come to live in the uk and turkey isnt really my cuppa tea..

What would you do?

TonyTC's photo
Mon 10/10/11 12:45 PM
Hi and thanks all for your emails.. i must say im genuinly surprised as i wasnt expecting any..

I have been busy but i have managed to get back to everyone.. i hope.

Well thanks again.. Made my day! :)

TonyTC's photo
Sun 10/09/11 04:48 PM
Hey guys thanks for your thoughts on the topic, great stuff!

Also just a quick thankyou to the lovely lady (I won't mention your name here) that sent me my first Mail.. woo hoo!!! Proud to say im officially no longer a mail virgin lol

Keep em coming please..


TonyTC's photo
Sun 10/09/11 04:00 PM
Ladies, ladies, ladies...

I really would like to know why it is us men have to do all the contacting..?????

We are living in the year 2011 aren't we..
Not to say romance is dead.. im a very romantic guy but aren't women fighting to be treated as equals all the time..yet the expect the guy to do all the chasing and approach work..

Men.. wouldnt it be really great to go into your account and see at least one, two.. god forbid maybe even three mail messages flashing up in your inbox??

I think the majority of us on here are avarage joes.. the other stunning men.. i dont know.. do you get lots of mail? Do women reply to your mail messages? If so please let me know, it would be interesting to see if there are any trends..

I have approached a number of women whos profiles (and i wont lie, photos) have appealed to me.. yet nothing back from my messages..

What's the key ladies.. please enlighten us :)


TonyTC's photo
Sat 10/08/11 10:44 AM

Looks great except you didnt fill out 'marital status' or 'smokes' or 'drinks'

These are among what the gals will be keeping an eye out for.

Hi KLC Thanks for the advice. All update :)

TonyTC's photo
Sat 10/08/11 10:42 AM

I have to add another picture of a sexy bald guy.

lol thanks jeanniebean that's nice of you to do that :)

TonyTC's photo
Sat 10/08/11 07:23 AM
Hi Ladies,

Im new to this site..
I have posted a few times and came across this section and thought what a great idea for genuine and honest feedback which in the real world is so difficult to come by.

Well i appreciate honesty first and foremost so dont be afraid to speak your mind.. :)

Thanks in advance for any feedback


TonyTC's photo
Sat 10/08/11 07:08 AM
Edited by TonyTC on Sat 10/08/11 07:20 AM
wow well i wasnt expecting that!
I thought id come back and have like one reply..

Well that sure does make me feel good, thanks ladies and urmm gents! lol

Im more a cross between Bruce Willis and Vin Disel..

Some people say i look like Jason Statham, i dunno... lol

I really need a date tho lol

I would post my pic but i havnt a clue how to do it.. :(
"Ok Just uploaded my pic" :)

TonyTC's photo
Thu 10/06/11 07:51 AM
Ladies a simple yes or no...

Would you date a bald guy...?

Thanks ;)

TonyTC's photo
Tue 10/04/11 06:06 PM
Edited by TonyTC on Tue 10/04/11 06:07 PM
So here i am.. in all my glory. One of the nicest guys you will ever meet.. man of many wonders, many gifts and talants, creative, deep thinking, kind, considerate, loving, domesticated, great cook, lover of nature, science, philosophy, arts, music. Well read, knowledgeable, wise, modest, sincere, honest, respectful... i guess what some women want...?

I just dont understand why the women i meet always tell me their not ready for a realationship..

What am i doing patient..i think...

Does the law of attraction really work?
Am i pushing them away by consciously wanting them...

Well I'm free, I'm single and I'm open..So if any nice ladies from around the london area fancy going for a romantic meal or a drink please do let me know.. im dying for intimacy xx

TonyTC's photo
Tue 10/04/11 06:00 PM

So, how's this going?

You can see for yourself lol...

Not very well..

TonyTC's photo
Tue 10/04/11 05:59 PM

Hi Ladies,

I know how you all love a good hearty challange so heres one for you..
No photo.. Just my personality to go by...

See if you can put your money where your mouth is and show me you dont go on looks.. Like most of you say ;)

Let's see how well you get on talking to me...

You're not actually showing much of what I'm sure is a great personality matey!

Takes two to tango as well as start a conversation and you haven't actually given any 'ladies' anything by way of one.


I'm just waiting for something to happen..
when it feels right im sure i will show up :)

TonyTC's photo
Tue 10/04/11 05:57 PM

I don't know how many ladies wrote to you, buy by the response to this post, probably not many. First off, not many women that I know of want a challange when meeting a guy. Not many that I know of want to start a relationship playing games. I am sure that there are some, but do ya really want to be with someone for the rest of your life thats a championship playa. You might, I do not know.

Now before you jump all over me and my comments, I meet my fiance Rick on here. He had no photo and against my better judgement I answered his first email. Why? After meeting guys without photos and they were not who they said they were, I was leary. But, He was kind, non threating, non judgemental and very respectfull. To this day I miss him and wish with all my heart he did not die.

I wish you all the best with what you are searching for here on Mingle.

Umm i dont know what to say to that other than it made me feel kinda depressed..

hope you're ok..?

TonyTC's photo
Tue 10/04/11 07:45 AM
Hey guys thanks for the links.. so it seems it does work..

That's good!

Better do a stella and get my groove on ;)

TonyTC's photo
Tue 10/04/11 04:10 AM
Does this site work..

Any real life testimony's??

Thanks :)

TonyTC's photo
Tue 10/04/11 04:07 AM
Hi Ladies,

I know how you all love a good hearty challange so heres one for you..
No photo.. Just my personality to go by...

See if you can put your money where your mouth is and show me you dont go on looks.. Like most of you say ;)

Let's see how well you get on talking to me...

TonyTC's photo
Tue 10/04/11 04:01 AM
Hi My 1st time on here. Can't believe i actually found a dating site with some free features lol

Anyways just stopping by to say hi, feel free to inbox me ladies..


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