Community > Posts By > Jake

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Sun 07/21/19 04:19 AM

Mmm. I've had a couple of things happen to me in the last month but nothing that's frightening.

I moved into this house 6 months ago and in the past few weeks unexplained things have happened. The first thing that happened was the doorbell ringing on different occasions when there's no one at the door. From where I sit in the living room I can see my front door and on each occasion no one was there. I put it down to a faulty connection. A week or so later, at night, the security light at the front door came on a few times on different nights. Each time it happened, I went to the door to find no one there. Not so strange, but the fact was the security light switch was in the off position! The last thing to have happened was about a week ago. I was sitting in the living room and heard something and decided to see what caused the noise of a thud I heard. I have a fruit/vegetable stand in a corner of my kitchen and when I entered the kitchen there was a pear on the kitchen floor next to my fridge. To explain, the pears were in a deep fruit bowl and had no way of falling out. It would have had to have been lifted out and thrown for it to have landed over 3 feet away next to the fridge.

I live alone so couldn't be anyone else doing these things.

Sounds really cool Delightful... have you tried communicating with the spirit?

I always acknowledge it when things happen. My daughter has had things happen in her house almost on a weekly basis far weirder than I have. She's okay with it too. She sends me daily pics and videos of my grandchildren's shenanigans and more often than not there's orbs in the pics and videos. We're both going to a spiritual fayre next week so hopefully we'll find out more happy

Sounds exciting.

Back in 2001 I visited a lady's home and she took me into her spiritual room. After we entered the room the door closed on it's own and I felt a presence. Then I felt what seemed to be hands touching my legs. She said he was friendly and just liked to touch women's legs, lol.

This stuff has always fascinated me and I've had quite a few experiences, just not the kind you've experienced where things get moved. I've seen someone standing in the room with me when there wasn't really anyone there. Mostly it's just sensing a presence... both good and bad.

Ooh.....not sure I'd like someone touching me laugh

When I was married I had a ton of stuff happen and my daughter and I often used to see a shadow going from my bedroom into hers (our bedrooms were opposite each other) which we all witnessed. And this reminds me of 2 times in that house where I felt someone sit on the bed. I felt the mattress move as if a weight was on it but on both occasions I was too scared to look :eyes:. That still frightens me when I think about it.

Yes, I remember now... that happened to me a lot when I was a child. My Aunt and Uncle told me it was my imagination and to go back to sleep. I used to hear the phone ring too before it actually rang. And I had and still have dreams and visions of things that happen, before they too