DemonicNightAngel's photo
Sat 03/15/08 05:32 PM
ok well don't hold your breath while I type all might go blue before it's all over.

Heavy Metal, Death Metal, Underground Metal (yes, there's a difference between the three), Mainstream Rock, 80's Rock, Pop, Rap, R&B, Hip Hop, Classical, Musicals, Irish Pop music (ie The Corrs, Westlife), Country, Southern Rock

And that ends the list I think...there could be more,lol

DemonicNightAngel's photo
Sat 03/15/08 05:28 PM
could really care less what others think of me..if ya don't like then don't look....simple as that

DemonicNightAngel's photo
Sat 03/15/08 05:17 PM
I wouldn't know.......I've lived on the east coast my entire life and proud to be here!

DemonicNightAngel's photo
Sat 03/15/08 05:16 PM

cool, i appreciate it. Yah, need some luck, all the Charlotte girls i have met were at nightclubs, they seemed to me more stuck up than anything. Ill give this place a try, and ill chill out, just had a bad day with all this rain and my project Supra Twin Turbo has been going through some rough times after 540hp.

LOL not trying to be rude...but you know there are other areas surrounding the Charlotte area? Rock Hill is not too far away....there's others as well. We aren't all stuck up, I promise!

DemonicNightAngel's photo
Sat 03/15/08 05:08 PM
Well, I am 22, and I've always perfered men older than myself. Reason being is because men older tend to be a bit more mature than men my own age. I'm pretty mature myself, and don't want to be with someone who has the maturity of a 13 yr old.

However, I've got my own range, and I won't personally go older than 35. It isn't because of the money (I can buy myself things, don't want them for that) or social status. I've just always found myself attracted to older men.

DemonicNightAngel's photo
Sat 03/15/08 05:01 PM
lol there's nothing wrong with you....but when you're choosing a default pic, you want to go with something that actually shows your face better than that.

DemonicNightAngel's photo
Sat 03/15/08 12:55 PM
Well, I am almost 6 foot myself, so it's sometimes hard for me to find someone taller than myself. I'm not against it, just as long as he isn't like 4 foot or something. Also, he has to be okay with it. There are some men out there who feel like the world is making fun of them because they're shorter than their significant other.

DemonicNightAngel's photo
Sat 03/15/08 12:37 PM
We are under a tornado warning for the next three hours. I won't complain about the rain because we are in so bad of a drought that we need every drop we can possibly get.

DemonicNightAngel's photo
Thu 03/06/08 07:25 PM
I'm taking care of my 14 yr old sister while my mom is at Daytona for bike I won't be doing anything this weekend.

DemonicNightAngel's photo
Thu 03/06/08 07:24 PM
What about a city country guy? Best of both worlds. The city knowledge, but that sexy accent

DemonicNightAngel's photo
Thu 03/06/08 05:56 PM
If you seriously use that many minutes and text messages, then you should look into cricket. They have unlimited calling and texting, so that sounds like something you would need. Don't need a contract, and no credit checks either.

DemonicNightAngel's photo
Wed 03/05/08 04:44 PM
laugh A male friend of mine said that's actually true....laugh

DemonicNightAngel's photo
Wed 03/05/08 04:41 PM
The decision is yours in the end. If it's what you want to do, then do it. Who cares what the rest of the world thinks. That's our opinion. If you're wanting to better yourself, you've got the right to do so.

DemonicNightAngel's photo
Wed 03/05/08 04:35 PM

DemonicNightAngel's photo
Wed 03/05/08 02:03 PM
laugh poor cow

DemonicNightAngel's photo
Wed 03/05/08 01:59 PM
Nah, ate some last week.

DemonicNightAngel's photo
Tue 03/04/08 06:31 PM
Funny thing is I was talking to someone at work about this today.

I've only had that twice in my life. Having insomnia sucks!

DemonicNightAngel's photo
Tue 03/04/08 05:55 PM
I just think that anyone who is actually willing to manipulate the system like that has some serious problems. I know people in there (like myself) who live from paycheck to paycheck and need every cent they get.

Some have kids, if they hadn't found it out, he would have got away with it, what would have happened to those families? Some don't look at the bigger picture, they only see dollar signs.

DemonicNightAngel's photo
Tue 03/04/08 05:50 PM

that actually did happen to me. Although not for as much money. Payroll messed up and gave about 50 employees checks for about 3 times our normal pay. myself and one other employee were the only two who notified payroll of the mistake. When we notified them they stopped payment on everyones checks and had to write new checks for the proper amount. My honesty paid off. Although I didn't get to keep the check they did give me a certificate to a local restuarant worth about a $100.

I do know they made sure where the money was at. I know they want the 3,000 back, and who can blame them? No one is that stupid. All they have to do is go back through every associate and see how much the check they sent them was printed out for. I highly doubt someone would over look that huge amount of money

DemonicNightAngel's photo
Tue 03/04/08 05:46 PM

That is exactly what I said....I would have turned right back into the plant, right to Human Resources and told them.

I don't want that on me. I need money, but not enough to where I would take from another family. A lot of people couldn't cash their checks due to the plants account bouncing like crazy.

Needless to say the guy got fired. Not sure about everything that happened, but I think it's horrible that someone would be willing to take from a place like that and not worry about the other associates that work there as well.

He deserved to be fired...Twice over atually, if anything they should prosecute

That's exactly what I said. People were talking about it all day at work, and so many were saying that they would have taken the money and ran. I only shook my head at the intregity and character of the people I work with. Glad to know if the mistake happens again that I may not get a paycheck for awhile.

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