Community > Posts By > Amroth16

Amroth16's photo
Sun 10/26/08 09:41 PM
Hey, I live in Northern New Jersey and I'm looking for a girl who is honest. Someone who does not have to hide who she is and someone who can accept me for who I am. I'm an honest guy who never, ever lies. I'm also a poet and not someone who is afraid of showing my emotions. I have a bit about me in my profile and I hope I talk to someone soon. =)

Amroth16's photo
Sun 10/26/08 06:23 PM
Thanks =)

Amroth16's photo
Sun 10/26/08 06:10 PM
Well, let me know what you think of my profile and me as a person. Thanks =)

Amroth16's photo
Mon 12/10/07 09:21 AM
Well that is something I need to think of more. However, I believe it is possible that we can carry memories from ancestors through genetics. It makes sense logically, so given that if you're trying to understand an individual going down the family tree my help as well. You just have to be careful in drawing your connections, because the individual still has his own way of thinking that is unique. There are some things in this world that we may never fully understand. I think this may be one of them.

Amroth16's photo
Mon 12/10/07 12:19 AM
Hello, I would like to share with you some of my philosophy that I have written recently. I've been working on a book and this is an article that I think I will place in there. Please let me know what you think.

Something we see and something we do are two completely different things. We may see something that we like and want to know more about this certain something. In our minds we seem to be obsessed about this something so we devote our lives to the study of this something. However, after years and years of vigorous study trying to understand our obsession or in some cases it may be your “major of study”, we still honestly know absolutely nothing about it. We can read a word and know the meaning of it, we can see a picture and see the meaning of it, but we do not understand what it actually is unless we have truly done and experienced it.

We may see horrific pictures of war and see the agonizing pain on the loved ones of a lost soul. We may witness the total mental breakdown of an individual and try to help them and think we understand what they are going through. There is not a single person on this planet here, now, or ever that will truly ever understand what someone is going through. We are alone to our own thoughts and each of our minds is truly unique. The thought process of any one individual is near impossible to mimic exactly.

This does not mean we cannot have a general understanding of any given event. Through study we can gain a great general understanding of an event or individual, we will still never truly understand anything. Once we truly understand that we do not understand, we will have a better understanding of everything imaginable. When we achieve this we will better be able to infiltrate the mind of a given individual and gain insight into what they are feeling or what they are doing. By knowing that we do not know we can attempt to free our minds of our individual unique thought process.

Our minds can be compared to DNA; every single one is unique in its own way. We all will have at least one similarity in someone else’s mind and thought process. Now knowing that we have this we need to attempt to let ourselves forget that. If we try to make a connection from our mind to someone else’s mind we have already failed. We must try to train ourselves to loosen our minds and take the caste of another’s. The first step in doing this is to actually do and not see. This does not virtually mean we have to do it physically; we have to be able to imagine it on another plain. By imagining it on another plain we are not exactly imagining it, we are living it. Once we can live it, we can attempt to understand it. We still must all accept our ignorance and know we shall be ignorant for the rest of our lives. How we choose to live with this ignorance is up to the individual.

~Paul Woessner

Amroth16's photo
Mon 11/05/07 04:05 PM

Live to let go.
Let go of reality.
Let the illusion take control.
Surrender your wishes.
Surrender your dreams.
Surrender all that come to means.

How does it feel, to feel alive?
How does it feel, to scar a man?
How does it feel, to take in all that is known?
How does it feel, to watch it all crumble?

Destroy the castle of life you created.
A wrecking ball for all the masses.
Live inside a demon eye.
A world of unknown for the awakened.

Slip farther and farther into this vortex.
You and me become the same.
Filling all the false imperfections.
Filling all the worlds propaganda.
Lay down inside your tomb of lies.
Buried beneath the flicking flies.

On to a world we may know.
On to a world of unknown.
On to a world of illusion.
On to a world of reality.

The mental unbalance shows no reason.
The coffin breaks, all in season.
Follow the flicker in the night.
Follow damned howls of the dawn.

What we see is all illusion.
What we feel is reality.

Amroth16's photo
Mon 11/05/07 12:51 AM
If I may add, if you truly are looking to fully understand Buddhism you should understand Hinduism first. Especially if you are looking in Theravada Buddhism.

Amroth16's photo
Sun 11/04/07 11:50 PM
Thanks =)

Amroth16's photo
Sun 11/04/07 11:25 PM
I'm a poet and I have not posted here yet but I would like to share a poem that I wrote about my girlfriend who passed away over the summer. I hope you enjoy it

"Monsindra’s Balled"

Oh things have changed…
You hold my heart in a blissful utopia, guarding it from those who seek to destroy…
Oh why have you gone?
Taken from me in a moment’s breath.
All that I love and adore…
All gone from this mortal plane.

Your lips entwined with mine…oh it is so divine.
I will hold you as the levee breaks, and it engulfs this world into a watery plane.
Our rings forever warn for our love is eternal.
Beyond the twilight of the moonlight we rest.
Each star is yours, each star is mine.
The planets may align only once in a lifetime.
For us, those plants are always aligned.
Aligned in our undying love that will break through barriers.
It shall break through walls.
Oh, it shall break through dimensions!
For nothing of this world can keep us apart.
Nothing that may come to being in this world will ever keep us apart.
If I were given a choice,
To live for five minutes with you, but then I shall be cast into the depths hell for eternity,
Or to never be with you but to be given a seat at God’s right hand…
The choice is simple; I will find a way,
I will go to any lengths, to ensure that we are eternally in each other’s arms as lovers.

For much has been taken from us…
On this earth we shall never start our family that we’ve dreamed of…
We shall never walk the aisle and wed as lovers in the eyes of God…on this earth...
We shall never hold each other…hold hand in hand…on this earth…
All our dreams, have been unjustly shot down.
This evil has tainted our spirits, and that…may never heal.
But our love will prevail, as you are waiting for me at the pearl white gates.
Waiting to walk hand in hand as lovers,
I shall be there soon…
Why must all that is good, be damaged by evil.
The one love in my life…is gone from this earth.
But alive in my spirit, I can feel her…
Watching over me…protecting me.

Oh how I want to feel your soft touch…
Gaze into your eyes of grace…
Be together…inside you…

My life was in turmoil…
Then came my love…
My sweet Stacy…
My world…
You gave me life,
When all I knew was death…
You exorcised the demons from my mind.
My Angel…

Step by step…we walk,
Our hands together…
Thoughts and feelings of love
Love that can never die…
No one of this world can ever understand me…
My thoughts…
My mind…
But you are not of this world…
You are my world…and everything in it.
Oh please come back to me!

Please let this all be a nightmare spawn from hell,
Please let this not be true…
Oh punish me instead…for I have done wrongs.
She is a being of pure bliss.
Take my soul instead…
Take my soul to the darkest depths of Hades,
In exchange for her…to have her life back.

My sweet Stacy…
I would give anything for you.
My heart and soul belong to you…
No one else…
No mortal,
No demon,
No martyr,
No satyr,
No devil,
No angel,
No supreme being,
No God…
My heart and soul…belong to you.

May the ones who have committed this act be damned,
May those be judged…
May justice be sought…
But these are not of my control.
This is in your control,
And I know you will forgive.
But never forget.
You have the heart of a saint.

The cancer in my soul…eats me alive.
The sickness of my body…has brought misery to those I love.
It has brought misery to me…
Each day I try to heal, with you by my side.
Oh Stacy…
The reason I have continued and have not given up hope…
Oh how can you be taken from me…
But, our love…can never be taken.

Where to go from here…
What shall I do next?
Sickening thoughts fill my mind…
For you shall want me to live on…
And I… do not want you waiting at those gates for long…
So dazed and confused…I must…try to live on.
Live on for me…
Live on for you…
For your life has been taken from us…
You can share mine.

Together as one being on this earth…imagine what we’ll accomplish.
Imagine the heights we shall reach.
For I know you will cure me…
I know you are with me…
Your ashes have been thrown into the wind to find me…
And you have…

Oh how I wish we could have accomplished your dream…
Just as you said…
In a house of bliss, pregnant with my child…
Oh Stacy…so much has been taken from us…
My soul in such turmoil…
That I know shall never heal,
Until I walk through those gates with you…
In time…

What have I become…
An instrument of grief?
A patient for torment and sorrow?
What more can be taken from me…
Oh, my darkest fear…has come to past
Why am I still here?
What purpose must I serve?
These questions may never be answered…
I am not sure of much these days.
All I know…is that

I will love you through the darkest of times,
I will love you through the end of days.
I shall travel to the very ends of this universe, to find you.
If you must ask for me to put my love into a mortal perspective…
All that you have to do…
Is count every star in the sky,
Every grain of sand,
Every smile on this earth,
Every child that has…and will be born.
Every piece of light.
Every tree on this earth,
And all of this…would not even account for a fraction of my love for you.

I have been afraid,
Everyday we have been together…
Of losing you.
And everyday you assure me I never shall…
I know I have not lost you…
My grief is unbearable.
My grief is unfathomable.
My love for you…
Shall never die.

My hand reaches out for you…
To hold you…
To kiss you…
To love you.
For my future on this mortal plane,
I know not…
I fear of the future…
I know you will be by my side.
I want to walk hand in hand with you….
My lover.

Please help me understand,
For I am at a loss without you…
I do not know what is right,
All I can feel is your undying love…
I am blessed to be yours…
For there is no being as beautiful and loving as you in any plane.
I shall try to continue…
Forgive me if I fail…
Forgive me if I fall…
I am trying…
Trying to understand.
To understand why I am here.
To understand my purpose.
For we all have one.

As you slipped into a coma…you whispered my name…
I heard you…
Now I whisper yours…
Can you hear me?