Community > Posts By > IntelligentLady
I agree with 'Unsure'. Nobody deserves to have games played with them.
I know I'm an idiot... ![]() You're not an idiot, you're just attracted to someone, but her actions don't sound attractive. I'd never consider bringing along my friends for a first meeting but that's me. If you're truly attracted to this woman and want to see her again, then I'd be honest about your feelings but don't let her play you. Online forums give so many more options and there are really at least a few women that would not act in such a way. I know men that set up an "out" as well and, well I'd prefer honesty of I don't think this is working and let's just end this, but don't set yourself up to be walked all over is what I think. There are plenty of others out there that really do know how to treat someone appropriately even if they aren't feeling the chemistry at a first meeting. |
well thought out I see
Social Anxiety
I've learned over the last 3 years I just have to go out and be there and be me....I've found some good friends and it was hard but I did was hard at first as I'm shy but I know I do have people that love me as friends and will protect me when needed....I had a funny (well not funny) experience last weekend where a very intoxicated young man would not take no for an answer despite my attempts to be civil about it. After saying no and stop touching me for the 4th time I called out for the guy who was the home owner and that was all that was needed. It was great to know that there were men that were there to protect me. Later I hear the homeowner saying "people don't mess with our "tribe" and don't mess with our tribe's women". There were also severely hacked off women and men about the drunk's actions. Knowing that I had back up and was protected meant more than anything I could ever have imagined.
After the drunk sobered up he asked if he offended me and I said yes. He apologized and I accepted it as he was drunk but I think the young man learned a lesson. You have to bite the bullet, find a group that you are comfortable with and slowly you will make friends for life. Mine will be there no matter how shy and quiet I am. |
American History X (1998)
Good flick...part of my collection
Tell me a story
then came the issues of who was paying for the ticket and the cost of her staying there while they met...
oh hell yes i'd make my own clothing....try going to a burn event and not having clothing that you didn't make...
I just got a call today, i'm leaving for Iraq in 2 months, pretty bad, and i'm only 18. Military Policemen are in high demand! My heart is with you, and I applaud your dedication. I'm from a military family from before the US was a country and what you are doing for this country words do not describe. I know it is scary and I will pray for your safety. You are a brave young man and I will think of you often until you are home safe with us again. |
Interesting topic! After I had my son I was up to my lowest a few months back I was 112. I now i'm back in the 120s and not so skeletal. I think that it depends on what a person is attracted to...and dont let anyone else tell you what attracts you...
mojo does it exist??
I just wiki'd mojo. It's a voodoo magic charm containing a spirit, but it's been used in songs to indicate sexual confidence or prowess. Though it is often a helpful spirit, it must still be 'fed', hence the term: 'Got my mojo working'. hence "mojo bags" ;) |
My opinion, her actions were completely in appropriate. Bringing in friends for a first meeting without warning "stacks her deck" and she was there to supposedly see you. Move on. There are more respectable women out there.
and what about Yule?
Thats so true I dont see why women keep the kids away from the father I've got myself in the same situation.. I even tried everything I could to be a dad and father and she wanted to go screw around with someone else now she blames me for not wanting to be there even after for 3 years ive done nothing but support my child and work and been there everyday for him and her both only to have my heart ripped into pieces by someone that doesnt care .. and all I want to do is be there for my son but she always has some excuse.. if i do get him its maybe once a week and i cherish those few hours like they are the last day of my life.. I think there needs to be a big wake up call out there, even if you dont love the man anymore his kids sure do its not fair to keep them away.. open up your eyes please.. I've never understood it either. My son was still in diapers when we separated but we've always worked together, never fought and work to do what it best for our son. We talk with teachers together, we go to doctors appointments togeters...hell a few years ago we went to an appointment and after an hour my son mentioned "my mom's boyfriend" and the doctor nearly had a coronary because he didn't realize until then we weren't married. Children are not pawns they are people. My sister and I were always used as pawns in my parents divorce despite all they really cared about was themselves. I've given up a lot to make my son know he's loved and happy and so has my ex. When parents stop being so fricking selfish and start being civil and work together we save the future, increase the emotional stability of our children, ensure their education and make sure they dont go through emotional hell. Unless a child was physically, sexually or emotionally abused, my opinion is we owe it to our children to get along. |
I wish I could click my heels together, and vanish from this world of pain and lies. The only truth I have found is in my family, and people that live thousands of miles away. Oh, and my two faithful dogs. I am so tired of being hurt. Dosnt anyone know how to love anymore ? and yet my biological family is where I find the least's amazing how my friends care more than those that created me... |
If mother is truly the angel of god then why does the majority of this country give reverence to the male version instead of the female?
perfect breakfast....I wake is is clean...I don't have to do the dishes...
mojo does it exist??
I dont know, i'm rather shy in person, but generally end up having to hold the conversation....someone told me once I was intimidating to talk to because over the last 5 years I've turned from a needy woman who was a "serial monogomous" woman to someone that learned to take care of herself and make it on my own. It was weird to hear another person who was beautiful tell me that I was indimidating because I just think of myself as a normal person with problems like everyone else. I'm just learning to try to accept that I have to actually put myself out there as me. Guess "mojo" goes both ways. We rarely are what we appear to be at first sight.
baseball & drugs
its become about drugs and money and money and drugs and so easily someone in their youth or older is sucked it if it means "an edge" and its a serious issue in our country as far as the report doesn't surprise me, just that its taken this long for it to be addressed.
My Christmas Wish...
Nope, sorry...caused me problems reaching "patients" at work by phone, doctors etc and even caused me problems paying my mortgage because of downed power lines....give me sun, sand and scuba diving anytime!
Texas DFW Area Roll Call
I have a feeling they're all out tonight *laughs*