Homosexuality begins with the man's story, but it has always been a parallel bottom of the hetero relationship, because it does not produce continuity of the species if there are to many in the species, it's what they call an evolutionary dead end.... At the end.. the invisible forces will restore the cosmic order, chaos and order, the mankind existential states.. are never definitive, at last they do not have a human logic, what happens is a continuous transformation ... hunger, opulence, life and death |
Homosexuality begins with the man's story, but it has always been a parallel bottom of the hetero relationship, because it does not produce continuity of the species |
The human male brain works better after a sexual act I only know the relationship between a man and a woman, other things??? l do not know them |
The 80% of Muslims in Afghanistan wants the death penalty for those who leave Islam. Egypt and Pakistan are not far behind with 70%, but also in Malaysia, Jordan and the Palestinian territories the majority expects the scaffold. I do not understand why there is no freedom to the individual will to follow this religion, why Islam must uses the terror strategy on unarmed people |
Is written....the real muslem must to believe in the bible, cos the islam has a root in the christianity.
So why the muslemist ( muslem-terrorist ) kill christians? May the op explain why muslemist kill 8 yr old childs around the world? |
The human male brain works better after a sexual act |
The modern, progressive wants everyone to accept the perversion of the homosexer. Homosex is not a culture. So, I see a great many accepting and/or participating in the black hole of decadence. I will pray for their rapid healing and return to sanity. Homosexuality has always existed, but it remains as a low and twisted human being profile.. as it is not functional to the progression of the species |
Looking for a boyfriend ! :)
What can I say ...they have already said all ........ |
ghosts are not real. vampires are real yeah l got the evidence http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3y61IEEC97o |
Sure there are forms of invisible energy, even the animals are able to perceive them...in particularly cats |
A multitude of opinions that say nothing, especially to those who dominates events. |
Israel airstikes in Syria
Syria does not enjoy a good situation, while not responding to Israeli attacks will show its weakness, in the other side with an attempt to answer it would be forced to fight on two fronts, against the opposition forces and against the well-established Israeli war machine. There is only a Ceasefire between them! About the same situation as on the Korean Peninsula. To Sir Conrad aahhh ok ok ..l got it....how's going the business in Switzerland? |
Israel airstikes in Syria
Israel has already won a very important battle, that... is the international public opinion consensus, everyone understands that a nation ( Iran and company ) dominated by dictatorships with religious fanaticism background, can not own destruction mass weapons |
Israel airstikes in Syria
Syria does not enjoy a good situation, while not responding to Israeli attacks will show its weakness, in the other side with an attempt to answer it would be forced to fight on two fronts, against the opposition forces and against the well-established Israeli war machine.
Israel airstikes in Syria
Edited by
Sun 05/05/13 11:46 PM
This is the prelude.. the big target is iran, Europe must be ready to give all necessary support to Israel, time ago six squadrons with the Star of David have simulated an attack from a long distance. Theatre of the exercise Sardinia's sky, NATO base Decimomannu. Alongside the Israeli fighter jets were the Germans Tornado , the Dutch F-16. The Italian Air Force has used the AMX, Tornado, F-16s and the Eurofighter Typhoon. "Faced with the threat from Iran" the Israeli air force has stepped up its practice abroad in recent years, especially following the turkish refusal to allow Israeli jets to train in its airspace,- writes the Jerusalem Post-. It is not enough. Israeli submarines were deployed in the Arabian Sea, from where they can possibly throw to all the Iranian territory. In this phase may take action missiles Jericho - Jericho II and III-, Iran would be helpless. To affect the main objectives should be employed tens. According to British newspaper The Guardian, London and Washington would be united, and ready to relocate ships and submarines equipped with Tomahawk cruise missiles. In recent days, Israel has tested an intercontinental missile with a range of 7,000 kilometers from its base in Palmachim, south of Tel Aviv. According to the Israeli website Debka (close to the intelligence services), to eliminate the Iranian nuclear bases serving 42 missiles with conventional weapons.
it's scary
Religion and Science
A group of German researchers (Ludwig Maximilian University) carried out an experiment that led to the achievement of temperatures below absolute zero, thanks to a system with energy but with very low entropy. Absolute zero is the temperature at which all the molecular mobility stops, understood as the energy state. It is a theoretical value can not be reached in practice. At least until today. In addition to the amount of energy must consider the entropy, which describes in a sense, the "amount of chaos" in a system, for example the different states in which the atoms or molecules can be found in a given time, and all the possible combinations. With the shortening of the temperature (energy) it also reduces the entropy and vice versa; absolute zero also corresponds to the minimum entropy. We can think of "a set of balls that move in a pinball: every possible combination of speed and direction of each bead is a state. More hit the balls with the blades of the flipper (ie, more energy I enter in the system) and more are the possible states, thereby increasing the energy of the system entropy increases. " Two are the variables with we have to do and which set the temperature: amount of energy and entropy. There is a lower limit, absolute zero, but not a higher one. At least until today and until quantum mechanics comes into play, because if the entropy is close to zero but increases the amount of energy we can speak of negative absolute temperatures. Adding more and more energy atoms reach the state maximum, and in fact the entropy tents and decrease. This is a concept known in physics. In practice, it creates a lattice of potassium atoms "held together" by a combination of laser and magnetic fields. The system thus created is shown to be stable for a few hundred milliseconds, sufficient to study states of matter or almost unknown. And also to hypothesize and verify new and unusual methods to transfer energy: a system with negative temperature in contact with a "normal" should in theory generate a flow of energy that creates "Carnot engine with efficiency greater than one." The researchers also suggest that this system could be used to model the so-called "dark energy", and recreate the same model that generated the expansion of the Universe. This experiment also shows that Italian politicians are right when they say that anything is possible |
I've heard this question, now at my age I can say that love is a frozen hate |
Older.. any advice?
Hi Rider you know the old saying .. better one day as a demon, rather than 100 as an angel |
Older.. any advice?
Who knows why, but my mind is convinced to be at least 19 years, considering my visage at the mirror l think how is possible??? time has elapsed and it cheated on me, how will I get a date with a young woman wearing dentures the catheter..the diapers, hearing aids, without being able to drink a glass of wine cause high blood pressure, how will I make her smile What can l do??? |