thanks for the drink lhb
KYLE, dont give away my secrets besides sometimes its ranch
thank but we just had all the tacos from friday
hey kyle, have a safe ride see u next weakend
u forgot 2 get me something two eat
hey thumper
hey thumper
ladiez is doing what he always is doing. Video games what time u going
im glad your not crabby thats not the longhair i know
well when can i see them,dont forget your RUM
hey lhb how are u
hi arcadefan
kyle u still on
lepers the 4th
dont forget the chocolate syurp
lepers the 4th
how long can that wip reach!!
lepers the 4th
be carefull lhb u might not find your way home and end up in a strangers BED
lepers the 4th
lepers the 4th
longhairs multitasking hes wrestling with his new computers spellcheck and i think the spellchecks winning and he made venison tacos with green chilis, tomatoes, cilantro,olives, out of the 300 deer he shot this morning with his m 16. he forgot it was on auto.
lepers the 4th
long hair is making me supper again