Community > Posts By > Anthony777

Anthony777's photo
Sun 06/01/08 03:12 AM
Thank You for you kind words

Anthony777's photo
Sun 06/01/08 02:28 AM
Quite touching.....very beautiful....

Anthony777's photo
Sun 06/01/08 02:18 AM
My heart cannot sleep
your heart has been speaking to it
Im I dreaming or Im I awake
for I cannot seem to break
the thought of you malday
is more beautiful
than even the breath I take

Your heart has captivated my world
and your soul diligently touched mine
animosity.....keeps the miles between us
but not the heart or the soul
of all causes I love this one the most
the cause to see the storm in my heart and soul...of thee.

Im I the only one in this realm
or are thee next to me
awaiting to see
let me see you malday
for I thirst for your presence.................

The sleepless nights so sweet
for once
knowing thee my realm
this hear once.

Anthony777's photo
Fri 05/30/08 03:00 PM
Simply beautiful..........vivid.

Anthony777's photo
Fri 05/30/08 02:53 PM
Whats the difference between love and infatuation? Lust and true attraction? Anyone...?

Anthony777's photo
Fri 05/30/08 02:17 PM
No two souls have ever traveled the same path.....
in their commonalities they will attract,
yet from their differences they shall grow.....
Like two rivers colliding
New paths and streams will be made
Yet the current stronger than ever shall make way

So here I am creating springs with mere words
Hoping the current will attract my mate
Hoping such is my fate
I smile at the thought of finding my soul mate

I am flourishing in the splendor of poetry
I am thwarting the earth with my pollen of words
Letting my poems be set free, from the dungeons of my mind…
To attract Thee………

I am smiling at fate
In what ever it holds for me
For in knowing my heart knows you exist
Lays my destiny

When Fate, relenting, let our souls reunite
Shall Gods voice, to us be revived….
In the beating of two hearts as one……..

I pray my fancy of hope shall never soon expire
For my life is this burning fire……………

Anthony Amageo Alzo 05/30/08

Anthony777's photo
Thu 05/29/08 02:30 PM
Hope my lady is the pilot light that keeps the heart ready to is the light......

Anthony777's photo
Thu 05/29/08 02:01 PM
Tired of the games
Faces in script without names
Words so empty
And promises in the sand

Tired of the lies people brand
In their memories
To use until the end of dawn…
For true people are rarer than truth
From days long gone

I search for the truth
For my heart is dying to feel
What god made it for
So unreal
Is the chase of the phantom
In the endless tunnel of this here life

Maybe I ll get lucky
And meet my match
Maybe god with give my heart a flash
Of something real if even for a second in time
For then life would be worth my hearts beating rhyme….

Tired of the empty spaces
In between the lines
And words that never lead anywhere
For games leading to emptiness
Should be a crime

Show me the truth and I will show you heaven….

Anthony777's photo
Thu 12/06/07 04:29 PM
What can I turned on the words on fire..

Anthony777's photo
Thu 12/06/07 04:26 PM
Simply Beautiful.......

Anthony777's photo
Thu 12/06/07 04:06 PM
Politicaly not for poetry.......Great Write..
Speak your mind out and never hold are a free soul..

Anthony777's photo
Thu 12/06/07 03:56 PM
Can anyone see the name spelled in this is the name of my "Smile" princess.......Look close may be you see...

Anthony777's photo
Thu 12/06/07 03:36 PM
Eternal is the demon of pain.........stap it in the heart with a "Smile" then be sane....
"Smile" I say "Smile"..........
For it feeds on sadness and missery this demon I say....
This is a not play....but real...
If you allow it in, if only for a peak
into your soul pain shall leak
"Smile" I say "Smile"..........

Yes, just a simple Smile and save the day...every day.
Keep this deamon a bay.....
"Smile" I say "Smile"...........

For I have met someone who saved my day and made me smile....I wish the same upon you..........."Smile".....Be in lin be in kindness be in da heaven it spells my special "Smile"

Anthony777's photo
Wed 12/05/07 01:52 PM
Life is a beautifully staged where the script is pre-written, but yet, god (the creator) gives us the choice of reason and rational to chose amongst many the end making our heaven or hell on earth.................yet heaven is made one emotion, one smile, one thought, one kiss, one kind word, one heavenly feather at a time, after which our wings grow and we fly free of all presumptions and societal standards. Only then can we create our own, Heaven....We re-define loving seconds, in the arms of the one we love, have we been lucky enough to have been found...then life is lived........truly live...for without is a vast land of emptines.......unless we creat that slice, of heaven....

I wish all of you, and me :), a slice of heaven this Holiday Season.......for it would make me believe in Santa all over again....

Anthony777's photo
Wed 12/05/07 01:45 PM
Life is a beautifully staged where the script is pre-written, but yet, god (the creator) gives us the choice of reason and rational to chose amongst many the end making our heaven or hell on earth.................yet heaven is made one emotion, one smile, one thought, one kiss, one kind word, one heavenly feather at a time, after which our wings grow and we fly free of all presumptions and societal standards. Only then can we create our own, Heaven....We re-define loving seconds, in the arms of the one we love, have we been lucky enough to have been found...then life is lived........truly live...for without is a vast land of emptines.......unless we creat that slice, of heaven....

I wish all of you, and me :), a slice of heaven this Holiday Season.......for it would make me believe in Santa all over again....:smile:

Anthony777's photo
Fri 11/30/07 06:58 PM
Passion is difficult to is like the water in a river that is constantly fed by the raining feeds all that surrounds it and yet can overwhelm even those that inhabit it...with time it grows to new dimensions....some wished for and others forced in, both carved out of a plain we call the a higher form, the soul......whether it is pain or does not matter where the rain drops fall in to this lands of ours....they just seem to fall and if we open our souls....we cannot help but breath in the air of heavens, then we can taste smell, or even feel the passion....this is fragile...and yet powerful...not to be shared with all...for it can drain as well...yet when we see and/or feel that which is as bright as the sun...well then it is passion........

Anthony777's photo
Tue 11/20/07 07:57 PM
Since we had an outer discussion someone emailed me to condense the most direct related is a summary of sorts, I hope I got everybodys input....would love to hear some more..

Everyone is different...some people are more hesitant to meet in person and some want to meet without even so much as getting to know someone. It all depends on what you are looking for and how eager you are to meet someone. Sometimes it is just plain right between two people and you fall in love without ever meeting, hehe. There is no hurt ever, in asking. If you dont, you will never know!:)

I think that all depends on the individuals involved. Some people may want to meet right away, others want to wait. You just have to be able to agree upon an acceptable time frame with the person you're interested in.

There is no right or wrong answer to this question...I agree with the majority, it depends on the individuals and their comfort levels...When two people know what they want and they have a chance to fall in love, than there are no rules to when you should meet....Take a chance, isn't this what we are all here for anyway....

There are manuals to this game of life dude... throw the dice and roll with it... sometimes ya get 7's and sometimes snake eyes....
Just don't hang it up in a week because your princess didn't show up in the forum, mutual match or fall at your email doorstep...
I like to BS here, have fun laugh, kick back and de-stress...met some great friends...only.
Just be careful of the rope you pull on.... and who it might be attached to.... don't play Tarzan either, too many forum walls to smack yourself silly on....
Best of all just be you.....

well there benifits of waiting a bit before you meet, i mean with me and my girlfreind we waited a bit before we met and in that time we got to know each other very well and it just made meeting even better cos nither of us was as nervous as we would have been if we had met up straight away.

When someone posts a poem as their own and you google a few stances and it pops up in lyrics...then you know you have been snowballed....

talk on the phone or here or both
and if you can find an agreeable situation to meet then go about it

nice public places make the most sense for this action a place to have refreshments in any kind and atmosphere good for talking
Be cause it is a first meeting

As for your questions, Jess had it right. 5 minutes to 1 year. Really though, whatever is comfortable for you and the person you have interest in.

Be safe, do it in a public place for a short meeting (coffee, drink, etc).

I believe it is up to the couple and when they feel it is right.

one thing that could be offered as far as dating goes that has worked in the past for some daters is...give them an option to bring a friend on a date it is something I offered in the past when it came to meeting some one face to face it helps make your date at ease and also shows that you can be personable with more than one person.

Anthony777's photo
Tue 11/20/07 06:21 PM
Wow.............I am amazed at the things that have been said and is simply amazing...having said that...there where some great examples of what to and what not to do....I certainly have learned a thing or two...

Please, lets try to keep the topic in focus and personal agendas and issues out, thank you so................

Anthony777's photo
Tue 11/20/07 03:22 PM

Just be careful with fake profile dude

That would totaly sounds like you have come across what do you look for, to detect the bull...?

Anthony777's photo
Tue 11/20/07 03:10 PM

well there benifits of waiting a bit before you meet, i mean with me and my girlfreind we waited a bit before we met and in that time we got to know each other very well and it just made meeting even better cos nither of us was as nervous as we would have been if we had met up straight away.

just talk to her and see how she feels about meeting drinker

Great input.....yes, I think taking more time...rather than meet after a couple of emails...the more questions in getting to know them the better, and that takes time...great input thanks