Community > Posts By > mischievouskttn

mischievouskttn's photo
Sun 01/04/09 05:25 PM

Just play that for him....laugh

or this....


mischievouskttn's photo
Thu 01/01/09 07:13 PM
Edited by mischievouskttn on Thu 01/01/09 07:14 PM

Oh Lex, you are noticed! You are hard not to notice!

They're doing it very surreptitiously, then. Because no one ever actually SAYS anything. I think it's some sort of conspiracy.

Well, obviously I wasn't supposed to tell ya, but..

It's definetly a conspiracy. I'm not gonna say who's behind it, but it isn't the ladies' fault, Lex! Our hands are *ahem* TIDE.


mischievouskttn's photo
Thu 01/01/09 05:21 PM
Edited by mischievouskttn on Thu 01/01/09 05:23 PM
There are certain types of crazy that are okay by me..

The guy I'm in love with now, he's crazy.. and I can spend hours and hours trying to decipher the way his crazy mind works.

He eats ketchup on steak for pete's sake.

..and I wouldn't have him any other way.

On the other hand, I get a lot of emails from men begging me to spank them...not sure what THAT is all about, but I could live without that sortof attention. :tongue:

**for clarification, above mentioned spanking emails are unsolicited, I thought I should probably mention that! lol

mischievouskttn's photo
Thu 01/01/09 03:38 PM
Yes, I have felt hatred. For me it comes in momentary rages..I never hold on to it because it's a power trip. I wouldn't want the thing/person/situation that I'm "hating" to have that much control over me. We all have times when someone/something/somehow makes us angry enough to lose control..but in the end, only we ourselves can determine what to do with that emotion. I've never decided to sit there and stew in it for very long..

mischievouskttn's photo
Thu 01/01/09 03:19 PM
Not really... I've been attracted to many different features/qualities..

well, actually..come to think of it..they've all had a great sense of humor, that seems to be my weakness.

short, tall, handsome or ugly...if he can make me laugh I'm done for..

that and I adore a really large penis. *shrugs*

mischievouskttn's photo
Sat 12/20/08 07:19 AM

i guess i just don't understand all the profiles with pics of other people as their main photo. isn't this site about being yourself? why hide behind something else?

what? you don't like my picture?
MiniME, throw this man to the frikkin sharks
with frikkin laserbeams attached to their frikkin heads

rofl rofl rofl

mischievouskttn's photo
Fri 12/12/08 06:54 PM

Heeeeey...I know you!



Hello, you! ;]

*feels your bum*


shame on you! I'm a taken woman!

...ahhh, hell..nevermind. I think you could take 'em..

(just kidding, Phil!! lol)

mischievouskttn's photo
Fri 12/12/08 06:52 PM
they can't possibly give you credit for ALL of them..

mischievouskttn's photo
Fri 12/12/08 06:42 PM
Inquiring minds want to know...

..didja get to poop yet?

mischievouskttn's photo
Fri 12/12/08 06:37 PM
Heeeeey...I know you!



mischievouskttn's photo
Mon 12/08/08 04:44 PM

I personally am stocking up on festive porn and making my own "white" Christmas!

Snow white and the 7 horny dwarves?

Unlike like Christmas they get to come more than once a year! buncha pervs gave me a much needed smile tonight. :tongue:

mischievouskttn's photo
Sun 12/07/08 06:48 PM

mischievouskttn's photo
Sun 12/07/08 03:21 PM
Congrats :thumbsup:

mischievouskttn's photo
Sun 12/07/08 09:07 AM
Healthy relationships should start out as friendships anyway...

mischievouskttn's photo
Sun 12/07/08 08:57 AM
..being real was getting me nowhere, I wonder what would happen if I went fake for a while? spock

mischievouskttn's photo
Sun 12/07/08 08:53 AM

I want to go the way my dad wants to go.....being 80 years old and getting shot in the back of the head by a jealous boyfriend while tapping a 20 year old.

Either that or biting into Kim Kardashian's @ss and have her drag me to death.

rofl rofl rofl rofl

mischievouskttn's photo
Sun 12/07/08 08:41 AM
Edited by mischievouskttn on Sun 12/07/08 08:42 AM
<~~~~~ (kinda) newbie. I'm only cute when I wanna be.. tongue2


mischievouskttn's photo
Fri 12/05/08 03:15 PM

I do crazier things every single day just living my life. I'm sure if I combined the statistics of my every action in one day and the probability of death resulting from each of those's probably a pretty frightening number. Yanno, each time I get behind the wheel of my car, each cigarette I light, etc. you get the idea..

mischievouskttn's photo
Thu 12/04/08 04:43 PM

How many friends do you think you will have from here in your life in 5 years?

This is a sociological issue of some interest to me for some reason.

One. I've met some really great people in my time online (3 years), but there is only one that I carry with me everyday, in my thoughts and my heart..

mischievouskttn's photo
Sun 11/23/08 04:18 PM
I just mass perved everyone in this thread..

..was it as good for you as it was for me?


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