Community > Posts By > Single48yearold

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Wed 11/14/07 03:13 PM
hey thanks everyone again for the advice/comments. :)

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Thu 11/08/07 08:22 AM
ok. I am taking all of your comments seriously. It is nice to hear a little advice from others-i think. i am not too excited about an online guy either. i was starting lean more towards someone i could find through other people that I know personally. A couple of guys who may be interested are through my boyfriend's stepmom. She does business without of people and she a couple of guys in mind.

***also, I am considering tell her first. at first i wanted it to be a total surprise, but I have heard from more than one person to let her know ahead of time.****

I asked her in the past -if she would mind if I set her up on a date- she seemed ok with it. i asked her the preferences, etc...and she was cool......
i hope she knows I was serious about it. But she's my mom, and she knows she knows i just might really do it.

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Wed 11/07/07 01:24 PM
plus, I am not only checking out some gentlemen online, but I am also going through people I know and some family members.

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Wed 11/07/07 01:21 PM
LOL!!! to johna1311...I just might have a hit tv show with the writers strike and all.
It seems that 2 of the gentlemen I might be able be able to come are pretty cool and wouldn't mind if it's a party. However, I wanted to get someone I think she could be into for a good while- a real good connection. So, I am looking at compatibility. She has been divorced for about 23 years. I'm not giving up. I hope she hasn't. I just thought the 'dating game' would be a fun ice breaker and take the edge off of her and the guys. maybe i should just go back to choosing one good one and have them meet over dinner.

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Wed 11/07/07 10:07 AM
Well, plans seem to be changing....At first I was just going to do dinner with 1 gentleman, my mom, and my BF and me. Now, I like reptilekeeper's idea about the party being more social. So, since I love to have theme events, I thought I would take it a step further and have the party be turned into 'The Dating Game'. A host and everything..mimic the old 70s show and the have the guys be concealed behind a wall of some sort and my mom on the other. Then the rest of the party could be an active audience....sounds cool???

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Tue 11/06/07 04:03 PM
thanks for the responses....i certainly don't want to set her up with a loser or a freak. lol!!!! I actually wanted to meet the gentleman first-you know like an interview process-I thought of setting up as a group of 4 with my boyfriend and I included - maybe over dinner. The party idea is a great idea!!! my family woulod love that-they very cool to get along with-thanks reptilekeeper...

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Tue 11/06/07 02:21 PM
it's hard to believe that no one has anything to say on this 'blind date' matter. i would really like some feedback.

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Tue 11/06/07 01:57 PM
I am in the process of setting up my mother on a surprise blind date for her b-day coming up. This is why I am on the site for her. I thought this would be a great and unique present versus the regular wrapped gifts. Well, what do you do online daters have to say? I would like a response from peers in her age group 45-55.