Community > Posts By > doxielover

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Sat 08/16/08 11:33 PM
depends on who dumped who and how deep you were in it.
I've gotten over 2 year relationships in 2 weeks and gotten over 6 month relationships in 2 years
I guess it'll take as long as it will...

i know its hard and it sucks but just keep yourself busy and just think its for the best.

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Sat 08/16/08 11:19 PM

Awe, honey, I was on your side til now.... If you have to tell someone your grown, your not, if you have to tell someone you're educated, you're not as smart as you think you are...

It's my experience that the people that have told me i'm not grown (as he's saying) are the ones that are not themselves. I have everything I want which is more than i can say about people twice my age... and i've worked hard for it. You just can't show people over the internet and i'm sick of him telling me that i'm childish and not grown up because i asked if anyone had a similiar situation. He just likes to bait people because he's pathetic.. hopefully when i'm his age i wont be so bitter

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Sat 08/16/08 11:14 PM
just make sure to tell them you have a cat before it gets to deep into it
if he doesnt accept a cat just think of all the other things he probably wouldnt accept

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Sat 08/16/08 11:04 PM

Hey, the girl is 22, her view and yours are going to be 20 years different... Take that into consideration when giving advise....

My thought exactly about the "grow up" part.....

grow up?
im probably more grown than you are
and more educated.

youre old and in your own little set ways
you cant open your mind to see anyone elses point of view.

you definately shouldnt be giving anyone advice.

i guess i should up my age range to 60 because even a 45 year old is too childish for me

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Sat 08/16/08 11:00 PM

Well, I'm not the one asking for romance advice pertaining to dog problems on a public forum...

If you had read what I said... if the guy doesn't like your dogs, then get rid of him. Or if you can put up with him hating your dogs, then bury your head in the sand and dig him, looking blindly at his hate for your animals.

Obviously you have problems connected to your dogs or you would have never come on here asking in the first place. Please do not assume everybody is going to jump right in with whatever viewpoint you expect them to give.

You need to look in the mirror and ask yourself why you think you have dog problems! If you do not, then you are only posting here to get attention, and not sincerely desiring advice.

I don't think you really want to figure out anything. I think you just want attention and for somebody to tell you that your outlook toward your dogs is the only right outlook.

Well, welcome to the real world where people view the tiny little dustspecks of truth you dull out to them, and give you honest answers in reply. If you can't take it, then don't ask.

Maybe you need to get off the couch a bit more, leave the dogs behind a bit more, and just get out and meet some decent guy that doesn't have any hangups about your stupid dogs!!!!!!!

Sounds like the best advice yet...

I have no problem with someone having other viewpoints then mine. But i do have a problem with controlling people.

I posted asking if anyone else was in that situation, whether or not pets had any affect on the relationship. Nobodies pets affected me and i'm deathly allergic to cats.. so i'd take 3 benedryls before going over my ex's place.. he had them so i couldnt say anything and i would never tell someone to change anything about themselves to make me happy.

My dogs are great and their not a problem for me at all. But then again im more understanding of things. Unlike you. I take people as they are, pets, kids, medical problems and all. Why shouldnt I get the same regard?

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Sat 08/16/08 10:44 PM

i do what i want when i want and no one is going to tell me what to do. regardless of whether its a man or family or friends

Thats not a healthy viewpoint. I am done in this thread.

so youre saying that if your SO told you NOT to go to school to better yourself you would listen to them?

please grow up be your own person and do what you have to do

dont listen to mommy or daddy or some "soul mate" that would probably drop you to do what they have to do.

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Sat 08/16/08 10:42 PM

We're on the same page here... nothing in this quote is acceptible... so if this guy wants you to get rid of your dogs just for him, get rid of him. He is possibly a control freak, and no good for you.

The problem you have is finding the priority line between the attempt at romance and your affection for your animals. You can't have your cake and eat it too... either you are going to have to spend time with your man friend... or spend time with your dogs... please don't tell me you are so insecure that you can't live without your dogs for one weekend... oh brother. If this is the case, you simply just need to grow up!

you really are bipolar

are you really saying that you cant have a bf and pets?

so if i get a bf do i have to give up my job and friends and everything else?

i think you need to grow up and learn to realize when your talking out of you a$$

as long as a person can make time for everything i think they can have anything they want

i dont let my relationships suffer because i have pets

my SO gets his private alone time and my dogs get theres... and if a man wants to see me more than twice a week then hes sharing his time with the pups or with me doing my work or my chores

why should i change ANY aspect of my life for a man?

i'm not letting anyones insecurities affect how i live my life

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Sat 08/16/08 10:38 PM

in THEIR house they do as they please.

THEIR house... like the dogs rule the house... see...???

Game over.

It is YOUR house, NOT the dog's house.

If you can't keep your dogs in their place, then don't wonder why most people would have a problem with it...

And you need to be more respectful to your guests if your dogs are mobbing them at the doorway. That's just simple irresponsibility.

I control my dog, she does not control me. I get between her and guests and take control over the situation.

It appears you let your dogs run your house... errr... THEIR house any way they see fit.

And you wonder why men have problems with your pets.....


youre completely moronic.. yes its their house. they live here 24/7

i am the alpha and i run my house and they listen to everything i say.

youre just trying to pick **** up that you think can win your arguement, yet youre not smart enough to answer from a complete post so you just stick with whatever little word you think makes you win

i guess i know why youre single now because i dont know a women that would put up with such stupidity.

my dogs are like 8 inches tall, they dont MOB anyone. they wiggle their butts as people enter my place and sit at their feet.

They lose interest in anyone new like a minute after the person gets there.

i guess i just meet men that are ignorant like you and cant stand a woman thats in control of her life and does what she pleases

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Sat 08/16/08 10:29 PM

I was being sarcastic as I personally think your priorities are screwed up. Do what makes you happy. I am glad you are thinking about how much you love your pets. I love animals too. I would not choose them over humans but that's me.

my priorities are screwed up? righht...

so i should put some man that ive known for two months before my job my school my dogs my family and everything else ive worked hard to make?

what kind of f--ked up priorities do you have? What ***** first and everything else 2nd?

I'm 22 years old have my own house, my own brand new car, a great family, good friends and my pets, i graduated college before 20 and still go to school to better myself... i think i have all the right priorities actually

maybe i just have higher standards than everyone else when it comes to what i want what i can acheive and the type of person i should be with

i do what i want when i want and no one is going to tell me what to do. regardless of whether its a man or family or friends

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Sat 08/16/08 10:23 PM

I don't make animal's my priority, human's are. Animal's are just that, animal's. No, they are not disposible. But human's are more important to me than animal's.

fine lets say it was that he wanted you to give up seeing your best friends... would that be alright with you?

so if your bf said you cant see your family anymore you'd be completely okay with that?

i highly doubt that

so why would it be acceptable for someone to tell someone else to get rid of their pets?

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Sat 08/16/08 10:21 PM
so what youre saying is that your jealous of the love he has for the dog?
and that he picked it over you?

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Sat 08/16/08 10:14 PM

I love animals...especially dogs (I actually hate and am allergic to cats though) but I lead a very active life, I come and go when I please, it would be hard for me to date someone who was so tied to their house and animal they couldn't pick up and go for the weekend... but this guy knew this about you, so really it's his fault not yours.

see im more of a home person. i dont like to move around alot, i dont like to always be out. i enjoy the nice comfort of home. Every guy i meet knows this about me.. im not the type of girl to just run off into the sunset

i like having the security and a place to come home to... and furry little ones to come home too

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Sat 08/16/08 10:09 PM

because their mine. my responsibility. no one else asked for them but me so it wouldnt be fair to ask anyone to take care of them for any period of time. I went to las vegas and ended up paying my parents to watch them and felt horrible... i cried the plane ride there because i didnt want them to think i abandoned them. i just think that if i had a child i wouldnt be able to run away for a weekend and no one would ask me too or be madd that i didnt.. but dogs are disposable for people so i should just dump um somewhere when i'm tired of them.

This shows a LOT of insecurity on your part. If you are so addicted to your dogs that you can't let go of them comfortably for a weekend, I would to some other deeper issue that is causing the problem between you and your men and the dogs. I think the answer lies in a long hard look into the mirror.

I would find it very annoying to have a strange dog jump on my lap and start to lick me... knowing that dogs also can lick every inch of their own bodies, including parts not best mentioned here... yuck. This might be something you are accustomed because you live with them, but you can't expect everyone to feel comfortable with that... to some folks it is disgusting to have dogs lick you... etc... that's just life, its not that people are mean or evil, its that you need to not let your dogs be so unruly to strangers. I would feel VERY uncomfortable going to somebody's house and some strange dogs start over-stepping their boundaries and jumping on my lap and such.

You just realize how to view this from someone else's perspective other than your own.

You have an affection for the dogs. That doesn't mean everyone you meet has to have the same affection. I would feel very silly if my dog went up to everybody and licked them. I have trianed my dog NOT to bother strangers. THAT is responsible pet ownership.

Letting them run amock in your house is not responsible. At least in the view of politeness to strangers. It is not very polite to let your dogs do stuff like that. You aksed for opinions, and I'm trying to give some that you might not normally hear... partly being the devil's advocate here... but mostly just stating the truth.

how is taking care of MY responsibilities insecurity?

honestly i think you are the one thats insecure and would have a problem with your significant other loving anything or anyone other than you.

also my dogs behave themselves when their outside with strangers. they sit they wait and they get petted.

in THEIR house they do as they please.

I have no problem with someone not liking dogs to lick their faces. I'm one of them actually and when you tell them "NO" they stop. easy as that.

But yes.. just because youre sitting on my couch doesnt mean the dogs cant sit down next to you.

I pay the bills, everything in the house is MINE so if i let my dogs on the furniture then their allow. If i want them off it i tell them and their off.

If a dog is just sitting there what the hell is the problem?

I love how you tried to say that i'm not a responsible dog owner btw.

If anyone wants to come to my place they know that they have to greet the dogs for 5 secs and then its done, they go off and play together... if a guy cant spend a minute with my dogs then why would i want to spend a second with him?

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Sat 08/16/08 09:57 PM

Who did you love more? The dogs or him? I think the dogs. I don't know too many people that would like that be they men or women. Maybe you should just wait until you are finished with the dogs. I don't think it would be fair to them if you shared your love and house with someone else.

umm how the heck can you compare the love for a dog with the love you have for your significant other??

Yes the dogs will always win, because they will ALWAYS be there... no matter what.

SO youre telling me that its a choice, a bf or my dogs? You must be insane but fine if it truly is that way then dogs it is

I'm gonna be the crazy weiner lady and you know what i'll probably be happier with them then with any man.

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Sat 08/16/08 09:47 PM


If I go away and stay somewhere, my parents don't mind looking after my dog. So... if you are going to go away for a day or two to kindle your love relationship, why can't you leave your dogs with a responsible adult babysiiter type and detach from them for a bit?

because their mine. my responsibility. no one else asked for them but me so it wouldnt be fair to ask anyone to take care of them for any period of time. I went to las vegas and ended up paying my parents to watch them and felt horrible... i cried the plane ride there because i didnt want them to think i abandoned them. i just think that if i had a child i wouldnt be able to run away for a weekend and no one would ask me too or be madd that i didnt.. but dogs are disposable for people so i should just dump um somewhere when i'm tired of them.

my dogs are always controlled. Yes they like to jump on your lap and give kisses and get petted, but they know when momma says stop to stop. they know when to be quiet and they know whats off limits.

if only i can train a man as well as i trained my dogs

then i'd be a happy girl

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Sat 08/16/08 09:33 PM

I can understand the guys frustrations. You want the dogs over him. Wouldn't that naturally bother anyone?
I hate the idea of an ultimatum though that was stupid of him. Still refusing to give your dogs away to good homes? It's not like he was asking you to put them down. Hope you find someone who loves dogs and can accept the dogs are more important. Keep looking and you will find him.

i never said their more important but i refuse to give them up for 3 reasons.

1. i promised when i got them that they'd live out their lives with me no matter what
2. i dont like being told what to do
3. i love them

I also had the dogs BEFORE the guy... so he met me with them... how can you tell someone to change something that was there before you were?

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Sat 08/16/08 09:20 PM

I see. Sounds like you seem to attract control freaks.

Can I ask you something??

Do you actually look for someone who has a dog or more than one themselves??

usually they have a "family dog" because most guys my age live at home with mommy and daddy... they like their dog just fine... and mine are a nice thing to see once in a while but they dont wanna be around them. Like my dogs like to sit on your lap while you watch tv... but the guys hate that so i have to crate them.. thats when i start disliking the guy and just dont want him around...

i guess i need to find someone that has their own dogs and their own place, job money etc. someone more like me i guess... but not to many young guys have their act together so i guess ill just have to wait

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Sat 08/16/08 09:17 PM

well as long as he doesnt want you to have sex while the dog is there or watches whats the problem?
just think of it as a big furry pillow if all you two are doing is sleeping
if anything more puppy goes outside for "mommy daddy time"lol
A dog in bed while you're screwing is NOT a big fluffy pillow.

please re-read what i wrote.
i said that as long as all youre doing is SLEEEEEEPING think of him as a big furry pillow.

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Sat 08/16/08 09:14 PM

Why on Earth wouldn't you flat out ask them if they have a problem with dogs??

Or do you do that...and they bullsh*t their way through??

they bull****. i tell them exactly how it is... i have them meet the dogs and their fine with um... until they get comfortable then its like

"dont get out of bed, the dogs can wait"
"if you didnt have those THINGS we could go away for the weekend"
and stuff like that... it sucks

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Sat 08/16/08 09:11 PM
well as long as he doesnt want you to have sex while the dog is there or watches whats the problem?
just think of it as a big furry pillow if all you two are doing is sleeping
if anything more puppy goes outside for "mommy daddy time"lol

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