Community > Posts By > singledad1979

singledad1979's photo
Wed 11/28/07 08:59 PM
everyones beautiful in their own little way. people are just way to insecure. think mommy breast fed a little to long..

singledad1979's photo
Wed 11/28/07 08:18 PM
pretty nice here in pennsylvania.. :)

singledad1979's photo
Wed 11/28/07 08:17 PM
its a simple answer man.. she does not like to kiss.. and if you are one who Likes to kiss.. then COUGH run COUGH...

either that or you got bad breathe :) im gonna say shes just not a fan of kissing

singledad1979's photo
Wed 11/28/07 08:02 PM
haha PARTY at my place dec 21st 2012. bwahahaha lol.. my belief is simple 2012 is the starting date and like any other its gonna take a few hundred years before anything catostropahe happens. either way im sure the news should be interesting in the next 50 years

singledad1979's photo
Wed 11/28/07 01:21 PM
just take a look at the past 10 years at what natural disasters have taken place. hurricane andrew, katrina, the tsunamis last year, mount kilamandraua or however u spell it, the wildfires in california aswell as the earthquakes they have had, dunno if any of you are from pennsylvania but i rememeber when i was snowing by october and wouldnt warm up till the end of may or june. now its 50 outside at the end of november and the most snow we might see is one huge snowfall of a foot around feb march. lol just shows how the earths changed rapidly in the past 20 years. and its not only becuase of ozone depletion. its just the earth going thru its changes. aint nuttin we can do to save the planet but go along for the ride. if it decides to recylce in my lifetime then ill accept it and move on. its amazing though in school reading about how a meteor came and wiped out the dinosaurs and how the ice ages came and gone.. think were due again.. :)

singledad1979's photo
Wed 11/28/07 01:09 PM
if you actually research the year 2012 on google youll find many prophets have predicted dec 21st 2012 as when the earth aligns with the moon and sun aswell as a black hole which they are saying is going to shift the earths axis just a hair. enough that gradually we will see changes in the weather and volcanos erupting and tsunamis and such. their not saying its gonna end that date just saying thats when its gonna begin to end :) It however is very believable and im sure any astronomist you talk to will tell you the earths axis will shift in 2012.. not sure if it will though exactly on dec 21st but wouldnt be surprised. the mayons were VERY accurate in their predictions going back thousands of years. amazingly enough to come up with their calender at the time that they did is way more advanced then anyone on this earth now :) they were some smart mutha f'ers bwahahahha

its almost as believable as scientists saying in 50 years the ice caps will be completly gone causing a gradual erosion of water on the shores of the world. meaning no more disneyland in florida lol.. Which i also believe is going to be the beginning stages of the next ice age that will prob happen in a few hundred years if the mayons calender dont abliviate us first :)

happy holidays!!

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