Community > Posts By > MikeyNtheIE

MikeyNtheIE's photo
Wed 04/25/07 10:15 PM
Oh I am up to date on that one. Thankfully that term hit the scene back
in 99. Thanks American Pie!!

MikeyNtheIE's photo
Wed 04/25/07 10:11 PM
Oh thanks for the clarification. I feel like part of the fam now. =)

MikeyNtheIE's photo
Wed 04/25/07 10:08 PM
What the hell is a higgie? Probably best that I don't know I guess.
Sorry I need help with these things, as you can see by my low post

MikeyNtheIE's photo
Wed 04/25/07 10:05 PM
Hello to all who said hello in the last 4 or 5 posts or so. =)

MikeyNtheIE's photo
Wed 04/25/07 10:04 PM
That's why I've been bad at forums, the brain moves faster than I can
type. It's amazing I got the job I have with my poor typing skills. Ehh
at least I can spell.

MikeyNtheIE's photo
Wed 04/25/07 09:56 PM
Looks like I spoke too soon.

MikeyNtheIE's photo
Wed 04/25/07 09:56 PM
Will do. it's been a blast so far, and hey it's only been oh 5 minutes.

MikeyNtheIE's photo
Wed 04/25/07 09:53 PM
Oh hey, good to meet ya as well. And to everyone still on hello to you.
And I thought I was late rushing in. The forum is alive and well, and a
little crazy.

MikeyNtheIE's photo
Wed 04/25/07 09:50 PM
Yeah. The old post ticker was lookin a little low there, I was over due
for some forum action.

MikeyNtheIE's photo
Wed 04/25/07 09:47 PM
Yeah what is a jello head?? Sue me for not being up with the current

MikeyNtheIE's photo
Wed 04/25/07 09:46 PM
Ah heck I'll give it a shot, Hello all!!

MikeyNtheIE's photo
Tue 10/31/06 10:12 PM
Event Horizon!! And I thought I was the only one who liked that flick.
There is some great camera work in that, alot of chilling scenes. Great

MikeyNtheIE's photo
Tue 10/31/06 10:05 PM
Yeah. I agree the first Friday was not scary at all. Of course I started
out of order with that series. 3 was the first one I saw.

MikeyNtheIE's photo
Tue 10/31/06 10:04 PM
Yeah Exorcist creeps me out. I can still picture the scene of Linda
Blair running down the stairs on her hands and feet. But the sequels to
this are horrible for some reason.

MikeyNtheIE's photo
Tue 10/31/06 09:56 PM
What about Halloween and Friday the 13th?? Classics, all 18 of them!!
That's right even the crappy sequels were entertaining. And Exorcist
tops my list as the only horror movie that still gives you the chills.
Well at least it does to me.

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